Chapter 3: The Fallen Prince

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What happened so far...
The stranger has managed to acquire another one of the sin-items, Gluttony, he is now searching for the next one.

Ajuka pov

This is not good, absolutely not good! The item I wanted to research was gone, my subordinates were killed and the only thing he has from that massacre is a picture of a woman with a gun. Luckily some devils that were passing by have stayed hidden and made pictures with their mobile phones, but it seems that nobody knows the woman on the picture.

Sirzechs:" And there is really no one that knows this woman?"

Ajuka:" It isn't as surprising as it may sound, she has killed my workers with one shot for each of them and she probably took the item."

Sirzechs:" That is problematic, Humans shouldn't possess a sin-item."

Ajuka:" I have send messages to Azazel and Michael but while Azazel didn't know anything about this woman, Michael didn't even say anything about her and just said that the problem is going to be dealt with."

Sirzechs:" So he definitely knows something but he doesn't want us to know whatever it is."

Ajuka:" For now we can't do anything."

Sirzechs leaves and I am left to my thoughts. Why a human would want to get the sin-items is not a secret, but how does this person know about these items in the first place? After the great war one of the items has already disappeared but now another one? Could she be a descent of the person that stole Wraths item? The biggest problem is that since neither the devils, angels or fallen angels had any use for the items they weren't studied and so nobody but the person using the items knows what they do.

Ajuka:" This just got far more complicated."

3rd person pov

While Ajuka goes back to his research, Michael has gone to the Vatican, some of the Excaliburs were stolen.

Michael:" Do we have any idea who stole them?"

With him is Griselda Quarta.

Griselda:" It seems that the humoncolos know as Freed Selzen has stolen them, with helb from Kokabiel."

Michael:" So he does want a new great war. We can't let that happen."

Griselda:" But what should we do? If we don't go after them we could lose the Excaliburs."

Michael:" Where is Dulio?"

Griselda:" Probably in a restaurant eating."

Michael:" Do you think they are ready for a mission of this magnitude?"

Griselda:" The two of them on their own? They will probably die, but if you'd allow that they are going with them..."

Michael:" Their purpose is another but if Kokabiel appears somewhere maybe he will get him out of his hiding place. I'll allow it, but only two of the three are going to help with getting the swords back, the third will search for him."

Griselda:" You do realize that it would be far easier if we knew his name."

Michael:" I doubt that he can even remember his own name."

Michael walks of while Griselda wants to know what he means with that, but the angle keeps walking.

In Kuoh the situation has calmed down visibly after Rias got out of her engagement, the devils have stayed away from the church and the stranger has actually managed to rebuild it, to some degree, it has no benches anymore but the roof is finished.

Wrath:' So who are we going after next?'

???:' I can feel a holy presence in the city, I want to check what this presence is.'

Gluttony:' You should probably do it in the evening then, less people outside and a bigger possibility to find what gives off this presence.'

???:' The Devils will have noticed it too, I should try to stay low, can't let my mission be hindered by them.'

He leaves the church and immediately makes his way to were he can fell the holy power is coming from and he ironically comes across Freed again, as he just killed a priest.

???:" The lord seems to want you dead, so I shall accept this as a mission from him."

He immediately shots at the stray exorcist but he suddenly disappeares and tries to stab the stranger with a new sword.

Freed:" This is Excalibur Rapid, you won't be able to get me this time."

The stranger just draws a bayonet while still holding the gun and waits for another attack, but before Freed can move the knight of the Gremory girls interferes and Freed manages to run off.

Kiba:" He got away! Why didn't you stop him!?"

???:" I came here solely for the purpose of finding the source of the holy power I felt, you instead want revenge and don't try to deny it, your face, twisted from anger, is information enough, but I would like to know why you what revenge."

Kiba:" That has nothing to do with you, just stay out of my way when I destroy the Excaliburs."

???:" And how do you want to do that? You certainly aren't powerful enough to even scratch any of the Excaliburs, even less to destroy them"

Kiba creates two swords and rushes at the stranger, just do be knocked back by the bayonet and that repeats again and again.

???:" You would be a far better swordsman if you would just abandon your hatred, you are caught in the past and even if you are a devil, the lord does not want anyone to live like this."

Kiba:" You know nothing!"

???:" I do know more then you imagine, after all I was there when your friends died, I saw how the light faded from their eyes and I couldn't do anything to help them, besides making their death as easy as possible."

Kiba:" You, you killed them!"

Kiba rushes the stranger again, but this time he gets side stepped and suddenly he hits the ground as the stranger just takes a hold of his clothes and pulled, before he puts his foot on the boys chest.

???:" You are right I killed them, I showed them mercy, I made sure their deaths were fast and as painless as possible. I am still hunted by these children I killed, even though it was an act of mercy I still killed children and unlike the person behind the holy-sword-project. I have sworn to the lord to do everything in my power to safe children but in the end they made their choice by volunteering, just like you did."

