Chapter Five

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Chapter Five

Arguments. Shouting. Slamming doors. Shattered glasses. Were the noises I heard in the Niarchos mansion since yesterday.

Ares was agitated and lost control. He didn't want to get married, so do I.

Dad was very stubborn. He wouldn't listen and reconsider that nothing happened between Ares and I... not yet... when he caught us. He wanted us to get married as soon as possible, in two days time – and that is today.

I checked my hands again. The wounds were still so fresh on my palms with ugly streaks of red and purple on my skin. It was still so painful despite the painkiller that I took. I should be thankful though, that at least I didn't have any broken bone.

It started yesterday afternoon when I arrived home and told dad that I couldn't marry Ares. He was suddenly upset and shouted at me. He called me names, really bad names that made me cringe. Whore, slut, cheap and a bitch. He even said that I was just like my mom.

The slapping and hitting started. First on my face then he took the famous bamboo stick and hit my hands.

I was used to this, since I was so young. Everytime I made a mistake, dad would hit my palms with a bamboo stick, so hard until I bruised.

Dad was always violent when he was angry. That was the reason why mom left him. She couldn't take it being a battered wife anymore. She almost died the last time dad hit her.

There was a knock outside my room and Mrs. Diaz entered.

"Oh dear. You look so beautiful in that dress. I'm sure Sir Ares' eyes will pop out when he sees you."

I hope so. I just want to stay positive on everything that was happening to encourage positive energy. I would do my best to make our marriage work. I'd be a good wife to him. I would serve him and do anything to make him happy. I like Ares... and I think I loved him already. He will learn to love me back... soon.

"Thanks Mrs. Diaz."

"Are you ready? Everyone is waiting for you in the garden."

"Yeah." I smiled at her and took the bouquet of white roses on the bed. I checked the time on the wall clock, it was quarter to five in the afternoon.

Mrs. Diaz suddenly stopped and looked at my simple long-sleeve white satin long dress closely. "What are those?"


"These." She touched the red spots on the front of my dress. "Where did you get these stains? They look like blood."

"I... um... I don't know." I didn't want her to know about the bruises in my hands.

"We don't have enough time to remove the stain. Just cover it with the flowers. Okay?"

I nodded and followed her outside.

The wedding ceremony was held in the flower garden of Mrs. Niarchos, Ares grandmother. The place where dad caught Ares and I making out the other night.

The garden turned to paradise... like a dream. The decorations were very beautiful. White satin bows, white flowers in different kinds, white decorated chairs, white floral arch... everything was white.

There were a few people sitting on the chairs. I recognized some household help, Ares' friends and some older people - obviously Mr. Niarchos friends. But I couldn't see Ares parents. I wondered why they were not here.

My heart raced the moment I saw Ares. He looked so strikingly gorgeous in black tuxedo, standing near the floral arch, waiting for me.

Dad walked with me in the aisle, towards Ares. I was so nervous. My feet turned to ice and it was so hard to move. I was embarrassed. Everyone was watching me with a smile.

So, this is what all brides feel on their wedding day.

I felt very awkward, like I was going to melt with their stare. I focused my attention on Ares, admiring his handsome features.

Ares was not looking at me. In fact, he was staring at something across him. His face looked so gloomy like he was about to be executed. I felt the same way, but we would overcome this. We would do our best to make this marriage work.

I looked at the sky. The sun was gone and covered with dark clouds. It will rain... very soon.

When I arrived at Ares side, he never took my hand nor looked at me. I could sense that he avoided touching me. I felt so bad that he was still upset about our marriage. I hoped he would try to give this marriage a chance to work out.

A drop of rain fell on my cheek. I was right. It would rain. The sky already turned black and angry, just like Ares' expression. I jolted at the sudden sharp loud crack of thunder. I heard someone yell, ''It's starting to rain."

The judge cut the ceremony short and immediately said.

"Ares, will you take Rachel as your wife?"

It took a while for Ares to respond. He said "I do" only when his grandfather yelled 'Hurry up.' Then I said 'I do" immediately, so the ceremony would end before the rain would fall harder.

It was so sudden. We had the rings on our fingers and we were pronounced as husband and wife. Everyone clapped and waited for the kiss that never happened. Ares left me immediately under the wedding arch the moment the ceremony ended. We didn't even have a chance to have our first newly wed picture together.

Everyone congratulated me. Alone... and that was really embarrassing.

The rain poured down heavily. It looked like it would rain the whole night. I heard someone say that there was a typhoon.

The wedding reception was transferred inside the mansion. Everyone was rushing inside, then there was a loud sound of a shattered glass.

"Be careful. That's a very expensive champagne glass." The bartender said to one of the waiters.

"You broke a glass? Oh dear, that's bad luck on a wedding day." An old woman said.

Bad luck? I didn't believe in bad luck, as long as you have strong faith in God.

I looked for Ares. But he was with his friends, drinking liquor. He was unstoppable, drinking alcohol like he was just drinking water. The dinner did not even start yet.

We were not able to do the traditional cutting of the cake, the first newly wed dance, throwing of garter and bouquet, etc. Ares obviously didn't want to do anything with the wedding. He was busy talking, laughing and drinking with his friends.

It was almost midnight when the last guests left the party. Although I was tired, I waited for Ares in the living room. I knew I was going to sleep in his room tonight - and that was something that made me so nervous. I didn't know what to expect.

I have to face my fear. I'm sure every bride feels like this on their wedding night. Oh God, the anticipation is killing me.

I remembered our lovemaking in the garden. That felt so good. Thinking about it created a delicious tingling sensation inside my body.

"Hey wife. Come here." I jerked up hearing Ares' voice. I didn't notice him entered the living room. He was standing near the grand stairway, holding his jacket over his shoulder. His face was red, intoxicated with alcohol.

