dont print with out asking first!

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* I hoped those who read enjoyed the previous chapter, I had fun writing that, and I have actually my self called people "missy moo", or yes, even, "mister moo" it's something I picked up from my mom, it's what she calls our cats. This book I wanted to kind of be like the book "rules" by Synthia Lord, the book reminded me of my own situation, but I'm not stealing that book, this book really is truly what my life is like, though my parents aren't doctors. My brother does have autism and it really does suck. Hope you like this new chapter, I might do a new POV for mister moo!😁😜 enjoy*


I slam the front door closed, my cheeks still pink from my encounter with the boy next door. Just thinking about him makes me groan with embarrassment and blush harder than I already am. I can't believe I did that! I fan my fingers over my face to hide the cherry red that was spread across my face. Though the blush quickly faded when, I heard Jake still crying. It broke my heart to hear him in pain, so I locked the door and ran over to where Jake sat on our gray couch.

     Pearly tears welled up in his gentle sad chocolate eyes. His dark long lashes were wet from crying, his cheeks looked red and wet. When he saw me approaching more tears welled up, and I knew what I had to do.

     Many kids with autism do something that we call 'video talk' it's where they take lines from tv shows, movies, you name it, and use it as their own way of communicating. In certain situations, you can use video talk to help calm them. And using that method was the only way, that I could get Jake out of this state of being.

     "Tooth brush in your mouth!" I said pretending to be paddington. Slowly, his crying turned to a small smile.

    "uncle" he said, and I finished his sentence by saying,

     "Pestuzo!" He clapped his hands and grinned.

    I ruffled his hair and grinned, "go print a picture Kay?"

                 Jake laughed and ran to the computer to print out a picture of a fast pass or space mountain. I let out a sigh, Allison gave me a tired smile.

       "Sorry that I couldn't help, I think your one of the only people who can calm him down" she said.

       I didn't respond and layed down on the couch and draped my elbow over my eyes, I didn't really feel like talking. All I wanted to do was go up to my room and draw, maybe read. For once I didn't want to go to the barn. I heaved I big sigh and got up and walked up the huge spiral stair case up to my large room.

             My room consisted of various shades of blue, the lightest blue was a beautiful light turquoise, on the walls were various drawings I had done over the years that I qualified were worthy of my wall.
      On the opposite side of my bed was a large white dresser, it was hard to open the drawers and they broke frequently, but I have had that dresser since before I can remember. I just can't bring myself to get rid of it.

     On the dresser lays an old radio that doesn't work because the volume button stopped working, and it stopped working when it had no volume on. Yet I kept it, sentimental value again. Items like that remind me of the times my parents weren't too busy to stay home for my birthday.

         At the back of my bed is a massive blue and white desk that you can barely make out because of all the drawings and books covering it.
         On the wall with the windows, the Windows stretch all the way down, they make up one of my walls with a nice balcony out back.
          One side of my room has huge mirrors open to a massive closet consisting mostly of riding clothes a few dresses and jackets.

     I approach my over flowing desk and carefully take all the books and papers off my desk and set down a couple sheets of blank printer paper. I grab some of my favorite pencils and a sharpener. I need to get my mind off of things.....

A couple hours later....

I groan, so much for getting my mind off things. What have I done? I drew the very thing I wanted to forget.... My neighbor.
        He was tall, almost 6'2, he had dark brown hair that gently swept over his left eye. His eyes were a shocking ice blue, he was pale but not as pale as my Snow White skin. He was fit and the perfect fit between muscular and skinny. I'm so embarrassed! He saw me in a state that I never let anyone see me in!

        I think about throwing the paper away, but it is so well done and it took me so long that I decide that it gets the honor of going up on my wall. I take a tack and pin it up above my bed.

    Satisfied, I decide it's time to go to the barn. I open my large mirrored closet and pick out my pikure Jean breaches, with a light long sleeved top to go with it. I throw on my clothes and take a makeup wipe out, I wipe off all my makeup. I know that it will come off anyways, and I actually don't like makeup, I just wear it because I feel a little insecure at school with out it. But at the barn, it's all about talent and not the way you look.
          I throw on my favorite black tall socks and head down stairs while throwing my hair into a messy ponytail.