Kiba:" *crying* Why? Why did we get abandoned?"

The stranger steps back and let's the boy get up, before hugging him.

???:" God is many things but he normally doesn't act for us, we all choose what happens to us and what will come to us and even God can't change fate, only we can do that by our choices."

He lets go of the boy and walks away.

Wrath:' I only saw you like this once.'

???:' He needs guidance, not revenge.'

Gluttony:' Either way, that Freed guy shouldn't be able to use an Excalibur.'

???:' It seems Valper has shown himself again, that means that Kokabiel is close as well.'

Wrath:' Do you think he has one of the items?'

???:' He shouldn't and if he does he stole it from Azazel, the leaders should have the items.'

Gluttony:' All but Wrath.'

Wrath:' And you, Gluttony.'

???:' I will search for the crazy priest tomorrow, he will go after everyone that is a part of the church.'

He gets back to the church and although he doesn't need to sleep anymore he still likes to just lay down and think about what he will do next. Which doesn't include having to deal with a devil that waits for him to leave the church again.

???:" Why are you here?"

Kiba:" Sensei, I want you to train me."

???:" No, why should I even train you? Why do you want me to train you?"

Kiba:" You gave me something to think about and even with my speed as a knight you were clearly better then me and I want to learn from you."

???:" Let me tell you something, everything I know and can do I have learned over hundreds of years, even if I teach you, you wouldn't be able to understand because you have no idea what I have witnessed, you lack the live experience. I have fought more devils, fallen angels and people from the church then I want to admit and all those fights are what makes me as good as I am today."

Kiba:" I am a devil, I will live a long life."

???:" Not if you continue the path of vengeance, that path always leads to self-destruction and as see it you at least have people that care for you."

With those words the two have arrived at the school and the stranger says his goodbye.

Kiba:' I have people that care for me, but why did he sound like he has been down that path before.'

The stranger is walking through the city when...

Wrath:' Pride is close!'

Just after that a light spear hits the ground in front of the strangers feet.

???:" *unmoving* It seems that fate wants us to cross paths again, Kokabiel."

Kokabiel:" Don't think that I forgot what you did to me!"

???:" All I did was making sure that you aren't able to make any more of yourself."

Kokabiel:" You castrated me!"

???:" As I said, it was necessary to make sure that there aren't going to be more of you and now you have something that I want."

Kokabiel:" Oh, there you aren't the only one."

The stranger immediately takes out his gun and shoots at Kokabiel but the fallen angle holds his wings in the way, which makes one of the wings absolutely unusable but the angel still manages to get away. Just after that someone comes from the bushes.

Astolfo:" Hey! My name is Astolfo! Have you seen someone strange around here?"

???:" That depends what you see as strange, for me a boy clothed in female clothes is strange."

Astolfo:" They are comfy and look cute. But thank you for your time."

The boy runs of.

???:' The youth of today is getting weirder and weirder by the minute, but that boy was definitely from the church so there will probably more coming. I should get back home, not that again someone stands at the front door waiting for me.'

But as he walks he can feel the holy aura of two Excaliburs from the school so he decides to check it out and he finds five persons there that aren't from the city, one of those is Astolfo, which seems to make the brown haired pervert really happy.

???:' He does realize that Astolfo is a boy right? And even if he looks very feminine he still has the name of male.'

But Issei doesn't realize that and let's his lustful eyes roam over the four girls and one trap.

???:' I should do something or the one with the least clothing will rip the pervert to pieces.'

He shows himself and immediately Rias and her group, with the exception of Kiba and Asia, get into fighting position or whatever Issei is trying to do. The girls are confused at the sudden appearance and Astolfo is Astolfo and that means he is happy to see someone he met before again.

Astolfo:" Mister, why are you here?"

???:" I think someone should show you young people that threats of violence aren't always the best thing to do."

Xenovia:" What is your name and your connection to the devils?"

???:" None of those are your concern, but what is is the fact that I know where the Excaliburs are and that I can get them back, unlike you who are to inexperienced."

Irina:" Huh, would you please tell us."

???:" No, if I did it would be my fault that you die and I am not ready to carry that fault again."

Astolfo:" Mister do you know where we can stay? There is supposed to be a church in this town but-"

Mordred:" Hey, don't just ask someone we don't know if we can stay with him!"

???:" So you are lost lambs of the lord, very well. Follow me and I shall take you to the church, but I can't promise to give you any place to sit besides the chambers for the nuns, I had to use the benches to seal the roof..."

And he goes on and on about in what a terrible condition the building is and how it seems to have been neglected for at least ten years.

Issei:" So, what now?"

Kiba:" President, I want to apologize for my rash actions over the last few days."
Now Astolfo, Mordred and Nero have been introduced and they will have an important role in this story and that is all I'll tell you about them. I hope you enjoyed this chapter and till next time I wish you all a good day or night wherever you are.

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