New Year's Eve

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Its New Year's Eve tonight, and I have a date with my Ex Husband Colter. He's picking me up at seven and then we're going to a restaurant for dinner.

I walk into my room and go through the cupboard looking for a perfect dress. I throw things out and they land on the floor.

What am I going to wear? I want to look hot for him. I want all his attention on me and not on other woman.

Mom walks into the room and she looks at the things on the floor. She shakes her head. "Do you like anything you own?"

I shake my head.

She smiles. "Good, get your bag. I'm taking you shopping and while we're out, you can get make-up and hair done. When you get home all you have to worry about is putting the dress on."

I hug her. "Thanks, mom. You're a lifesaver."

She takes my hand and we exit the house.

I climb into the front seat of her car and she peels out of the driveway and heads straight to the mall.

After ten minutes, she pulls into the mall. She finds a parking spot close to the doors and we step out of the car. I pick up my hand bag and I follow her in. We stop at a few dress shops and I don't see anything that I like.

At the last shop, Mom points to a dress.

I shake my head at the dress Mom chose. I look through a rack and I see a white dress with studs on it. I hold it up for her to see. "This is the one. I'm going to try it on." I walk over to the change rooms and I try it on.

It fits me perfectly. Colter is going to love this dress.

I spin around in the change room and I mumble. "Perfect." I open the curtain and step out of the room. "How do I look, Mom?"

Mom gasps. "You look stunning." Tears begin to well in her eyes. "He's going to remember the day you got married with you wearing white. You looked stunning that day too."

Tears fall down my cheeks and I run over to her. "It means a lot you saying that."

She smiles. "I love you, Lexi. I'll always tell you the truth even if it's something you don't want to hear."

I look out the doors and I see Colter enter the store. What's he doing here? I look at Mom. "Can you get me to the change rooms without him seeing me?"

Mom looks around the store and her eyes widen when they land on Colter. She pulls me towards the change room. She opens the curtain. "I'll get you when it's safe to leave."

I hear Mom say. "Hi, Colter. What are you doing here?"

"I'm getting a new tux for my date tonight. I hope that Lexi will like the new suit I brought for this date."

"She'll love it. I'll let you get changed."

I hear a curtain open.

The room next to mine I see a pair of pants on the floor. I pick up the dress and exit the room. I run to the cash register.

Mom follows quickly behind me. She puts money on the table.

I hope this lady hurries with putting my dress away. I don't want Colter to see it.

The woman bags the dress as Colter makes his way over to the register. He looks at me and his face drops. "Damn," he says.

I laugh. "So, that's the suit you're going to wear for me tonight?"

He nods.

I go up on my tippy toes and whisper seductively in his ear. "You're going to look great in it." I nip his ear and pull away. "See you tonight." I wave at him and follow Mom out the door.

Mom turns towards me. "What did you say to him?"

I laugh. "I told him he was going to look great in the suit. He's always looks great in a suit Mom. My favourite suit has been the one he wore to our wedding." I look at her. "I have a feeling next year is going to be great. I feel like I deserve some happiness after everything I've been through."

Mom hugs me. "I agree. Lexi, I'm not going to scold you, but if you're not ready for intimacy with him again let him know."

I shake my head. "Mom, I can't believe you would say that. I'm not even thinking about that. So, thanks for planting the image in my head. He knew what he was doing in bed."

Mom covers her ears and she says. "Lalalala."

I uncover her ears. "Who's being childish now?"

She points at me. "I don't to hear about my daughter's sex stories." She shivers.

We enter the salon and they do my hair and make-up.

At seven, the doorbells rings.

Right on time. Colter isn't the type to be late.

I hear Mom open the door. "Come in, Colter. She'll be down in a moment." The door closes and they start talking.

I look in the mirror once more.

The salon put my hair up into a bun and left the fringe out so it curled around my face and the make-up artist gave me a natural look.

I pick up my hand bag and make my way to the stairs. I touch the banister and look down at Colter.

He steps forward and he has a huge grin on his face. He waits for me at the bottom. He extends his arm to me as I step onto the stair. "You look beautiful, Lex." He kisses my cheek and I blush.

I fix his tie and say. "You look great. I've always liked you in a suit." I wink.

Mom pulls out her phone and she looks at us. "Smile for the picture."

Colter and I look at each other and we see a flash.

Mom yells. "Now, look at me."

Colter and I look at Mom and she takes the photo.

Mom looks at Colter. "I'm going to send these to your parents."

Colter shakes his head. "I don't want her to see those photos. She's going to post it all over face book for all her friends to see. They are going to say what a beautiful couple we are and then a few people will say negative things about Lexi. I don't want that to happen to her."

Mom sighs. "I'll post it on mine and you two can use it as a profile picture if you'd like."

Colter takes my hand. "Our reservation is at 7:30 pm, so, we should leave before we lose our spot at the busiest restaurant in town."

We exit the house and I climb into the car. He climbs into the driver's seat and he pulls out of the driveway.

He turns the radio on and an Ed Sheeran song come on. I start singing along to the words. Colter shakes his heads. "I'm surprised the windows haven't smashed yet, baby."

I roll my eyes and continue to sing anyway. I see restaurant come into view and it reads Antwon's.

I can't believe he got us a table at one of the busiest restaurants in Los Angeles. Every time I wanted a table they told me they were full.

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