Chapter 7

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He kept driving, he was thinking of his brother's fiancee. He didn't know why but he had a strange feeling about her. Just then he stopped the car and sighed.

His left hand landed on the wheel back while his other hand dialled a number.

"Hello, boss," the voice boomed.

"Maya Lee, give the owner his phone!" Zagan voiced.

"Sorry, boss. He just left the clan not long ago, he forgot his phone."

"Okay. Whenever he arrives, just tell him to spy on Ryker's fiancee, I am suspecting she is an agent.

"Ryker's fiancee?" He could hear her slight gasp. "When ? Who is she?"

He cut off the call without replying and zoomed off.


Maya Lee dropped the phone on the table as Tristan entered with some arranged files.

He looked up at her and the table beside her. "What were you doing with my phone?" Tristan asked.

Maya Lee stood up from the chair she was sitting and faced him, "What do you think I am doing with it?"

"Don't tell me you were tapping my phone?" he said with a gritted teeth and grabbed his phone from the desk. He unlocked his phone.

She stared at his eyeballs and cut the gaze, "Don't be ridiculous. Why would I? Do you think I am monitoring you ? Don't be so stupid." she licked her lips. "The boss said you should look after Mr Ryker's fiancee, he thinks she is a spy." she said.


"Yes, exactly. I actually don't know how. How could he?  I would ensure to check her every moment." Her hands touched the chair she was sitting before, then she walked to it and sat on it. Her gaze faced the screen. Tristan sat down beside her too and kept on looking at her with a smirk on his face.

When she noticed this, she furrowed her eyebrows, "Why are you staring?"

"I sense someone is getting jealous." He teased her, his gaze not removing an inch from her face.

"Me?" She blurted. "How and why? I just think I should help with stalking her because you night fall in love with her and you might not want to expose her if she is one, that is if she isn't ugly of course!" She chuckled with a little irritation in her.

"Wait, you also want to help me stalk her? Are you jealous that the boss gave me the job or are you jealous that your crush has another fiancee..."

Before he could complete, she stood up with a gun in her hand pointing it on his forehead, "Tristan, if you say anything again, I might just blow your head off. My eyes are on you and that foolish girl," she said with annoyance showing clearly in her voice.

He held the gun with her hand and forcibly point the gun back to her forehead, "Any misstep from you might just make me pull the trigger, Maya. My own eyes are on you too." He let her hands go and handed to her the file on the table, "Files from the Rollers' company."

He walked outside without any words again. Maya Lee looked as he walked outside. She kicked the two chairs beside her, "Bastard! That brat! How dare he!" She sighed heavily and removed her glasses, "My eyes are on both of you, especially you, the supposed fiancee." She gritted her teeth and walked out not bothering to check the files.


The twins father decided to take the children to an amusement park. To welcome Ezekiel and to also let them enjoy their long holiday.

Ezekiel kept on staring at everyone from the very first moment he walked into the park. They were many people including children of their age. He could see children with funny drawings on their faces and with artfully designed cones on their heads. He walked gently with May on his right and April on his left with their father on their back.

He had never experienced this moment in his life. Where there were many people smiling, some climbing horses, some swimming, some in the Mary go round and much more. He cocked his brow and whispered to April, "I don't know what to feel."

She looked back at him and laughed, "Zeke, it's nothing much. Just be by my side and I will make sure you don't get scared."

May looked at her father at their back, "Dad, could you please get us cups of ice cream? Strawberry flavoured?"

April nodded negatively, "I want Chocolate flavoured, Zeke what do you want?" She looked at Zeke in expectancy.


"See?" April said as she looked up at her dad and May. "Majority carries the vote."

"Dad, I want strawberry!"

Their dad winced in pain as she kept dragging his trousers, " Okay, darling. I will get each of you your favourites."

"Hurray!" The two of them overjoyed while Ezekiel just smiled.

How he wished he had a father and a caring mother. His mom didn't have enough time for him again. She had never visited him since yesterday.

"Ok, cupcakes. Stay here. I will be back very soon."

May looked at him sadly, "No dad! The rest are having fun. We can't wait any longer." She pointed at the swimming pool some metres before them, "We will go swimming!"

"Okay cupcakes, don't leave there then." He winked at the two girls and bent a little so he could whisper to Ezekiel, "You are the man now, make sure they don't go too far, look after them, okay?"

"Yes sir!" Ezekiel saluted and they all laughed.

Their father walked away and they both kept walking till they got to the swimming pool.

Immediately, May set her eyes on a boy she gasped and stared at her sister, "April, oh my! Isn't that Eros?" She pointed at a boy laughing with his friends. They looked like they were in the age range of nine to eleven.

They were putting off their clothes as they already wore their swimsuits underneath. May walked few metres but Ezekiel stopped her, "May, we were supposed to swim right? Don't go there."

May faced him, "Why? You are not my father and I just wanted to say hello. Play with April."

May walked away from them and walked to a sheltered place where the boys were.

"Hello!" She said waving at Eros and his friends.

"What are you doing here?" Eros harsh voice thundered.

"Uhm... sorry, I wanted to say Hello, I saw you yesterday, do you stay in my street?"

"Huh? Get the f*uck away from here kiddo!" Eros snarled and the rest just chuckled.

"Can we be friends?" May asked again without feeling embarrassed.

"Why do I need to be friend with a brat?" he asked. Which brought another rounds of laughter from the others.

But someone interrupted them, "Eros, you don't have to embarrass her, she is just trying to be friends."

Eros looked up at the brunette with an annoyed face coupled with a poker face, "Diego, do you like her?"

