if you can't solve the hard problems, solve the easy ones and come back

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** the pic above is kinda how I imagine Alex grey looking like, or the closest I could get. Hope that it helps with description!****

       As I hopped in my black Camero I caught sight of Alex leaping out my bed room window and into his room. I dashed my car to the safest place on earth for me to be. The barn.

    I quickly parked my car and jumped out running up the stairs to safety and quickly into Dashes stall. Dash was probably the safest horse for me to be with because of his stallion nature, it could be harmful to those who he didn't know, and he was extremely protective of me.

     Dash moved over to me and messed up my hair with his muzzle. I quietly giggled and smiled, he always knew how to make me laugh.
     Then suddenly I heard a car engine roar into the parking lot and a pissed off Alex. I could hear his heavy foot falls up the stairs, and my heart beat hammered in my chest like a drum, not from fear, but excitement. It's like hide and go seek!

"Amy, where are you? I know you are here!" Alex called out.

       He walked in front of dashes stall and saw the owners name plate and smirked. But before he could check inside the stall, Dash charged up to him.
       Ears pinned, eyes gleaming, and nostrils flairing , dash protectively guarded the stall door. Alex backed up so quickly he fell over, to add to the affect, dash reared like the stallion he is. Alex's eyes were wide open with shock. I silently giggled at the situation and dash walked back over to me with a goofy expression on his face.

"She must be crazy to even get near that thing..." he said in disbelief.

     I quickly and quietly grabbed dashes bareback bridle and put it on him. Quickly running a hand across his back to sweep off what shavings there are, and hop on his broad back. We charge out of his stall, and in the rush, I managed to grab my helmet and gallop off into the green forest surrounding the stables leaving Alex in the dust.

     After about 30 minutes of galloping into the dark forest I figure that there was no way he could have found me, and that there was no way he could have kept up. I glance around at my surroundings and realize that.... I have no clue where I am!!
             I start to giggle at the stupid situation I have managed to get myself into and pat dash on the neck, this is going to be a long day...


"I can't believe she did that!"I thought to myself as I got up off the ground and brushed myself off. " "that woman is insane!" I mutter to myself as I walk up the hill to the little building that looks like a club house, if I can't get to her now, I might as well find out who I'm dealing with! I figure.

        I walk into the spacious room, it's quite a nice little place, not something you would expect at a barn.
     The white walls are starting to fade, but in a beautiful rustic kind of way. Old Purple Heart leather couches face each other to the right of the entry way, huge sliding glass windows stand a little ways back of the couches. In the back of the room is a kitchen with a microwave, an oven stove, and a huge fridge , to the left of that are more cubbords and a nice sink.
       Lining the walls are pictures of men on horses with a bunch of hounds chasing a fox, the same sene covers the small pillows on the couches.
             To my left is a door that on the front in metal ingraving reads " MANAGER" below the manager in neat cursive reads " Lindsey silver". I knock on the door politely, which isn't really my style, I generally barge in, kick in or sneak in.

"Come in" calls a polite voice on the other side of the door.

         I walk in to see a small office with big windows on two sides so that you can get a good view of the barn, next to the window is a large mahogany desk scattered with papers and magazines, behind the desk sits a petit woman with dirty blonde hair and blue green eyes with black trimmed glasses. She is pale, but it suits the way she looks. She smiles at me as I approach her.

"What can I do for you today sir?" She asks politely.

" I was wondering if you know someone named Amy, she has red hair..." I said, hoping that the manager would know who I was talking about..

" Oh! Amy!" She said, and her eyes lit up and her small smile turned into a grin.

   "Amy is my right hand man around the barn, or woman in her case. She is at this barn more hours a week than even I am! And I'm the manager!" She giggled.

      "Amy has also been here longer than I have, she has been working here for a bout 5 or 6 years now. If she didn't have school, I think she would sleep here with the grooms!" She said laughing.

" Wow, I didn't know.... And, what about that crazy black horse with the white face" I said trailing off into thought.

" I see you've met Dash" she said trying to contain her laughter.

      "you see, Amy is not any ordinary girl, she works with the most difficult, dangerous, hot, and crazy horses there are. It's a part of why so many people respect her, dash is actually her first horse. He has been a pain in her butt for a long time, but, through patience and experience, she finally managed to crack the code on him." She said trailing off.

" what else can you tell me about her?" I ask curiously

"Hmm, why do you want to know?" She asks suspiciously

" I'm her new neighbor, I sorta followed her to this barn, actually, I don't even know where I am..." I laughed scratching the back of my head at the akwardness of the situation.

"Are you really her neighbor?" She asked looking me up and down.

       I really wasn't the type of kid who looked like he belonged next to someone like Amy. I was wearing my black biker jeans, black combat boots, my favorite black leather jacket that I always have with me, as well as a black shirt. I didn't seem like the boy next door type , that's for sure.

