If you want to get away from someone, check your watch, say, "sorry, gotta go"

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* the girl above is sort of what I imagined Amy looking like, I can't seem to find the perfect image of what I think she would look like😥 but I will keep searching!😏 this chapter is a short one, hope you like it!**

"Hi honey, it's me mom!" Says my mother in a cheery voice

"Mom, don't get me wrong I'm really happy to hear your voice but, your at work, and you never call while at work. Is there something wrong?" I ask concerned.

"You might want to sit down darling, I've got some big news!" She says in an excited tone.

I sit down, " okay mom, what is it?" I ask nervously.

"Me and your father are going to England to work at the hospital there for about 9 months, we are leaving tonight! Your big brother is coming home to watch you guys, and I know the two of you don't get along, but I'll make it up to you, your cousin Alex la mar is coming as well!" She says worried I'll be upset.

" okay mom, I know what you and dad do is important, and it will be fun to have Alex over, I'll do my best!" I say in a tone full of a fake cheeriness.

"Okay, I love you sweet heart! And thanks for being so good about this!" She says in a relieved tone.

"Bye mom, love you, see you tonight!" I say.

"Actually dear... We are about to leave now, I'm sorry love, I promise I'll make it up to you somehow!" She says in a rushed tone and before I can say anything she hangs up on me.

I sigh and collapse on my bed, this is going to suck! I really don't like Adam, even though we are siblings, we are like water and oil. We can't ever agree on anything, and he ruined my first crush by telling the guy and he turned me down in the most awful way! I can't stand him! He is so mean to Jake! But at least with Alex here, things won't be so bad. My cousin Alex is the one who introduced me to the wonderful world of anime! He gave my drawings hope when I was about to quit, and he loves playing video games which is another one of my guilty pleasures!

I'm pulled out of my thoughts when I hear something knock on my window, I turn to see Alex Grey sitting on a tree branch that is right next to one of my windows. I walk over to the window to see what he wants.

"What do you want Alex?" I ask, opening the window. not even thinking about ignoring him, I'm too tiered and it takes too much energy to do so.

"I'm bored, I came to hang!" He says as he gracefully swings from the tree branch into my room.

I don't even bother complaining, I close the window and walk back to my bed and cover my face with my elbow. " I'm afraid I won't be able to provide the entertainment you seek good sir." I say.

"What's wrong little red?" He asks in a curious tone

"Little red?" I ask amused by the little nick name he has come up for me.

" well, your little, and you have red hair, so, little red" he states.

" Well, my parents are leaving the country, my big brother is coming home from college, and school is tomorrow and I haven't even started up my homework!" I say exasperated.

" wow, that's a lot, do you want me to help with homework?" He offers

"Aww that's so sweet! " I say in a girly tone, " but unless you are in AP euro, there is no way you can help me! By the way, what school are you going to?" I say.

" I'll be going to twin rivers high school, and all my classes are going to be AP, so no worries there red!" He says laughing.

"OH NO!!!!" I say my body jerking straight up "You can't go to my highschool! My reputation will be ruined!!!!" I cry out

"What reputation little red?" He asks, clearly confused by my sudden out burst.

"I am the one of the most respected people in the school, I do athletics, I'm going to be in ASB, and no body knows the no-makeup, anime, gamer, horse loving girl I am!!! And nobody except Amelia gets to know!" I say so fast, even I can barely tell what I'm saying.

" it's alright red, I won't tell, but I do have one condition" he says with a smirk, and I know I'm not going to like what he has to say. So I pretend to check my watch and say, "Sorry gotta go!" I tear down the stairs and jump into the car and make a quick get away, or so I thought......

* Sorry I know this one is really short, but I really just felt like the rest could be done in the next chapter. Sorry if the bad boy isn't bad enough yet, but right now, I wanted to show off his adorable side first. Also I wasn't planning on this getting a little more romantic, but I really kinda wanna swing that way now! So that's what I'm doing, sorry if it seems that they are moving too fast! Thanks, RoaringRiver~*

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