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|[{Unedited}]| Please let me know if there are any mistakes. It would be a big help.


Sabrina groggily shuffled her feet to the dining room where Granny was serving breakfast of various colors and shapes. She mentally groaned, just wanting normal food for once, but sat down anyway.

Her family each told her "Good morning" except for Puck who was sitting across from her with a mischievous look in his eye and a smirk plastered on his face, staring directly at her.

"What?" she asked and checked herself for any signs of a prank. When she found none, she grew even more confused.

"Oh, nothing," Puck replied, still smirking.

Sabrina suddenly felt queasy, scared of what could have possibly been going through his head. She did her best to ignore him and began to slowly eat. After years of eating Granny's unusual foods, Sabrina had learned how to eat them without actually tasting the unusual substances' distinct flavors. Sabrina finished off her black waffles (or at least she thought they were waffles) with pink syrup. To wash down the nauseating aftertaste, she quickly drank all of her orange juice in one large gulp and wiped her mouth with her sleeve.

Puck suddenly was howling with laughter and began rolling around on the floor, clutching his stomach.

"What's his problem?"

Her entire family gasped, except Mr. Canis who didn't seemed phased at all at whatever they were looking at. Basil pointed a tiny finger at Sabrina, whispering to Veronica. Sabrina scrunched her eyebrows in befuddlement and gave them all a look as of asking them mentally what they were staring at.

"Uh, liebling?" Granny asked, holding back a grin. "Did you taste anything odd while you were eating?"

"No more than usual..." she trailed off and suddenly realized how loose her pajamas felt and how much taller everything seemed. Sabrina hesitantly looked down and screamed. She had shrunk! "Puck, you jerk!" she roared, knowing that he was involved with it. Her hand slapped over her mouth in shock when her unusual high pitched voice reached her ears. "What did you do, dogface?!"

Puck's laughter finally died down and he stood up while wiping away a stray tear. "Remember when you sent that embarrassing photo of me to your friends?" — Sabrina nodded — "Yeah well, payback is a witch. So I put a potion in your juice. You're welcome." Puck did a mocking bow which enraged Sabrina even more than she already was.

Sabrina would've strangled him but her tiny hands were too small to fit around his neck. "GRR!" she yelled in frustration and decided to go with the old kick to the groin. Puck hunched over and let a groan of discomfort.

"Sabrina!" Veronica scolded her and put her hands on her hips. "You're in timeout, young lady!"

"Timeout?!" Sabrina cried and stomped her foot. "I'm fifteen years old!"

"You sure don't look nor act like one!"

Sabrina rolled her eyes and groaned in annoyance which sounded ridiculous in her squeaky, toddler voice which made Puck snort.

"I've always wondered what it was like to have a younger sister," Daphne tried to giggle quietly to Red but failed so miserably that everyone in the room heard.

Sabrina shot her a nasty look and stuck her tongue out at her and Daphne was quick to return the gesture.

Uncle Jake came down the stairs in a rush. "I just got a call from Charming. Apparently Baba Yaga was robbed and — What the heck happened?" He stared directly at Sabrina and did a double take. "Yikes."

She frowned and crossed her arms over her chest with a short, "Humph."

"Puck slipped a potion in her drink," Daphne said with a small giggle.

"Oh, it's just a Jugend Potion," Jake said with a shrug after he looked her over again.

"Just a Jugend Potion!" Sabrina said. "I'm five!"

"Don't worry, 'Brina. It should wear off after it's out of your system, so drink lots of water... or coffee."

"You said Old Mother has been robbed?" Granny asked, changing the subject.

"So was Snow and Charming," Jake added with a slight nod.

"Oh my word. This is the tenth robbery this week." Granny sighed. "Alright, half of us will go to Charming's house to look for clues while the rest of us will go to Baba Yaga's. Maybe there will be enough clues to finally figure out who the culprit is."

"I call going to the old hag's place!" Puck said enthusiastically and raised his hand in the air.

