Chapter 4: Church Life

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What happened so far...
After turning down Kiba as his disciple, the Exorcist that resides in Kuoh's church not only encountered Kokabiel but also let four girls and a boy from the Vatican stay in said church.

Astolfo pov

This man can talk, that much is clear. He had given us a review on the most important things in the church's history and that with details that we were never taught. That and some critique about what the church could have done better. Irina is talking back every time he finished one of his stories, Xenovia and Mordred both look very annoyed and Nero looks around the city, she says this relatively small city has a certain charm to it.

Astolfo:" You talk like you were there when those things happened."

???:" With the right teacher it does feel like it."

Mordred:" That reminds me, there is supposed to be a stay exorcist in this city, know anything about it?"

???:" Yes, but all I will tell you is that he has the Excalibur-fragments."

Xenovia:" *growls* Just tell us where he is so we can be done here."

???:" Patience little lamb, everything in due time."

It is strange that Xenovia is the one to get agitated like that, normally Mordred is the first to get frustrated and angry. But we manage to get to the church without further problems, the man is showing each of us a room to stay in, after he made us some dinner.

3rd person pov

The next morning begins with the stranger making breakfast for his guests and bringing that to them, while also waking the girls and Astolfo up. With the exception of Mordred all of them get up after the stranger put their food on a small table that is in every room, as he got to Mordred a second time he has a bucket and ice water.

Mordred:" KYAH!"

After that the girls and Astolfo meet in front of the church and Mordred is still a bit wet and grumpy.

Nero:" You should have stood up after he was gone."

Mordred:" I don't like him."

???:" That is not my biggest concern. Now, I hope you will return in the evening so we can have dinner together."

He hands the girls some of his money.

???:" That should be enough to buy some lunch for you, but beware: there are some people that try to sell pictures of saints, claiming that they are real, which is absolutely wrong."

Astolfo:" You won't come with us?"

???:" I still have a lot to do, if I want this church to house believers again."

He enters the building again and the girls decide to split up and search for the Excalibur-fragments, which is soon interrupted by Issei, Koneko and Saji. Now the girls are sitting in a fast-food restaurant and eat lunch while the devils are trying to convince the girls to work with them, Astolfo is again in the park and asks around if anyone saw someone weird, which goes as well as one would think as Astolfo is mainly seen as the weird one for his choice of clothing.

Astolfo:" *mutters* It's not weird, it's just that these clothes are more comfortable and cute."

In the church the stanger is making preparations for the moment he will face Kokabiel again, which mean meditating in the main hall of the church until the main door opens and an old pair enters the building.

Old man:" I see you have finished the roof, father."

???:" Not quite, it's a solution for the time being but at some point this whole building has to be renovated."

Old woman:" Here, take this as a sign of our gratitude."

She holds out some money.

???:" I can't accept that, I did what needed to be done. I don't expect payment for working of my beliefs."

Old man:" Nonsense, thanks to you we can come here to pray again and maybe, someday we will have a place for your holy celebrations again too."

???:" I still can't accept your generosity, it is wrong for a man of faith to take from others, even if it is with their good will, but should you want to donate to the church I would humbly accept."

Old woman:" What a good young man."

Old Man:" Then we shall donate some money to the church, to help you rebuild it properly."

After the old couple left again, the stranger is on his knees in front of altar and prays, for his quest to come to an end soon.

Wrath:' I really don't get why you still pray.'

???:' It calms my mind.'

Gluttony:' But you do remember that Heaven will know where you are?'

???:' I do and I know that I allowed my hunters into my home, but I can't simply turn my back to those in need.'

Wrath:' Even if that means a bullet to the head or bayonets through their body.'

???:' Sometimes the only cure for sinners is redemption by death.'

Gluttony:' And you are sure that your not just some psychopath?'

???:' I can assure you that while other men may have broken after enduring what I have witnessed and experienced, I am very sure that I am not one of those men.'

Leaving the church when the sun begins to be swallowed by the horizon, the stranger walks towards the point where he can feel the most holy energy coming from and ends up following the homoncolos known as Freed Sellzen, who dances around and sings, very badly by the way, about killing priests.

Wrath:' Does that mean that the priest we saw him kill a few days earlier were send here to meet up with the girls?'

???:' Possible, but it doesn't matter, their souls have been send to the lord for judgment, we can't help them anymore.'

Gluttony:' You should take care of yourself first, but you can be lucky that you don't have to drink from my flask to keep its effects.'

After telling the two beings in his head to be silent the stranger watches with interest as Freed attacks a group of people that are clothed like priests, which turns out to just be Kiba, the pervert, the kitten and the blonde boy the stranger nailed to a wall after finding out that Asia was turning her back to the lords way.

