Chapter 6: Before The Storm

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What happened so far...
The stranger battled and defeated Kokabiel and made a proposal to Xenovia. Now he's waiting.

Wrath:' Why are we waiting again?'

Gluttony:' Didn't you listen the first time?'

Wrath:' I was never known for my patience.'

???:' But you have been patient so far.'

Wrath:' I want my sister to awaken and I want my other siblings back before we end this.'

???:' And that's why we wait. The leaders of the three factions can't just ignore what happened.'

Wrath:' And you hope they will bring three of the others here?'

???:' No, but the leaders coming here means Michael will come here too.'

Gluttony:' You want to remember?'

The stranger doesn't reply as the church door is opened by Xenovia, who has a backpack with her.

???:" It seems I was right?"

Xenovia:" I was banished from the church and branded as a stray exorcist."

She has her head lowered looking at the ground as she hears the heavy footsteps of the stranger until the tip of his boots are in her view.

???:" Do not fret my child, I shall take you under my wings to our salvation. Now come, your room is waiting and we have things to discuss."

As she follows the large man back into the church they are watched by a certain young girl who immediately turns to report to her king.

Rias:" It's such a shame that she didn't take my offer."

The red haired devil sits behind her desk while her peerage is situated around their club room.

Issei:" I don't like that we aren't allowed to do anything about that guy."

Akeno:" Issei, he defeated a Cadre Class, without our help."

Kiba:" Bouchou, I don't think that he is a threat as long as we don't get in his way."

The knight is sitting next to Koneko on one of the couches.

Rias:" What do you mean Kiba?"

Kiba:" He wouldn't have helped me or given me advice if he wanted me to die, in fact he had more then one possibility to kill me."

Asia:" I too believe that the father isn't a bad man, he is kindhearted."

The blonde bishop is sitting on the couch opposing Koneko with Issei next to her.

Kiba:" But something about him is off."

Koneko:" I agree. He has holy power, but it seems to only be latent."

Rias:" Not from what Sona told me. He burned his way through the barrier that the student council created, with holy magic, but that doesn't help us uncover who he really is."

Kiba:" That isn't what I mean, he knew of the Holy Sword Project and even said that he knows what happened to those of us that were resurrected before Issei."

Akeno:" You mean he could have been present during-"

Kiba:" Yes, but I am afraid you'd have to ask him yourself."

Akeno as well as Koneko gain thoughtful look on their faces and after a short while they look at each other, determination in their eyes.

Rias:" *sighs* I won't be able to make you forget what you just agreed on?"

Both girls shake their heads no and Rias sighs again.

Rias:" I know that I didn't help you with those issues of yours, so I will allow it, but you have to leave at the first sight of trouble."

Akeno gives Rias a thankful smile and Koneko nods before both leave the room.

Rias:" Now, my brother has informed me that it would be time for me to release my second bishop, so the rest of you will come with me."

So the two girls are walking to the church.

Akeno:" Do you feel nervous Koneko?"

Koneko:". A bit, I was to young when everything happened so I don't know if what I was told is truth."

Akeno:" I wasn't, but whatever will be said there, I know who is at fault."

Koneko looks at the older girl, her expression stoic and unmoving but she is concerned about her friend.

They don't talk anymore and approach the church, they feel uneasy but that could be attributed to fact that the church has been blessed not to long ago. Koneko knocks on the door and they wait for a few seconds before the door is opened not by the stranger but by Xenovia.

Xenovia:" What do you want?"

Her tone is stoic but in her eyes shines disapproval of devils being so close to the church.

Akeno:" We want to talk to him."

Xenovia:" Then you have to come back another time, he has gone out not to long ago."

Akeno:" I am sure we will be able to endure the time waiting inside."

She smiles, but under that smile lies an uncertainty that is noticed by the young exorcist.

Xenovia:" You don't like to be here so I suggest you leave before I have to do something against you."

???:" I don't think that is necessary."

The girls look to the stranger and he's carrying a large amount of roof panels.

???:" But if you want to talk to me that will have to wait, Xenovia, I hope you are ready for some manual labor."

Xenovia nods and walks with the stranger around the building into a small garden in which a ladder leads to the roof.

Koneko:" We'll help."

Xenovia:" We don't need someone without any experience."

???:" But you don't have any experience either my child."

Xenovias face goes red and she awkwardly looks away.

???:" If you can manage to stay focused the entire time I will gladly accept your help. Miss Tojou, would you take the the roof panels up when you all have dressed for the work?"

Akeno:" Dressed?"

Koneko:" For the?"

Xenovia:" Work?"

???:" Of course! Two of you wear school uniforms and the third only has this outrageous skintight suit on! You could damage those clothes and hurt yourselves."

The man pulls some overalls out of a second bag and hands them to the girls.

