2) more friends

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Warnings: this story is rated M for mature as it will have strong language, nudity, violence, and lemon/lime action and sexual content either by boy on boy or girl on boy contact. This story is a sequel to my first story "Moonlight Siren" as both this story and the first story is completely my own idea.

Special keys which some will be used together: "regular human speech", 'thinking', *telepathy/mental speech*, {aquadic telepathic commands}, (author notes), bold - weapons talking, italic - mermaid speech, CAPS – ATTACKS, [other various speech]

scrlet: I am sorry that Kanda seems or is a little OC but it was rather hard for me to write him and make him a total and complete jerk.

Kanda (yells): ......Hey!... I am not that bad!

scrlet (shakes head): yes you are Kanda... but I wanted to show a different side to him.

Lavi: frankly I prefer this Yuu then to the other one!

Allen (nods): I agree with you there Lavi!

Kanda (grumbles): its seems like everyone is against me.

scrlet: don't pout Kanda. We still all love you. This time I am introducing one of the other females whom will be mating with my sirens.

Lavi: well besides my daughter, there is two from our series and the one that you created. Is it...?

scrlet (covers Lavi's mouth. Hisses): don't give it away you jerk!

Kanda (laughs): serves you right Lavi for trying to give too much away. You know how scrlet feels about things like that.

Allen (shakes head): anyway please note that scrletfyre claims no rights to the D.Gray-Man characters and/or series as the story is completely her own idea!

2) more friends

A couple of years have passed since the six young sons of Allen and Kanda came to live within the castle. The young sirens never learned what had happened to the female mermaids that once lived within the ocean. The mermaids hated and feared the sirens even though they were there to protect them. They viewed the mermen as abominations because they were half human and half of their kind. The mermaids left the safety of the ocean far from the sirens. Even though the hunting and killing of the mermaids had been banded in some of the providence's, the same couldn't be said about the others. The mermaids that were caught by those humans that lived in the other providence's were killed. They of course kept the mer scales for in case they had to deal with the sirens. Not many humans were willing to except the sirens because they possessed strange powers and the fact that they weren't like all and other humans.

Once in a while Allen and/or Kanda would take the young to the beach area where they first met to go swimming. Often Lavi would come and bring Yuki as it allowed her time to hang out and play with the six younger mermen. It also gave Ashitaka the excuse to learn how to control his full powers because shortly after he had met Yuki, his weapon had awakened. It allowed the young mer to hear his weapons voice for the first time.

*Ashitaka...  I am Hinote. Your weapon and the other half of you.* stated the voice within his mind. With both of his fathers help, Ashitaka learned how to use his weapons power and how to transform his weapon into its altered form. Each weapon had its own distinct voice, released form, and released state. Ashitaka's weapon looked the same as both of his fathers as all the sirens weapons released form would be the same as the black arm looked like a claw-like hand with razor sharp finger blades (crowned clown second form). But its true form or released state was far different. Hinote wouldn't fully release yet as there was no need too. Ashitaka had yet to tell Yuki how he felt for the human girl.

It was a nice warm summer day as the sirens went for a swim at the beach. The young giggled playing around as they dunked each other and splashed each other. Yuki couldn't help but to admire Ashitaka when she saw him for the first time in full mer form as his red-orange tail shimmered like fire. The young sirens had finally mastered human language as they looked to be at least nine or ten years old. Ashitaka's brothers teased him all the time about how he felt for Yuki as it was clearly written on his face. But they did this whenever Yuki wasn't around. As they played in the ocean they had no clue that they were being watched by someone. But one of them could feel it as Hayate stopped playing as he gripped his left black arm when he could feel it lightly pulsing. A young girl whom was ten years old watched from behind a tree further up on land as this wasn't the first time that she had seen the young sirens but this was her first time seeing them in their full mer form. One of them had caught her eye in particular. The mer that was all blue as he looked so breath taking against the blue-green waters which seemed to accent his deep indigo blue hair, sky blue eyes, and royal blue tail. Both Allen and Kanda seemed aware that Hayate was sensing something as the blue mer dived under the water disappearing from sight. The young girl looked disappointed to see him vanish as she had no idea that he had snuck up right behind her. Hayate hadn't bothered wearing any human clothes as he had approached the girl as she had dark magenta colored hair that she wore straight to her shoulders in length but her bangs were a different color as they were golden blond in color as they hanged loosely in front of her aqua green eyes. Hayate quickly grabbed the girl as his webbed hand covered her mouth preventing her from screaming. Hayate had noted that she smelled like cherry blossoms as she was incredibly beautiful she was as she felt familiar to him in some way. Even at his young age he couldn't hide how this girl was making him feel.

