Chapter 5: Cadre Class

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What happened so far...
The stranger told Irina to leave, there is an old debt to settle and an abomination to strike down.

3rd person pov

After making sure that the girls from the church left, the stranger is back in the church, praying for a swift victory.

He has discovered the mutilated body of some more priests, the men struck down by holy power.

???:' The battle draws near, all shall be revealed.'

Wrath:' You don't think that the devils won't interfere.'

Gluttony:' They will, they are to proud not to.'

The stranger stands up and throws his coat over his shoulders, a bayonet in one hand and the gun of Wrath in the other, he looks like an Inquisitor from Warhammer, without the hat.

???:" In the name of the lord I shall smite his enemies."

Leaving the church, the stranger is just standing in front of the entrance, the eyes closed, feeling.

When he finally feels an enormous amount of holy energy from the school. Immediately, with heavy steps, the stranger walks to the battle he will surely fight.

???:" You should have left already."

With a calm face the stranger turns to an alleyway and out of it come Astolfo, Mordred and Nero.

Mordred:" We still have a mission and the target is in this town."

???:" Then you shouldn't follow me, I go to an enemy of the lord."

Astolfo:" Wouldn't it be better to fight with you then?"

???:" This fight has nothing to do with any of you, leave now or you might find revelations you are not ready for."

Nero:" *tilts head to the side* What revelations do you mean?"

The stranger turns away and begins walking again.

???:" How deep is your belief?"

The two girls and Astolfo question what he means.

???:" How strong is your belief? How easily can it be shaken? Would you continue to believe even if everything points against it?"

The three have no answer and as the stranger walks away again, they decide to observe the fight against Kokabiel, from a certain distance.

The first hurdle that was to be overcome was the peerage of the Sitri heiress. They had erected a barrier around the academy to keep the destruction to a minimum.

Saji is the first to the stranger approach and his face turns as pale as a ghost while he remembers being nailed above the school entrance. Of course that behavior of his doesn't go unnoticed by his king.

Sona:" Saji, is something wrong?"

Before the boy can answer, heavy steps are closing in on the group.

???:" You are in my way, stand aside so I can deal the lords divine judgment."

Of course protests are made loud, but the stranger doesn't care for those and just walks up to the barrier.

Sona:" If we take down the barrier, Kuoh could suffer from enormous destruction."

???:" It will suffer either way, a fallen angel like Kokabiel can break your barrier easily. I you wish for the twin to be saved, let me pass."

Silence is all the stranger gets as an answer, so he lays his large hand against the barrier and holy magic burns through it without a problem.

???:" I suggest staying away."

With these last word the stranger enters the barriers that is slowly closing after him.

Sona:' No mere human could just burn through a barrier or want to face of with a Cadre class. That man is either brave or foolish.'

In the mean time, Rias group managed to hold of the Cerberie that Kokabiel has summoned, Valpwr Galilei is also there, fuming with rage because Freed didn't bring him the Excaliburs.

Then, a shot is heard and Valper Galilei falls to the ground dead. Everyone looks surprised, until more shots are heard and the Cerberie fall too.

???:" May the wicked burn in hell for all eternity."

Kokabiel:" So you still decided to show yourself!"

???:" I have to finish what I started a long time ago."

As the two opponents stare at each other, the devils are srunned, to think that a human would stand against a fallen angle and a Cadre class at that.

???:" I shall cleanse this world from the stain of your existence, as you are now a direct opposition to the goal I have to achieve."

Kokabiel:" And what do you expect to achieve with it? Redemption? Don't make me laugh, we both know that someone like you doesn't get redemption, no matter what you do."

???:" That is obvious, but I don't aim for redemption or forgiveness."

With those words the stranger practically throws himself at the fallen angel, who returns the favor in kind.

Kokabiel:" Yes, no more talking, no more waiting! Show me the thrill of battle once again fallen Exorcist!!!"

With crazy laughter and a rain of light spears the fallen angel Stroms towards the stranger, who uses Wraths gun to literally shoot down the spears and a bayonet to slash at Kokabiel, who conters with a sword made of light.

Kokabiel:" I have waited long for this. Now, time to get revenge!"

The Cadre swipes, a light sword in his other hand, at the neither region of the stranger, but is stopped by Wraths gun blocking him.

???:" It is not in your favor to search for revenge against your superior."

The stranger pushes Kokabiel way from him and follows it up with multiple shots of the gun. Most of which are blocked by light spears so only two find their mark, both in Kokabiels left shoulder rendering the entire arm useless.

Meanwhile the red light from Valper and the Cerberie is still lingering where the dead had fallen, but something akin to a pulse goes through the light and as Kokabiel and the stranger are clashing against each other, the light begins to swirl around itself.

The first to notice is Koneko and with a tug she makes Kiba aware of what is happening, he in turn informs the others.