???:" Go inside, change and then we will begin."

They do as their told and as they all stand on different parts of the roof, each with a hammer and nails nailing the roof panels onto the wood that the stranger had placed there before. It takes them until dusk and as the three girls get ready to leave the roof they take a look at the setting sun.

The stranger also looks into the sky and for the girls it is as if they are watching an angel watching over the city.

After the girls changed back into their normal clothes, Akeno and Koneko waited to talk with the stranger.

???:" I see you haven't left yet."

Akeno:" We wanted to talk with you."

???:" Come by tomorrow and I shall consider it as payment for your help."

Small Timeskip brought to you by

Early in the morning of the next day Akeno and Koneko make their way back to the church and are surprised to see the Stranger and Xenovia standing in front of the doors, locking them up.

???:" It seems you truly are interested, first there are two graves I have to visit, we can talk during that."

The two girls look at him baffled but don't talk back.

???:" Don't worry, we will not go to any sacred ground, but with Kokabiels Imprisonment the people he killed may find peace."

Akeno:" Uhm, okay?"

The two follow the stranger, who bought two bouquets of flowers from a small store before walking into the forest. In it they find a clearing, in which center a gate with no doors is standing.

Koneko:" What is that?"

???:" Old magic, magic that has been around for far longer then most can remember, it existed before the great War and probably before the first civilizations first appeared."

Akeno:" Probably?"

???:" Nobody knows since when these gates existed, with the exception of gods and other immortals of similar age, but all who know of them are sure that there is no faster way to travel."

The gate seems to react to the presence of the four people and a swirl of colors forms in it.

???:" I will go first to make sure that everything is safe, to follow you just have to concentrate on getting to me."

With two steps the stranger is through the portal and leaves the girls alone.

Akeno:" Say Xenovia, why didn't you take Rias offer?"

Xenovia:" I have believed in the church and God since I was a child, I couldn't just throw it away."

Koneko:" But with your God dead..."

Xenovia:" It doesn't matter, most people nowadays don't even know that he even existed and still believe in him. I believe that he will come back one day, maybe not as he was but he will return."

With those words spoken she steps through the portal as well and the two devils follow her.

As they leave Akenos eyes grow large at where they are.

Akeno:' Why would he want to come here? Could he have meant-? No, that would be impossible.'

As she is in deep thoughts she gets dragged along by Koneko, who does look somewhat worrie or as worried as she can with a face that normally doesn't show many emotions.

???:" There is is."

The Stanger points at a gravestone that is set on top of a small hill.

Akeno:' I can't remember that hill.'

The group slowly walks up the hill as to not disturb who's body may rest there, but Akeno can't help herself as they come closer and she begins to sob uncontrollably, on the grave is written:

'Here lays Shuri Himejia, mother and wife.'

Akeno falls to her knees pressing her hands over mouth when the stranger lays down one of the bouquets ont the grave.

???:" Your murderer has been brought to justice, may you rest knowing your family is safe."

As he stands up multiple footsteps are heard as well as the beating of wings.

Fallen angel:" Who are you to defile this place with your presence devils?!"

Before anyone can answer a gruff-looking man with black hair and a matching beard runs past everyone ans straight to Akeno before kneeling behind her, embracing her in a thigh hug as if to not ler her go again.

???:" Baraqiel."

The Strangers greeting is ignored as Akeno tries to get away from her father.

Baraqiel:" *whispering* I am so glad, I thought I lost you too."

Akeno goes stiff as she heard that and slowly turns to see tears streaming down her father's face, a person she only knew as an absolutely stern and strict person is crying just from being able to hold her.

???:" You wanted to know what truly happened and while I came into this after it already ended, I did promise your father to find you and if possible give him the chance to explain."

Akeno is still shocked by what is happening but as she sees her father looking like a broken man she decides that letting him explain might be a good idea.

Akeno:" I will listen to what he has to say, but I will not yet decide if I forgive him."

A little while later they are all sitting in a large living room, which is but a small part of a mansion belonging to Baraqiel. Said fallen angel is sitting on a couch opposite of his daughter Koneko and Xenovia, the stranger stands close to the door.

Baraqiel:" When I first met Shuri, I was badly injured and she nursed me back to health and before I knew it I fell in love with her, which lead to our marriage and later your birth. Her family never liked me because of something Kokabiel did to the Shinto gods during the great War. I hoped that if I would continue my work and let you and your mother stay with her relatives you both would have been safe, but her family saw her marrying me as an incredible affront and decided to, purge, the abomination that was by her. After I have visited the last Shuri the last time, she begged me to take you with me, but I was to stubborn, I never thought that her family would ever try to kill you."

The stranger decides that he should take over since Baraqiel seems to be between crying and raging.