Like an obedient child, I went towards him. He ascended the stairs and I followed him, making sure to keep a distance.

I stopped when he stopped outside his bedroom. He opened the door wide and looked at me. "Get inside."

I froze.

"I said, GET. INSIDE." He said again, emphasizing each word.

I hurriedly walked inside and stood in the center of the room. Waiting.


What? I suddenly hugged myself.

He threw his jacket on a chair and removed his tie.

"Are you deaf? I said, UNDRESS."

"I... I won't."

"You won't huh? You got what you want, woman. It's time for you to give me what I want."

"What do you mean... I got what I want?"

"Your plan works. I fell for your bait." He smirked. "I never anticipated that you're a clever young woman. Congratulations! You caught a big fish in the ocean."

Oh God. That was very insulting. He thought I was planning to trap him into marriage.

"What are you talking about? I was forced into this marriage too." I moved towards him. "But I'll do my best to make our marriage work. I'll be a good wife to you."

"HA! So I'll have an obedient little wife." His eyes were like bullets, aiming at me. "You mercenary bitch! You and your father connived in forcing me into this shotgun marriage."

"We did not!" My temper flared immediately. He was accusing me of something that I didn't plan to do. I have to defend myself. "For your information, I NEVER EVER plan to get married so soon. I may be poor but I have dreams also to succeed in life, not at anyone else's expense, but by working so hard."

"And this is the shortcut to achieve your dreams." He laughed and clapped his hands. "Bravo, Rachel. You are one hell of a lucky girl. You dragged a billionaire to the altar."

"How could you say this to me. You know too well that I did not!"

"You think I don't know how you kept on following me around the house like a lovesick puppy?" He was glaring at me, like a demon. "You've been fishing for my attention. I saw you Rachel, hiding behind the walls, hiding behind that curtain..." He pointed to the long length curtain behind me. "You seduced me."

What! He is very insulting. I couldn't believe he's saying this to me.

"May I remind you that you were the one who started everything. You initiated the touching... and the kissing in the garden."

"It's still your fault. You looked at me like a temptress. Your eyes were begging me to kiss your lips. You gave me a 'come here' look all the time."

"I did not!"

"You did. Now, take your dress off or I'm going to rip it off you."

"You don't mean that." The thought made me cringe.

"HA! Trust me baby, I mean every word I said." He was gritting his teeth and clenching his hands. At that moment, he reminded me of dad. Like a monster, an ugly monster. He would hit me, punish me and make me beg for mercy if I wouldn't do what he says.

My heart sank. Who is this man that I married? He was not the Ares I knew anymore. The good man that his grandfather bragged about.

I pulled the zip at the back of my dress down. Underneath, I was wearing a new set of white-laced bra and panties, a birthday gift from Genevieve.

This was not I imagined as my first night with Ares. I was thinking of a very romantic setting. The room was filled with lighted scented candles and rose petals were scattered on the bed. We would drink champagne first and talk about our future together... and later, we'd be touching, caressing and kissing.

Not like this. I reflected with bitterness. He was snarling at me like an angry dog. His room even looked very untidy and smelled of alcohol. I saw empty bottles of beer and liquor at the bedside table. His dirty clothes on the armchair, shoes and socks on the floor. Mrs. Diaz told me when I arrived this afternoon that Ares wouldn't let anyone in his room.

"Take it off."

My mind came back to the present. I stared coldly at Ares. I hate him.

I stepped out of my dress and went closer to him. His eyes were scanning my body. The desire in his eyes was very evident. Burning like an inferno.

He removed his shirt, then his shoes and socks.... like an animal eager to mate. The love and attraction I felt for him suddenly vanish. I felt like I was about to make love with the devil.

He pulled me onto him. He was kissing me hungrily like a starving animal, biting me a little. His hand on my breast kneading it.


I was supposed to stop him... to fight him. But his lips became gentler and his hands did wonders on my body, touching my pleasure points. My protests immediately died as I enjoyed his tender assaults.

I could not believe how traitorous my body was. I felt possessed by the devil. My mind went blank as I succumbed to his seduction. 

I responded to him like a wanton woman, matching his passion as I kissed him with equal fervor. My hands touched his silken body, encouraging him to go on and never ever stop.

Isn't this what I dreamed of every night? To kiss him. To touch him. To feel him.

His hand was on my stomach, tracing the upper hem of my underwear. I felt his fingers creeped inside slowly, then touch my center.

I gasped, loving his fingers as he rubbed me there.

"You're so wet." His breathing was ragged as he whispered in my ear. "Do you like me doing this to you, Rachel?"

"Yes. Oh yes..."

He knelt down and removed my underwear, and the next thing he did caught me by surprise. His mouth replaced his fingers and ate my feminine core. My eyes went heavenwards as he teased my clit with the tip of his tongue.

"Oh my god, Ares..."

"So, I'm your god, now." He chuckled, then greedily licked and suckled my feminine core.

He stood up and removed his pants and underwear. My eyes widened as I stared at his manhood. It was my first time to see a man's private part. It was long and thick, standing so erect.

He carried me to bed and continued where he left off. Every lap of his rasp tongue brought my passion higher and higher. Tears of pleasure fell down on my temple. I did not want him to stop. 

I welcomed him as he opened my thighs wider and positioned himself on top of me. He captured my mouth, kissing me hungrily that I could taste myself in his mouth. I responded with carnal craving, having the fill of him.

Then I felt him enter inside me. I gasped from the sudden sharp pain. He penetrated inside me, slowly at first then became faster and harder. 

I did not protest, because I did not want him to stop. Every thrust of his hips decreased the pain and replaced it with euphoric pleasure.

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