Wrath:' They are completely out of their league as long as the crazy prist has the Excaliburs.'

???:' Wrath.'

Wrath:' Are you sure about this? Everyone that hints us will know where we are.'

And just as the stranger prepares to interfere with the battle, the devils get the upper hand courtesy of the blonde pawn.

Freed:" Argh! I can't get it off!"

Issei then gets thrown towards Kiba by the kitten and the red gauntlet on his left hand yells transfer, after wich Kiba uses his sacred gear to unleash many swords towards the priest, but he can destroy them with one of his Excaliburs. As the stranger looks on, a person in the robes of a cardinal comes seemingly from the shadows, Valper Galilei.

Valper:" Sword Birth, hm, it's an interesting sacred gear indeed."

Freed:" Old man Valper! Tell me how I can get this thing of me!"

Valper:" Just focus your power in the sword and cut it."

Freed:" Alright!"

As Freed has cut the line holding him he immediately attacks again, but this time he is blocked by Xenovia, who arrived together with Irina, Mordred and Nero and all of them have their respective swords drawn.

Valper:" So the descendants of the knight of treachery and the mad emperor are here as well."

Mordred:" And we're gonna take that dumb head of your neck!"

But as she charges at the two heretics they seem to disappear in the darkness of the night, with Kiba running in the direction where they were seen, followed by church girls.

Rias:" Do you want to explain what you were doing just now."

Rias and Sona are now standing with the group, both of the kings look very displeased.

???:' I should leave, there is nothing for me to do here.'

Wrath:' I'd say follow the church girls, they are the primary targets for our enemies after all.'

The stranger leaves without being noticed and follows the path Kiba ran, just to find Irina, alone with Freed. The former is visibly exhausted, which isn't surprising considering that she had to holt her ground against an opponent with three Excaliburs although she only has one.

Freed raises his sword and prepares to strike Irina as a gun shot is heard, drawing the attention to Freeds now missing sword-hand and the stranger steps out of the shadow he has been standing in to watch.

???:" I have you three chances to leave, now I won't make that mistake again. Hand over the Excaliburs and accept your death like the man that you aren't."

Freed:" You think you can beat me?!"

He draws another blade with his other hand and seems to vanish before reappearing behind the stranger, Irina cries out that he has to be careful but Freed is blocked nearly instantly by a bayonet.

???:" May the lord have mercy on your soul, would be what I have to say but you have no soul."

With a quick turn and a slash from a bayonet the seemed to just come from the sleeve of the strangers coat takes Freeds other arm. The last thing Irina notices is a gun shot and Freed lands on the ground, unmoving.

???:" The swords you were send to retrieve."

His big hand easily holds the three blades towards Irina, who takes them with a quite baffled expression on her face.

???:" Your duty here has come to an end, what happens from now on isn't your concern."

Irina:" But we still have to-"

???:" To confront Kokabiel? The same Cadre-class fallen angel that managed to survive the war that killed many of the most powerful devils, angels and fallens? Don't throw away your live for a cause that isn't yours, I have encountered him before and as fate seems to want it I will fight him again, but this time only one of us will leave alive."

The stranger leaves and Wraths power changes what Irina remembers to have seen, from a tall man to a very average looking teenager.

Wrath:' So the conclusion to your fights with the crazy elve is getting closer.'

???:' I shall purge the world from the stain of his existence. That I swear on the lord.'

Wrath:' But you do remember what happened to him?'

???:' I do but I ha e dedicated my life to one cause and I shall continue to do so, until I have reached my goal.'

Gluttony:' Well at least you are ambitious and determined. Now can we get something to eat?'

Wrath:' Didn't you say that he didn't have to eat anymore?'

Gluttony:' No, I said that he doesn't have to sleep anymore and that he is immune to most forms of diseases. Plus tasty food is good food and as such I demand him to eat tasty food before a battle!'

Wrath:' At least you still act like yourself.'

Gluttony:' Yeah, by the way: What happened to you Wrath? Normally you go through the roof because of the smallest things.'

Wrath:' That is a story for another chapter, the author is nearly done with this one.'

???:' Don't talk about that.'

Wrath:' Sorry.'

While the stranger goes to get himself some food, after Gluttony has repeatedly demanded to do so. Rias and Sona are punishing Issei and Saji respectively and Kokabiel is raging because Freed died.
Although we all know that Freed will return eventually, that guy has more plot armor than a protagonist.

Either way I hope you enjoyed this chapter and I want to apologize for the long wait, but I just felt unmotivated for some time now. Either way I wish you all a  good day or night wherever you are and hope you can be patient with me for the next update.

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