Chapter Six

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Chapter Six

I opened my eyes slowly. White curtains, gray walls... bookshelves...

Where am I?

I turned my head and looked at the man sleeping beside me. I instantly sat up and grabbed the white blanket over my naked body.

It was Ares.

A sudden pain in my private part made me groan. I bit my lower lip and looked at where the pain was. I was stricken with fear when I saw smudges of blood on my inner thighs.

I looked at Ares. My temper suddenly flared up. His look was so deceiving - like an angel sleeping peacefully. But deep inside - was a demon, a devil and a reincarnated Lucifer.

Yeah, the sex was good, as expected to a man like him. But I recalled how he shouted and accused me of planning this marriage – even calling me a mercenary bitch. He had a very low opinion of me.

I really thought Ares was a nice guy, that he wouldn't hurt a flea. But last night... It proved that I was so wrong about him. He hurt me emotionally and made me feel so cheap.

I realized - I married a monster.

It was five o'clock in the morning. I stood up and went to the bathroom. I took a bath - rubbing my body clean and removing the scent of the devil that lingered in my nostrils.

I was stunned when I saw the bloody water on the white tiled floor. I touched my inner thigh and saw the fresh blood on my hand. Darn it.

I recalled with bitterness what he said last night. How dare he!

He was just like dad. I did not want to be miserable, like mom.

I changed to my wedding dress in a hurry and stared at Ares' sleeping form.

Bastard! If only I've known what a devil you are, I should have run a thousand miles away from you.

I took my wedding ring out of my finger and placed it on top of the bedside table.

Goodbye, Ares. I regretted meeting you.

I went to the rose room and grabbed my bag. I put some clothes and important documents inside, then changed to comfortable clothes. Jeans. Shirt and a pair of sneakers. I had one hundred dollars in my wallet. It wasn't enough, but I knew I would survive.

It was six o'clock in the morning when I headed outside the mansion. It was so quiet and almost everyone was still sleeping. Obviously tired after the party last night.

I was at the gate when the guards greeted me. "Good morning, Mrs. Niarchos. You're going out so early maam."

"Yeah. I have to get a few things in the house, before we'll leave for our honeymoon this afternoon."

The guard nodded. "Wait a minute, ma'am. I'll call a chauffeur."

"Oh no! I'll just take a cab. I'm in a hurry."

"But ma'am. You can't go out alone. You need a chaperone."

"I'm in a hurry. I'll be gone for a few minutes, okay?"

"Sorry ma'am, but I can't let you leave. I have to call your husband first."

"NO! He's still sleeping. Everyone is still sleeping. I'll be back thirty minutes."

The guard scratched his head. "Okay, whatever you say ma'am."

"Yeah. I'll be very quick." I smiled at him. My goodness, I really hated lying.

"Can I call you a cab, maam?"


*One month later

I worked as a waitress in a small restaurant in Dallas, Texas. The salary was small but it could cover all my monthly bills. I rented a small room near my work so I could save my transportation expenses.

I was taking an order from a customer when I saw a middle-aged woman enter the restaurant. She was alone and sat at one of the tables near the full-length glass window. My co-worker, Joyce, took her order.

The woman looked rich. She was properly made up - with a signature bag, fur coat and jewelries.

My heart pounded and a sweat ran down the length of my spine. She looked very familiar. Of course, because she's my mom!

I was trembling and hid inside the kitchen for a few minutes. I couldn't face her now, after she did. He left me in the care of dad - who didn't hesitate in hitting me whenever he was annoyed.

"Are you okay?" The chef said.

"Yeah... Yeah. I'm fine."

"You look like you've just seen a ghost."

He was right. It seemed like I've seen a ghost. My mom left us six years ago. I was twelve years old at that time. Since then, I haven't heard any news about her. She never even attempted to see me. The thought made me furious. Dad was probably right. She was a selfish bitch.

I remembered what she looked like six years ago. Too different from her appearance now. It seemed like she was doing well with her life... or she was involved with a rich man.

But I have to face her. It's now or never.

I asked Joyce if I could serve her customer's order on the table. "Sure, but I'll get the tip, okay?" Joyce winked at me.

I nodded and served the California salad and garlic bread to my mom. She was talking on the phone and she didn't notice me approaching her. She looked more beautiful now... and happy.