     "Allison! I'm going out to the barn, call me if you need anything!" I call to her.

   I grab my keys and start out the door not even waiting for her response. I smile as I see my black camero, I love that car, my parents got it for my 16th birthday.

       I drive into the small parking lot of the beautiful equestrian center. It's hot today, so I think I'll ride all the horses in the covered.
       I first go to my own horse and tack him up. I spent 9 months trying to find him. His name is Dash. He is half Andalusian and half Friesian, I do dressage with him, I bought him 2 years ago when I was looking for a horse. When I first got him, he barely had any training. He was a 4 year old barely under saddle, but because of his good personality and quick learning ability, we soared up to 3rd level.
           He was also a stallion when I bought him, my mom wanted to get me to Geld him, but I decided he was manageable enough to keep as a stallion.
       He is quite a good little guy, moves like a dream, and will probably be successful at Grand Prix.

    After throwing on my trilogy saddle I put on the double bridle and hop on. We school transitions and turn on the haunches before I decide it's time to move on to the next horse.

       I actually have a job at the barn, I walk other people's horses and school them. I will do other things as well though, including feeding, blanketing, wrapping, and clipping.

     I get paid about 900 every 2 weeks on an average bases because of how many I do.
     I walk over to the side where my two favorite horses in the world are (besides my own) and decide I feel like dancing with fate today. I pull out the half blind through bred named Jackson and decide I'll go bare back.
        Most trainers won't even step near him. He used to be a grand prix jumper, but due to a trailer accident, the people who owned this quarter million dollar horse, just left him here to die.
         The owner of Jack rescued him when she found him a few days from death. Now he is an old man, with plenty of go juice.
      The biggest thing about Jack is that he needs a very specific type of rider. The only other people who have been able to ride him successfully besides me, are grand prix riders who have ridden with Olympians, and of course the owner herself.
    I was the first who could ride him without ending up in the dirt. He is part of the reason so many people respect and trust me, because I can handle this hot crazy horse. I hop on bareback and head over to the covered.

       I giggle as Jack leaps like a locust, all four feet off the ground back arched. I love it when he does this. I know, I'm crazy for ridding this crazy thing bareback, but most of the time, none of the horses I ride test my riding ability. I stay steady on his back, butt never leaving the same place. I can tell he feels young today, when really he is 25 and is a very old horse. But I don't think he will ever be calm, after all he is Jack.

      I finish up my ride with Jack, brush him off and get out Camino, whiskey, and Emmy. After a long day of riding and schooling, I think I have ended my Saturday in a good way and head to my black Camero to head home.

   It's dark by the time I get home and I relive Allison of her duties. I lay down on the couch about to start a new episode of supernatural when I hear th printer running. Huh, that's funny... think to myself, I get up off the couch and go to th printer to see it saying "completed 100/400"

    "ahhh!" I scream, that's not good!

      I quickly cancel and walk into Jake's room with my arms crossed.

    "Jake, did you print without asking?" I question my eyebrow raised, I know the answer already.
      He turns towards me with a sly smile on his face and says "maybe".

I try hard to contain my laughter, I once told Jake, if you know you did the wrong thing, and you want to get out of answering, say maybe. Now, he is using that rule I taught him against me.

    "you know the rule Jake, no printing without asking, so no more printing for the rest of the week!" I say.

       He looks at me with a frown on his face and gives me the puppy dog eye I have the hardest time resisting, but I won't give in this time.

              "Sorry Jake, but you know the rules" I say. And he pouts but doesn't complain, because he knows better than to test me.

    I go back down on the couch to watch the episode "yellow fever" when the door bell rings. When will I ever catch a break?! I wonder. I walk up to the front door, expecting the delivery man to be bringing my new saddle to try out. When in front of the door, is none other than the boy from next door!!!!!

* hoped you guys all liked this new chapter, please vote and comment on what you want the guys name to be, as I have not decided yet. If I don't see anything, I'm just going to go with a name of one of the guys at my school. Hope to update soon, thanks!~*

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