"I wasn't finished. Puck, as punishment, you get to stay home and babysit Sabrina," Granny told him.

Puck's ears turned red as he glowered in fury. "I am a king! Not a babysitter for some annoying little girl!"

"And why do I have to stay? Basil gets to go and he's five!" Sabrina complained.

"You're in timeout remember?" Veronica reminded her and chuckled. "Besides, I think you should be more focused on drinking water and getting that potion out of your system than anything else."

Sabrina grumbled but agreed none the less. Her family left and she and Puck were left alone in the house. She grabbed a water from the fridge and plopped herself on the couch.

After a few minutes of silents, Puck rolled his eyes and said, "So what do you want to do?" Silence. "Grimm?"

He walked in the living room and found five year old Sabrina giggling while watching a cartoon show on Disney Junior.


Sabrina looked at him and giggled. "You funny!" she squealed and began to suck her thumb.

"Oh. Terrific," said Puck sarcastically. "Now you're acting like a toddler too."

Sabrina acted like she wasn't even listening to him and began laughing at yet another stupid joke that was made by a girl in a purple dress that wasn't even funny.

"Can I change the channel?" Puck asked small Sabrina.

"No!" she cried and tears began to cascade down her cheeks. "I want to watch Sofia!"

Puck sighed. He couldn't stand another minute of watching the maddening children show that she had on. "Please. I'll do anything."

Sabrina seemed to ponder on it a bit before her eyes grew wide and yelled, "POTTY!"

Puck gave her a look. "What?"

"I have to go potty!" Sabrina yelped and began to do a dance on the floor.

"It's down the hall." Puck used his index finger to show her where he meant.

Sabrina used her tiny legs to sprint to the bathroom and he heard the door slam shut. "Twinkle twinkle little star. How I wonder what you are..."

Puck snorted. He never would've thought that Sabrina was the type to sing as she used the restroom.

He was too busy thinking to himself that he didn't even realize Sabrina was done until she crawled up on his lap and let out a yawn.

"Uh... Grimm?" Puck asked and poked her side, earning a small giggle.

"I'm sleepy," she said groggily against his chest.

Puck felt his face turn a shade of red and was unsure of what to do. So he let her be and soon soft snores were emitting from her mouth. He smiled a little and soon felt his own eyes grow heavy with sleep.

*Time Skip*

The Grimm family returned home late that night with mirth since they solved the case. It turned out that there was a goblin on the loose that was power hungry for magic, much like Sabrina when she used magic.

Daphne was the first one to notice the pair asleep on the couch and muffled her squeal while biting on her palm. Everyone else let out a small laugh and even Basil let out a amused giggle.

Sabrina was still younger than her actual age but they could tell that the magic was slowly wearing off because instead of being five like when they left, she looked more around the age of ten or eleven. She was curled up against Puck quietly snoring and Puck was sprawled out on the couch with his thumb in his mouth and clutching onto Sabrina like he normally would to Kraven The Deceiver, his stuffed unicorn.

"Let's let them be," Granny said with a smile. She walked over and kissed them both on their heads whispering, "Goodnight, lieblings."

They turned off the lights, including the TV, and headed up to bed, enjoying the peace and quiet for once. But sadly, that did not not last long.

The next morning everyone was woken up by a feminine scream and a, "GET OFF OF ME, PUCK!", a loud thud, and a groan of pain shortly after.


"OW!" Puck's screams of pain were echoing off the walls and everyone groaned at the same time, except Daphne who was snoring quite loudly and slept through the entire bedlam.

Sabrina's cries of rage and Puck's pained vociferates could be heard from outside and pedestrians walking by all shared the same knowing glances, knowing exactly what each other were thinking...

The Grimms are awake.

I really like this imagine and i hope you enjoyed reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it. Thanks again, @cottoncandy2016 for requesting this. And remember requests and feedback are appreciated. :)

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