Everyone started to laugh. Before they saw someone with a blue sparkling eyes walked amidst them and gave Eros a growl, "Joke with my sister again and you will know who the real clown is." Ezekiel frowned.

April walked to him and whispered to Ezekiel, "Let's get going before dad finds out we aren't there."

"Let me deal with them first." He replied.

"So you think you can fight me, you idiot?"

"I would beat your ass to poop, you heard that before?" Ezekiel questioned back and this made Eros annoyed, he walked to him and pushed him away. Ezekiel almost fell, he stood right and pushed Eros back.

Everyone started to cheer.

"You idiot!" Eros cursed as he blew him in his chin.

Diego tried to stop him but Eros pushed him away.

April came between Eros and Ezekiel, "You both should punch me instead of fighting with each other then."

Just by saying that, Eros calmed down a little, "Are you both twins?" He touched her chin but April was fast enough to slap off his hands.

"Eros or whatever you are called, if you touch my brother again, I will break your teeth off!" She snapped and drew Ezekiel away but when May didn't follow them she paused and walked to May, "Will you follow us or keep staring at the brat?"

May looked at Eros with a little pain before she followed them.

Diego looked angrily at Eros, "Why are you like this? You just pissed those three kids."

"I like that girl who talked last, I think they are twins right? They look alike but the other girl has a round face which looks prettier."

"You like the other? I bet she will never like you back for beating her brother."

Max who has been staring at them since stood up with an orange drink on his hand and the other holding on to the straw, "Well, the first girl thinks you guys live in the same street, you can as well as meet the other girl since they are twins." Max suggested with a smirk on his cheek.

"You are right!" Eros nodded.

"You both are thinking of girls at your age?" Diego asked unbelievable.

Max looked at Diego, "Are you telling me you don't like the first girl?" he asked sarcastically.

"Drop it!" Diego cautioned and walked away from them. They all laughed at the scene.



hantria knocked at the door and Yetunde opened it, "Chantria!" She called and they both hugged themselves.

"Where is Ezekiel?" she asked without think twice.

"My husband took the children out, they should be back in two hours."

"Wow, thanks friend for helping me with Ezekiel. I don't know how to thank you."

"It's not a big deal, Chantria."

"I will wait for them. I brought many things for the kids, especially for Ezekiel" She smiled as she pointed at the loads of stuff on the floor beside her. "He must have been annoyed with me."

"Trust me, Chantria. He was just a little bothered." Yetunde smiled. "So how has your undercover been going?"

"Fine, but I fell into a big mess!"


"I think I know where the culprit lives but I am still not sure of the exact killer but one of the men made me sign an engagement contract..."

"What?" Yetunde widened her eyes.

"Listen... He said he needed me to act like his fiance for some stuff. He took me out and all, and we even slept in the same bed."

Yetunde smiled, "You did it?"

"Did what?" Chantria asked innocently.

"Sex of course! Do you like him?"

"I can't like a murderer," she said with a slight blush.

Yetunde sat beside her. "But you are blushing!"


"Okay, okay!"

"But the real guy I suspected as the killer is a very silent man. I'm not sure, he could be the one. He even pushed me away."

"Why?" Yetunde asked annoyed.

"Just because, I wanted to know him more, you know as my fiance's brother."

"Oh my! That isn't acting dumb! You already blew your cover! You shouldn't have been so curious to know him!"

"I think you are right, what do I do?"

"We just need to have a back up plan and make your fiance fall in love with you." She suggested.

"He isn't my fiance!" She warned.

"Okay, just make sure he falls in love with you, at least he would support you blindly in all what you do."

Chantria sighed. "You see right! But how do I do this? I honestly don't know how to make him fall in love with me, it's my first time! I kind of hate men, you know!"

Yetunde frowned, "You really don't know? Have sex with him! He would be connected to you more and don't be surprised when he becomes overprotective."

"What! That isn't possible!" Chantria nodded in terror.

"Then get ready for your mission to fall apart just at the beginning."

"There shouldld be another way, Yetunde. I'm still fighting with the trauma of that incident, I can't even bear myself to have sex with any

"Okay. You can take care of him and seduce him. Make him see those sexy body of yours but don't make him touch it. You are sleeping in the same room, Chantria. It's possible. Make him fall really hard, you will see him doing anything for you. You are a woman! Women are cunning as fox. Use your manipulative skills."

"Okay, I will try to seduce him."

"That's my girl but try to behave dumb . Really really dumb so as to raise-down the suspicion his brother has on you."

"Thanks, Yetunde. How can I do without you?" She pecked her cheeks and hugged her.

Chantria's phone rang.

"Hello, Ryna."


"Where are you now? "

"I...I just went to the hospital to treat my injury."

"We have a clinic, Ryna. Please be home. I will be waiting."

"Okay, I will. Bye...  Take care, darling." She forced herself to say the word.

She then hanged up the phone.

"Is he the one?" Yetunde asked surprisingly.

"Yes, if I don't go home now he might suspect. And you know, it is about two hours distance, he might start to think that I'm lieing. Let me just go. I will come tomorrow, tell Ezekiel I came. Help me tell him not to worry, that momma is fighting the bad guys ."

"Okay, dear. Bye." Yetunde smiled and they both stood up.

If you loved it why not comment and vote?

What do you think of Tristan and Maya Lee? Are they good match because both of them seem to be two annoying bitches😂😂

What about the connection between Ezekiel and April? Isn't that loving? May and Eros? Those little kids.

Will Chantria's seduction plan work?

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