"Yeah, I just moved in yesterday!" I said with a small smirk.

"It's just..... Amy never lets anyone see her 'out side school life' as she likes to put it. She is afraid that if people find out, they won't like or depend on her any more, which I think is just plain silly...." She trailed off letting her words wash over me like the ocean washes over a beach. Amy must really be afraid of letting people know how she truly feels...

" I met Amy when she charged into my house because my music was too loud, and something about her little brother crying about it..... She called me mr moo, stomped on my foot and ran out the door. It was quite the experience" I said with a small smile remembering my first encounter with the wayward red head.

" I see you've seen Amy's life for what it really is, but do me a favor" she said her tone becoming dark and threatening.

        "don't you ever break her heart or hurt her in any way!" "That girl is like my own daughter, and I will not stand for any boy to break her heart! She works hard for the respect that she deserves! If you ever hurt her, I will hunt you down! Do you understand?" She asks darkly.

    for a woman of her small height, she makes me feel like an ant, but I'm used to being threatened and I don't let it get to me.

"Yes ma'am, I promise I won't hurt her" I said adding a little salute into it. It seems to lighten the managers mood, as she smiles at me and sits back down into the black comfy looking chair.

"Now, I never got your name..." She said

"Alex, Alex Gray. Pleasure to meet you Lindsey" I say, extending my hand out to her. She smiles and takes it with a good grip.

"It's a pleasure to meet you Alex, I'm sure we will get to know each other better!" She says with a grin.

"I'm sure we will" I reply with a smirk.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~AMY POV

" I'll never find my way out!" I cry out.

I've been wandering in this dark forest on dash for over two hours now, and it's starting to get dark, and horses and dark spooky forests don't mix well.

     Well, maybe dash will find the way home, horses have a good sense of direction....
        I let go of the reigns and close my eyes and gently squeeze dashes barrel. He picks up the canter and I let him take me where he wants to go.
      I hold onto his long black mane for balance as he takes me back to where we came from, and about an hour latter, we are back at the stables.

"Thanks baby I would have been lost in there forever with out you!" I say and kiss his forehead as we head to the cross ties so that I can brush him down and give him a quick rinse, he's covered in mud.

    As I lead him to the wash racks I look at the time and gasp. I knew it was late, but this is really late! The clock reads 8, I was supposed to be home at 6 to watch Jake!

     I start running to the wash racks and dash trots along with me, sensing the mood. I quickly rinse off dash and then begin to run back to his stall. I put him back in and he is great full for being able to eat finally.
       I'm about to go to my car when I notice my car is no longer there, all that's left in the parking lot is a sleek black Harley Davidson motorcycle.

"No no no no no no no!!!!!" "Where is my car?!!!!" I yell.

"Maybe you shouldn't have parked in a no parking zone says a voice in the darkness.

"Come out and say that to my face!" I say

"Sure thing" the voice says, I can almost hear the smugness of the person. Out of the dark walked Alex!

"Need a ride little red?" He says with a smirk.

"Very funny mr.moo, what happened to my car?" I say accusingly

"As I said, you can't park in a no parking zone, so let's just say that you will have to pick up your car in the morning" he said with a smirk.

"Great, just great! Now how am I supposed to get home?" I say in frustration.

"Well I could take you home" he says, amusement dancing in his eyes.

"I don't see a car down there." I point to the nearly empty parking lot.

"That's because I don't own a car" he says with a smirk

" no, there is no way I'm riding that death trap!" I say crossing my arms.

"Then how are you getting home little red?" He says cocking his head sideways like a dog.

"I-I'll walk!" As I stubbornly turn around to begin the hour it will take me to walk home.

"Now now that isn't like the smart girl I know!" He says, scooping me up in his arms and carrying me over to the Black Death trap.

"If my parents ever find out about this they are going to kill me!" I said in a worried tone

"Are you even serious right now? You ride horses, one of which tried to take my head off and run me over! That can't be worse than a moter cycle!" He exclaimed.

" true.... Ok, put me down I'll cooperate!" I say giving in. And he gently sets me back down on my feet.
        I walk over to the sleek Harley Davidson and wait for Alex to get on before me. Once he is on, I mount the black vehicle like I would a horse.

"I only have one helmet, and since your so worried about safety, I will let you use it" he says while passing back a black sleek helmet.

"Thanks" I whisper back so quiet he almost can't hear it. But I can tell he heard from the way the edges of his lips turn up.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ hope you liked this chapter, I had fun writing in Alex's POV, I know it doesn't flow as nicely as Amy's, but I'm a girl, and I have no clue how a guys mind works😅 I hope to get better at it as I go!
     Thanks for giving this book a chance!!!


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