"Please don't scream, I am not going to hurt you. You are more than welcome to join us as we won't harm you. Just whatever you do, don't turn around." Hayate whispered softly into the girl's ear. "Nod your head if you understand." The girl nodded her head slowly yes as Hayate released the girl as he could feel his father draping a large coat over him in order to cover him. When the girl saw Kanda, she bowed her head quickly.

"Your majesty... I am sorry. I had no idea. I didn't mean to intrude on your families time together." she stated.

"Please don't feel that you have to hide from us. We would be honored if you joined us. Are you lost or do you live close by?" asked Kanda.

"Close by your majesty. I just heard some strange voices and decided to take a closer look." the girl replied as her head was still cast down. Kanda placed his hand onto the girl's shoulder causing her to look up.

"Please no titles. Just Kanda is fine. I am certain that my sons and Hayate would like it if you joined us miss..."

"Sakura Utsugi but, I am afraid that I have this fear of water as I don't know how to swim and nearly drowned once before. But someone had saved me." replied Sakura bashfully.

"I thought that I had recognized you. I was the one whom had saved you. I am glad that you are all right Sakura. You don't have to be afraid of the water for its my element and I wouldn't allow anything to happen to you." stated Hayate as he took the girl by the hand leading her down to the beach. Sakura began to blush a bright shade of pink as her hand wrapped within Hayate's webbed hand. The two went to the water as the water siren told her to stay put until he came back. Hayate slipped over to a spot removing the coat and placing it with the rest of their clothing before he went back into the water changing quickly back to his mer form as he swam out to were he had left Sakura as Yuki allowed the girl to borrow one of her extra swimsuits that she had brought with her as her father Lavi acted as look out allowing the girl to change within the out-cove cave that once Allen had stayed in when Kanda had found him injured on the beach. Hayate had swam out as close to the shore as possible holding his hand out to Sakura. Their fathers had all ready warned the others to not horse around as this girl was trying to conquer her fear of water. Sakura walked out slowly towards Hayate as the merman swam close to her helping her get over her fear of drowning.

After several hours...  Sakura played with the young sirens as she managed to over come her fear of water all thanks to Hayate. The young girl had admitted that she loved how peaceful and tranquil water was as it lulled her to sleep. She loved to come to the beach to watch the waves as they crashed onto the shore. She told Hayate that the day that he had saved her she had managed to slip and fall from a cliff hitting her head and scrapping her side as a large jagged scar caressed her body from the back near her left cheek up to the front of her left breast. When Hayate had saved her life, he had also used his powers to heal her as only the scar remained on her body.

"I am grateful for everything that you have done for me Prince Hayate. I wouldn't be here today if it wasn't for you." replied Sakura as Hayate walked her home escorted by Lavi Bookman.

"Please just call me Hayate. After all we are friends now. I did what my kind is supposed to do, protect people." replied Hayate.

"Friends...  I like the sound of that. Do you think I could join you guys again when you go swimming. I would like to get to know you all a bit better." asked Sakura.

"I would like that and I am certain that my brothers would as well. You should bring your family with you." replied Hayate.

"I will do that. Thanks again Hayate." replied Sakura as she quickly kissed Hayate's cheek before she headed into her home. Hayate blushed a deep shade of red as he grabbed a hold of his black pulsing arm. Hayate knew within his heart that Sakura was his lifemate as he could sense that there was something special about the girl.

NEXT CHAPTER...  brotherly love

Lavi: aww...  how sweat. Hayate is in love.

Allen: so all ready two of my children have some clue to whom their mates will be.

scrlet: of course as I said in my introduction that this was going to happen. At times I will reveal what will happen ahead of time.

Kanda: I wonder whom is next to realize their feelings?

scrlet: now if I told you that then I would be ruining it for the readers but I will warn you ahead of time that there will be a major lime in the next chapter.

Lavi: ......a lime?...

scrlet (pouts): sexual content and sex containing two men.. .a lime or more commonly known as a yaoi .

Lavi (moans): oohhh...

Allen: and a lemon would be sexual content and sex containing a woman and a man.

Scrlet (smiles): correct Allen! (gives Allen a cookie as he eats it happily)

Kanda: please make sure that you leave us your comments and reviews as we look forward to hearing what you think!

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