Date with Colter

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Colter opens the car door for me and holds his out for me to take as I step out of the car. I place my hand in his step out of the car. "I know you've always wanted to eat here. So, I thought that I should get us a table here."

A smile spreads across my face. "Thank you. I'm surprised they didn't tell you that there was no tables available."

He closes the car door and then places his hand on the small of my back. "It's always busy. It also helps that I have a table reserved here."

I stop walking and turn towards him. "You have a table reserved here?"

He nods. "After you left I..." he pauses for a moment before running his hand through his hair. "I had to find a place that would help me move on from the loss of Peta and you. This place became a sanctuary for me. I never brought a woman here because I was told this was a place that you would like eat at when you came back."

"Did you date while I was gone?"

He sighs. "I didn't really date anyone, but I did use a girl. When I didn't commit to her she knew that I wasn't going to and left me. What about you? Did you date anyone while you were in Sydney?"

"No, I didn't see anyone while I was there. Before I left Sydney I did make out with my very hot Aussie Neighbour, but nothing was going to happen between us. I just hope he doesn't expect me to come back."

A smile spreads across his face. "I'm glad you didn't find anyone. I would hate to beat the shit out of a guy just to get my Ex back." He leads the way to the restaurant. When we get to the door he opens it for me. "Ladies, first."

"Thanks, Colter." I walk into the restaurant and see candles on each table. The lights are dimmed and couples are sitting close to each other.

A waitress with black hair and black eyeliner walks over to us. She smiles at Colter. "Good evening, Mr. Kingsman. It's been a while since you've dined here."

"I know, Lia. I was hoping to a friendly face when I came back." He looks at me. "I want to introduce you to my girl, Lexi."

Lia holds her hand out to me. "It's nice to meet you, Lexi." She leans closer to me and whispers. "You seem a lot nicer than the girl he's been photographed with over the years."

I laugh. "I'm a lot nicer, but we have to keep that quiet."

She smiles then turns her attention to Colter. "I will show you both to the table."

"Lia," A male yells.

She looks at Colter. "I'm sorry. I better sort this out. You know where your table is right, Mr. Kingsman?"

"I do, but when you're ready can you bring us a bottle of the usual wine I drink?"

"Yes, Sir." She runs over to the guy that was yelling her name.

Colter holds my hand as he leads the way to our table. He pulls the chair out for me and I sit. "I've always liked sitting in the corner. It gives me the view of the entire restaurant and it makes it harder for people to see me. Right now I would like people to see me."

Looking out the window I see a group of paparazzi and they start taking pictures of us. Pointing at the window I say. "People are going to see you, Colter."

He turns around and a smile spreads across his face. "Should we go outside and meet them? I want them to meet the woman that will be on my arms for the rest of life."

"Colter, I'm not ready for that. I know we used to be married, but I can't just jump into a role like that again. This is something that we need to talk about together."

He looks at the table. "We'll talk about it, Lexi. I want you to know that I will do everything I can to make you trust me again and maybe fall in love with me again."

I touch his face and feel some stubble on his face. "I never stopped loving you, Colter. I hated you for a long time for hurting me, but I realised at the same time that I will always love you. You are my end game, Colter."

"Good, now let's get out there and meet TMZ." He grabs my hand and pulls me out of my seat.

As we walk to the door Lia looks at us. "Are you leaving already?"

I shake my head. "No, Colter wants to talk to TMZ. We'll be back shortly. Apparently, he wants to show me off to the world."

"Good luck, Lexi. Don't let those dogs put you down."

"I know how to handle them, sweetheart." I open the door and walk out.

The paparazzi run over to Colter and start taking pictures of us. "Who's the girl?" A male asks.

"This is Alexis Martin."

The guy that asked my name frowns. "I've heard that name before, but it can't be the same one that left you five years ago."

"Actually, I am the one that left him five years ago. We were going through a hard time and couldn't be together. If you lost a child it could go two ways. It could bring you closer or pull you apart." Looking at Colter I say. "In our case it tore us a part. After being away for some time and healing I was able to return to Los Angeles."

"Alexis started working for me and I had to get used to seeing her around. When I got over seeing her at the office I couldn't hide my feelings for her anymore. I love her and there's nothing I can do about it."

A woman from TMZ steps forward. "I'm Jenny from TMZ. I want to tell you that you're a beautiful woman and I hope someday that I will be as lucky as you."

I take a step toward her and whisper. "You will be, Jenny and when you do find it. It will be your story to tell the world."

She smiles. "Thanks, you're the first woman to say something like that to me. Normally, I'm ignored by people. You taking time to say something like that has made my day."

I pull a card out of my pocket and hand it to her. "If you need anything. Give me a call."


"Yes, you remind me of myself when I was your age. Call me whenever you like. If I don't answer I will call you back that day."

"Thanks," she puts the card in her pocket and talks with her cameraman who keeps his eyes on her.

She has an admirer and she doesn't even realise it.

The cameraman's attention turns to me and he smiles sheepishly at me.

After a few more pictures are taken Colter and I walk back to the restaurant. When we get back to our table a bottle of wine is sitting in a bucket and two glasses have been poured for us.

Colter pulls the seat out for me and I sit across from. He sits in his and lifts his glass. I lift mine as well and he makes a toast. "To us. Finally getting our act together and having a meal where no one is told to get out."

I laugh.

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