The light soon forms a humanoid form, larger then any of the beings present and armed with an enormous sword, although the only defining feature are the completely black eyes.

Meanwhile, the stranger is slowly getting tired, although he managed to wound Kokabiel, he has a lot of cuts and holes all over his body.

Kokabiel:" You aren't as good as you once were, but it seems that you aren't dying yet."

???:" I can't die before my mission is completed."

And as the wounds of the stranger heal slowly, the humanoid being slamms its sword down at Kokabiel, not quite slicing him in half.

Kokabiel:" Argh!"

Crashing into the ground the Cadre still manages to shoot a light spear through the eye of the being, making it disappear and the red light gathering around the gun of the stranger.

Before Kokabiel gets up someone tries to decapitate him, with a very big sword. It's Xenovia who, against what may have been believed, didn't leave with Irina.

Kokabiel:" And here I thought that all the little church flies have already run home."

Xenovia:" I have stayed to slay you for your act against the church."

Kokabiel begins to laugh and says that a religion without a leader is worth nothing.

Xenovia:" What do you mean!?"

Kokabiel opens his mouth but before he gets a single word out the sound of a gunshot rings through the air and the bullet rips away the fallen angels lower jaw.

???:" He means that God is dead."

The stranger stands upright again, after healing from the injuries he sustained. Something about him is off though, his eyes that are normally hidden by shadows, even without any light shining, are glowing in a bright red and he is surrounded by a red aura that seems to grow by the second.

Xenovia:" That can't be! It's impossible!"

Asia just faints on the spot and takes the focus of the Gremory peerage from the stranger.

???:" Oh, but it is true,we were there after all."

???:' Wrath, don't talk about us in plural please, we don't need anyone realizing that your not me.'

Wrath:' OH COME ON!!! I don't get the chance to let lose often.'

???:' I know and there is a reason for that.'

Pouting in his mind Wrath turns his attention back to Kokabiel, the gun in his hand now turned into a sword, a  very thick sword of nearly a meter long and covered with what seems to be screaming faces. It is terrifying to the people actually noticing the blade, which is only Kokabiel. But it scares him to the point where he tries to fly away.

With an incredible show of speed Wrath is behind the Cadre and a single swing of his sword cuts the wings on the left side of Kokabiels back off.

Wrath:" I did not allow you to leave yet, you have one of my siblings and I can't just let you take her with you."

Stabbing his sword down he cleanly separates Kokabiels right hand from his arm and the trapped Cadre screams in pain, or he would of he still had his lower jaw. Now Wrath picks up the hand and takes a ring that is a simple gold hoop, but it seems that Pride is still sleeping as she doesn't say anything.

As Wrath readies himself to end Kokabiel something crashes through the barrier of the Sitri group.

???:' I will take over again Wrath, we have nothing left here to do.'

Wrath:' But I wanna play some more.'

???:' I know, your time will come, probably sooner than we expect.'

Wrath:' Alright, but when that time comes I want you to let me out.'

The eyes of the stranger stop glowing, the sword changes back to a gun and the shadows cover his eyes again.

???:" What does the White Dragon Emperor want here? Your rival is anything but ready to fight you."

WDE:" I can see that myself, but sadly I am not here for a fight. I have come here on order of Azazel to bring Kokabiel *looks at the fallen angel* or what is left of him back."

???:" Then I shall not stand in your way."

Woth these last words he turns to Xenovia and lifts her up, before laying his arm around her shoulders and taking her back to the church.

Astolfo, Mordred and Nero are shocked, the man they stayed with is their target.

Astolfo:" What now?"

Mordred:" Should be clear right? We take him down."

Nero:" I, I don't think that we should. First we have to report back."

Astolfo and Nero are heading away, dragging Mordred after them.

In the church the stranger is making tea for the still not very responsive Xenovia.

???:" You should know that now, after knowing of the lords demise you will be banished."

A look a fear shows itself on Xenovias face.

???:" I have a, proposal, for you. If you are banished, come here again and I shall give you a new path you can follow, if that is what you seek."

Giving the girl a cup with tea the stranger just kneels before her and for the first time the shadows over the strangers eyes are lifted and Xenovia looks into eyes that show sorrow and pain above anything she has ever seen, but in those warm chocolate brown eyes is a devotion and kindness that seems to drown out anything around them.

???:" If you need a physical form of the lord to believe in him, believe in the cause he gave me to follow and come with me, it will be a dangerous and very lonely path, but it will give you fulfillment you may have never believed possible."

After finishing the tea Xenovia leaves with only a thank you.

???:" Michael, I know that you can hear me. Bring this lost soul on the right path to her own salvation."

Haha, I finally did it! It took some time for me because I had to figure out how I wanted to make the fight happen without making the stranger seems far to overpowered.

Either way, I hope you enjoyed this little bit of debauchery and till the next chapter of this book, or any of the others, comes out I wish you all a good day or night wherever you are.

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