If it's too loud, then cover your ears

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"I'm so sorry Amy!" Allison cried " it's just that-"

"Allison, it's okay, I understand, I just feel bad for Lisa" I said.

        Allison is one of jakes many therapists, she is young, 26, but she is generally very good with what she does. She tries hard, and that's what matters.

       Allison has light blonde hair that drapes around her shoulders, though it's very thin and light, unlike my unruly red hair. She has light blue eyes that have some dark green in them. Like most, she is taller than me, I'm only 5'5 she is 5'6.
         Allison tends to always be late or doing things at the last minute, but she is really sweet.
          As we drive to the Rainbow Connection, she turns on the radio and "Tiger, My Friend" by Passap comes through the speakers. I smile, because I love Passap, they did the opening song for Greys Anatomy.

        When we get to speech Jake and I run into the small waiting room, and Lisa pops out of the classroom and smiles. Lisa is Jakes speech therapist, she has been working with us since Jake was around 3.

"Sorry we are late, I hope we didn't cause too much trouble!" I say quickly.

Lisa gives out a little musical laugh and smiles, " It's alright Amy, life gets in the way sometimes!"

                Lisa flips her shoulder length blonde hair back over her shoulder and adjusts her reading glasses.

"well I will take Jake in now! See both of you in an hour!" She says with a smile and guides Jake into the small speech classroom.

           I sit down on the old couches that are covered with blue throws to keep the dirt off them and pull out my new favorite book, " Prince of Wolves" and continue to read. Allison takes a deep breath and exhales in exhaustion. I don't really feel like talking, but I can tell she has something on her mind. It couldn't have been more obvious, it was practically written all over her face. I sighed and placed a bookmark where I had been reading.

"What's wrong Allison, I know you have something you want to say, so what's up?" I question. Allison turns to me, her eyes could match those of an anime characters, they seem to be sparkling with gratitude.

" please don't tell your mom about what happened today, I'm always late and I hate getting in trouble, and I really like this job!" She cries.

"It's not really my place to tell mom what went on time and not, but unless she askes, I won't tell..." I say to her. I almost feel like a grownup talking to a little kid...

"Thankyou!!!!!!!!" Allison squealed like a 10 year old girl going to Disney land for the first time in years.

"Is that all you needed to tell me?" I asked hoping she didn't, because I really wanted to read my book.

"Nope! I'm all good! Thanks!" She said with excitement.

        I chuckled lightly and picked back up my book, opening it to the page that I had been on and let out a laugh. Prince of wolves was a very funny book, and Jen provided much entertainment for me.
     Werewolf books were one of my many guilty pleasures. I just couldn't get enough of the books! I put down my book for a second to plug in my earbuds to my phone and scrolled to YouTube and selected my "anime, night core, and English" playlist that contained over 90 songs. I put the mixed playlist on and pressed repeat, the first song that came up was "hangover" and it went with the scene I was reading so I let it play.

30 minutes later.....

"I INVENTED CHILL!!!" I heard Jake scream inside the classroom. And my head jerked up so fast I felt dizzy. Jake had been so loud, I could hear him even though my music was turned almost all the way up. I looked over at Allison who had fallen asleep and somehow didn't even wake up, I rolled my eyes at her.
          Lisa popped her head out the door trying to keep a serious face but was failing, I could see she was trying to contain her laughter. I was shocked, why is she laughing?
       She motioned me over to the door and I closed my book, forgetting to bookmark where I was and whispered,

"What happened? Is Jake okay? Why are you laughing?" I ask, my questions shooting to her at the speed of light.

" I told him to chill, and he told me,""I INVENTED CHILL!"" It was hilarious because it was perfectly tied to the situation" Lisa said as she wiped a tear that had come out because she had laughed so hard.

        As I thought about it, I started to laugh uncontrollably, sometimes Jake could be really funny without even knowing it!

      On the way back home we stopped by Dover Saddlery and looked at some new riding breeches and show shirts. Though in the end, I decided since I didn't have my wallet, it would probably be best to come by another time.

       I heard from my parents new neighbors are moving in next door. I've always wanted a good friend to hang out with that is never too far for me. I hope it's a girl my age, because I grew up with no other kids on the block, so nobody ever really played with me.

         I was nearly bouncing in my seat with excitement, they were supposed to be arriving today, I couldn't wait.
        What I wasn't prepared for, was the loud, booming music coming from the new neighbors when we got close to home. The music was so loud and so obnoxious, that even I wanted to cover my ears, and poor Jake in the back was screaming because it was so loud.

     One thing with Jake is, that he can hear things 100X louder than the average person, so this must have been killing him. He was almost crying because it was so loud.

"Allison, stop the car" I said in a very calm, but extremely angry tone, nobody makes my brother cry, he is my baby bro! New possible friend or not, I am going to fix this!
      Allison looked scared. Very rarely did I ever loose my temper, but when I did, I was someone to be reckoned with. Of course, nobody at school knew that, I worked very hard to make sure nobody ever did.
      Allison stopped the car and I jumped out, slamming the door behind me in a fit of anger. My anger growing with every step,I stormed up to the open door and shut off the music playing from the huge speakers. I was expecting some angry girls to come up and complain, when instead, I see the most handsome guy I have ever layed eyes on. I almost let my anger fall away, the key word is almost.

" what the hell did you do to my music!" He shouted angrily at me, snapping me out of my daze.

" excuse me mister moo, but your music was so loud it made my little brother cry!" He looked taken back, but I wasn't done yet. I walked up to him and got real close, 'God he smells good' I thought. But I had to shake those thoughts loose from my head, this guy thinks he owns the place. Oops, I could have just mentally slapped my face, he does own this place. I slowly backed up and sighed.

"Look, I'm sorry for the way that I acted, but your music was very obnoxious, seeing my little brother cry, I couldn't control myself." I say and look away embarrassed at my actions.

           I was about to walk away when I heard a deep chuckle, "Mr.Moo? Where did that come from?!!" He laughed so hard he had to bend over. My face turned a tomato red.

" I think this my que to leave, bye!" I say trying to make a quick escape from my embarrassment.

"Wait! Wait" he tells me and grabs my arm still laughing. I refuse to even look at him, I don't want this beautiful human being to see my cherry red face. I step on his toe and run out the door with out another word. Leaving Mr.Moo stranded looking at me with wild disbelief.

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