27) rebuilding

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Warnings: this story is rated M for mature as it will have strong language, nudity, violence, and lemon/lime action and sexual content either by boy on boy or girl on boy contact. This story is a sequel to my first story "Moonlight Siren".

Special keys which some will be used together: "regular human speech", 'thinking', *telepathy/mental speech*, {aquadic telepathic commands}, (author notes), -weapons speech-, [other various speech], bold - weapons talking, italic - sirens speech, CAPS – ATTACKS

scrlet: I can't believe that I had wrote two chapters in one day as I was incredibly bored at work today.

Kanda: well that is a good thing considering that you wanted to end this story as soon as possible.

Allen: you mean to tell me that I can finally breath a sigh of relief as it close to completion?

Lavi: I would say so...

scrlet: I want to personally thank PokerPair for putting up with me through all of this.

Kanda: just get on with it all ready scrlet and stop procrastinating!

Allen: come on and be nice Kanda

Lavi: come on Allen you are asking for the impossible. scrletfyre claims no rights or anything associated with the series as this story is her own idea!

27) rebuilding

The sirens all let out a sigh of relief as it was finally over, Raviel had been destroyed once and for all. All of the sirens then collapsed in exhaustion reverting back to their mer forms. The battle was so intense that it wore them out. Lavi, Cross, and Daisya acted quickly directing people to help the sirens. After the long hard battle, now the sirens could truly focus on more intimate matters such as rebuilding the relations with the other providences, bringing back their race from the brink of extinction, and relations with all humans, to name only a few. But first they would have to recover from the battle. While the sirens were resting, plans were made to have a funeral for Tiedoll and to rebuild the damage to the castle.

The sirens slept soundly for almost a whole week as Tincanpy returned back up to the heavens as the gods had summoned him back. The block that Raviel had set up to keep Neptune and Poseidon from helping the sirens had been undone. The two gods came down from the heavens to help the sirens recover from the strain of over using their powers while doing battle with Raviel. No mortal not even the sirens have ever seen the true appearance of the two gods so illustrations on how the two looked varied from person to person. Poseidon looked much like the illustrations associated with that of King Trident who was believed to rule the city of Atlantis. His hair was actually seaweed with seashells and other sea items laid tangled in it. His skin was a light ghostly gray color as he had a very dark forest green fish tail for his lower half. His eyes were small black pearls as he had a long seaweed beard and mustache. Neptune on the other hand did look more human than his brother Poseidon. Yes, you heard me right. Neptune and Poseidon are brothers. One controls the ocean while the other controls the sea. Neptune had long white hair which was very close to the same color as Allen's hair as his skin looked the same color as an Asian and/or Hispanic. He had rather large deep pine green eyes as he had a deep forest green fish tail. The two gods floated in the air almost like they were swimming. Their powers vibrated through the air as they could both feel the consciousness of the weapons helping them.

{Please rest for now and leave this task to us. You have all been through a great deal all ready.} both Neptune and Poseidon stated in unison. The weapons obeyed their lords and masters as they settled down resting allowing the two gods to return to their task. As the weapons slumbered the two gods discussed about the new young that had yet to be born.

{Surely we can't have them all be male. I feel that some shall be female. Much like the human mates, they will hold some power but not the elemental powers.} stated Neptune.

{I agree my brother. The ones that are the true male mates shall give birth to the new male sirens. While Kanda and Allen shall bear mostly females this time maybe with the exception of two males.} stated Poseidon

{Yes but that still leaves the four human females.} Poseidon scratched his chin thinking about it for a minute.

{How about we do half and half? This way things balance out?} he stated.

{I see your logic as the males will have the same elemental powers as their fathers. But we should make it four males and four females considering that there are four of them. Each human female will have twins one boy and one girl.} stated Neputne. Poseidon nodded his head in agreement as no doubt either they would find mates within their own kind and/or within humans.

Finally after a week had gone by the sirens had regained consciousness. The funeral for Tiedoll was held while they were unconscious but this didn't stop them from paying their own respects to the general., Nobody blamed the sirens for what happened to Tiedoll and/or Suman as they understood that the humans had sacrificed themselves to protect the sirens. Humans were now beginning to fully understand the duty of the sirens and exactly what they due to ensure the safety and the protection of all the humans. Any and all weapons that proved useful against the sirens were carefully disposed off as the humans no longer feared them or wanted to destroy them. Plans were made for all sirens to marry their mates formally before the young arrived. This brought joyous news as the humans felt bad about killing all of the mermaids bringing the siren race close to extinction. Never would they realize that even humans could mate with the sirens bringing the two races even closer together. Things were looking up for the sirens as the task of rebuilding their relations with humans had been completed. Humans no longer feared their kind as they now worshiped them!

NEXT CHAPTER.....happiness and joy

Kanda: well that kind of felt short lived.

Allen: I was kind of expecting more myself.

scrlet: I didn't plan on it to be that short as it was at least almost five pages had written as these last couple of chapters may seem kind of short but they aren't

Lavi: hey we aren't blaming you scrlet. It's the way that it all worked out.

scrlet: thanks Lavi.....  only two chapters left so please don't forget to leave me your comments and reviews

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