She put down her phone and glanced at me. "Thank you, dear."

"You're welcome." I said, facing her squarely.

She looked at me again. "Hello, Rachel."

I noticed that there was no surprise in her eyes. She knew that I was working here.

I exhaled heavily. "Hello, Rachel? After six years of not seeing each other, that's all you're going to say to me?"

She sighed. "What do you want me to do, create a scene here? I hate drama dear. Crying gives me a headache and it's not good for my heart."

I clenched my fist. She was always a cold woman. Never affectionate.

"I'm sorry. Life was so rough for me too. I had my own struggles. Much as I would like to go back to New York and see you, I couldn't. You know how violent your dad is."

"You left me."

"I had no choice. I couldn't feed you. We would both die of hunger. I was homeless, had no family to run to and no money."

"Really? For how long?" I eyed her signature bag, her dress and coat.

She shook her head and sipped her coffee.

"Is this a coincidence, meeting you here, or you've known that I'm working here?"

She was silent.

"So, you knew all along."

"I always know. I kept on monitoring your whereabouts."

"Oh, really huh. So, you've known about my disastrous marriage."

"Yeah. Why did you run away?"

"He's just like dad. A monster."

Mom didn't react. Then she said. "Get your things, Rachel. You're coming with me."

Mom had a big house in an exclusive village in Dallas, Texas. She said a friend gave the house to her. I wondered if her friend was a man or a woman. Aside from that, she had her money invested in a stock market.

Mom had an expensive car with chauffeur, a personal maid and a gardener. She was living a luxurious lifestyle – like a wife or mistress of a very rich man.

Mom made me stop working to pursue my dream of going to university. She paid my tuition fees and other school expenses. I didn't hesitate and grabbed the chance. I studied business management because I wanted to run my own company someday.

My life changed, as well as my outlook in life. I made new friends and adjusted to a new place. My mom was very supportive of me. She motivated me to become the best person that I could be. She filled the days that she was not with me.


I earned a bachelor's degree in business management when I was twenty two. I met a lot of friends. I enjoyed being single. I went to parties, hung out with friends and even dated. I lived my life to the fullest.

I haven't heard about Ares Niarchos anymore. He vanished in my life, totally – like what happened between us was just a dream.

*Seven Years Later

"I love you so much, Rachel. Please be my wife." Drew Barnes, my boss said. He had an Import-Export business in Dallas. I worked for him and was assigned to the Purchasing Department.

"I can't." I said disappointingly.

"Why not? I thought you love me."

I sighed and held his hands, on top of the dinner table, in an exclusive fine dining restaurant in Dallas. "I love you, Drew. But I really can't."

He got frustrated already. It had been two months since we started our relationship and he wanted to get married right away. He was ten years my senior and really wanted to settle down and start a family.

"For heaven sake, Rachel. Tell me your reason, why you don't want to marry me."

I was hesitant to tell him. Except for mom, nobody knew about my marriage with Ares Niarchos. I was afraid that if I'd tell Drew about it, he'd get mad at me. I loved him and didn't want to lose him.

But I have to take the risk. He wouldn't stop until he'd learn the truth. Besides, the truth would set me free.

"I can't because.... I'm... I'm married."


"I'm already married."

He leaped out of his chair. "My God! Why didn't you tell me?" He snapped his forehead with his hand.

"I'm telling you now. Drew, please... calm down. Let me explain first."

He went back to his seat and shook his head.

"I was eighteen at that time. My dad caught us kissing in the garden. I told you how violent dad is, right? He got so mad and forced us to get married....."

I told Drew about everything that happened and left Ares Niarchos for life.

"Did you file for divorce?"

"No." I said.

"What about him?"

"No. I haven't heard from him since the day I left him. That was seven years ago."

"Rachel, you have to divorce him right away. I'll get a lawyer to process the papers. Is that fine with you?"

"Yes, please do that. Thank you, Drew."

*One week later

Drew came inside my office, very furious.

"That man you married is impossible. The lawyer said that he refused to sign the divorce paper. He wanted to see you."

Oh no... this is trouble.

"I don't want to see him."

Drew strode closer to me. "You have to, Rachel. The sooner the better, so you'll have him out of your life, and we can get married."

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