???:" What I have been able to find out is that as your mother's family tried to attack you, your mother threw herself in front of you. She was beaten by stones, cut by knifes and swords and more."

Akeno:" She told me to run, to find my father but I didn't find you, I ran as fast as I could and just as my legs wouldn't carry me anymore I was found by someone."

???:" Yasaka, the leader of the Yokai found you and brought you to her home which the Gremory family was visiting at that time and although she tried to get them to let you return to your father they thought it would be better to not let you deal with it. I have to say not the best decision but you were a child and they didn't know what actually happened."

Baraqiel:" Either way, when I returned the next day you were nowhere to be found and the corpse of Shuri was laying outside the shrine that was the home of her family. They just threw her body down the hill to be devoured by some wild animals!"

His voice is rising and lightning is twitch through the air.

Koneko:" But why weren't you told about were Akeno is?"

Akeno:" That was my decision, I was blaming mothers death on him and didn't want to have to meet him."

Baraqiel:" Akeno, I don't expect you to just forgive me for my stubbornness or my inability to see what was going to happen. But no matter what you are my daughter and I am sure Shuri would be proud of you."

Akeno:" I-I can't, not right now at least. I have to think this over."

As she stands up and leaves the building Koneko follows her as well as Xenovia.

Baraqiel:" I know that you probably won't listen, but please keep an eye on her."

???:" I have helped you once, why shouldn't I help you again."

The stranger leaves and after bringing Akeno back to her home in Kuoh and a hug given to the Stranger by her the trio finds themselves on an open field and although Koneko doesn't know where they are she knows three things for sure: It is hot even in her school uniform, a walled city can be seen from where they are and she isn't the only one confused.

Xenovia:" Where are we?"

???:" Golgatha at the exact same place Jesus was crucified. Let's hope the Excrement-demon doesn't show up."

Xenovia is in awe at being at such a wondrous place. Koneko and the stranger are already leaving.

Koneko:" You still have to tell me what happened."

???:" Did you know that I once had a sister? *chuckles* Of course not. She was the most beautiful being to have ever existed but her pride let to her down fall, she was burried in this holy earth by my own hands. And while Shiro wasn't directly killed by Kokabiel, my sister was and I can still remember it as clear as if it was just yesterday that held her dead body."

Koneko is silent as she catches a glimpse of the face that is always hidden. There are some similarities to Baraqiel with the gruff look but that is all. The stranger has only Stubbles instead of a full-fledged beard and his hair isn't black either, it's like gold. His expression shows what others would probably see as irritation, but it is carefully controlled anger.

At a grave stone without anything written on the second bouquet is laid down.

???:" Soon I will be able to join you sister."

Koneko is getting impatient, but she doesn't show it.

???:" Now my dear kitten."

Next to the stranger Koneko is like a small animal and she knows that he can kill her without much effort, which is why she is even more surprised as this large man falls onto his knees bowing deeply before her.

???:" Please forgive me and misgivings."

Koneko:" Huh?"

A little while later the three sit in a small restaurant, each with something to eat and drink.

Koneko:" I still don't understand what you want my forgiveness for?"

???:" Because the reason your sister was declared as a stray and your people, the Nekoshous, were slaughter was my fault."

Koneko:" What do you mean?"

???:" Your old master was a monster. He tried to create the perfect devil and for that he created a peerage that had many different species in it so he could take samples from them daily. One of those that he used was your sister. When I found out about it I immediately knew that he had to be stopped, but I rushed things, I didn't think of the consequences."

Koneko:" So you killed him?"

???:" Yes. And I left thinking that nothing bad would come from it but I was wrong and that lead to your sister being branded as a stray and the Nekoshou race being nearly extinct."

Koneko:" Could you help catching her?"

???:" Your sister?"

Konek nods.

???'" Yes, but why?"

Koneko:" The easiest way to make sure that she can be redeemed is if-"

???:" I Take the blame that should have been on my shoulders all along. Alright, I will try to find and catch your sister for the sake of clearing her name, it's the least I can do to help after I already ruined it."

As they leave Koneko and the stranger notice that Xenovia has been silent the whole time and after dropping Koneko of at the school the stranger asks.

???:" Is something on your mind little lamb?"

Xenovia:" I was just thinking. If you get the devils to believe you, wouldn't they try to kill you?"

???:" That is a possibility, yes."

Xenovia:" I will not allow that. You said you'd give me a purpose and until you did that I will not allow you to die."

Those were the last words spoken between them that day and as a great occasion comes closer the two of them can't help but feel restless, which results in Xenovia being trained to wield her most devastating weapon.
Chapter done and we got to learn a bit more about our Stranger, next time we will come to the faction meeting and some complex developments, but until then I wish you all a good day or night wherever you are.

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