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[EDITED. Please let me know if there are any mistakes so that I can fix them. Thank you.]

Man, I'm so lazy when it comes to updates. So sorry! And remember... FEEL FREE TO REQUEST! :)

Daphne sighed and set her book bag near the front door. She'd had a rough day at school and it didn't help that she didn't get a wink of sleep and failed her Chemistry test... again! Daphne knew she would get an ear full from her dad for not bringing her grades up like she'd promised.

"Are you alright?"

Daphne whipped her head around towards the source of the voice. Sprawled on the living room couch was none other than Pinocchio himself munching away on a bag of Doritos while watching Sherlock.

Ever since the end of the Ever After War, thanks to the Granny's generosity, Pinocchio had been staying with the Grimm family and started going to school along with Daphne and Red. He, as expected, exceeded his age's grade's intelligence by a land slide as well as the grade after that, the grade after that, and the grade after that. So he had been moved up multiple times and was now taking senior classes at school for half a day and taking college courses online at their house for the rest.

Daphne let out another sigh and shrugged. "I guess."

"Let me guess, you failed your Chemistry test."

She scrunched her eyebrows. "How did you know?" Daphne asked, her face flushing from embarrassment.

"Well, you seem to fail it a lot."

His words made a pang of hurt erupt in her chest and her embarrassment soon turned into anger.

"Well, not everyone can be genius, ok? So just shut up." Daphne stomped up to her room and slammed her door.

Puck's head popped out from around the corner and raised his eyebrow at Pinocchio. "What's up with Marshmallow?"

"I don't know. Maybe it's that time of month," he mumbled and put his head in his hands.

"What do you mean 'time of month'? Is it a full moon tonight or something?"

"That's not— Oh, never mind. I'll go talk to her," Pinocchio rolled his eyes at the fairy's stupidness.

Pinocchio stood up, brushed himself off, and walked upstairs to the brunette's room. Puck plopped himself on the couch and instantly started munching on the half finished bag of Doritos.

Pinocchio rapped a few times on her door before hearing a hesitant, muffled "Come in."

He opened the door and walked inside before shutting it behind him. "Hello."

"Uh. Hi?" Daphne had her face stuffed in her chemistry book and wasn't paying him much attention at all. Her forehead was scrunched up obviously do to her stress and she was rapidly clicking her pen over and over again.

Pinocchio cleared his throat and Daphne finally looked up at him with a blank look. "I apologize for upsetting you earlier. That was not my intention. I would be honored to help you study for your upcoming test, if you would allow me too."

Daphne's face broke out into the large grin that he'd grown to love. "I would really like that! Thank you!"

The next two weeks past by like a blur as they began studying for Daphne's next test. She and Pinocchio grew much closer and learned things about each other in that short amount of time that they'd never known before. They especially bonded over their newly found shared taste in sweets that they munched on every night as they studied together, sometimes pausing to argue who got the last piece.

The day of Daphne's test came out of no where, taking them both by surprise by how fast the time went. Although he was confident in his tactics and Daphne's capabilities, Pinocchio was anxious to know how she'd done and stared blankly at the TV screen as his mind worked.

The night before, she had known all the answers to every question he had given her on a set of flashcards and completed all her stoichiometry problems correctly. Despite her accomplishments the night before, she had been very stressed that morning and Pinocchio worried for her. He couldn't blame her for being anxious when Henry would surely have a tantrum if she failed again!

But his thought were quickly interrupted when the girl he couldn't stop thinking about threw open the door and slammed it shut so fast that Red barely had time to slip inside. Daphne ran inside with a loud squeal and proudly displayed to him her test paper with a red, bold 'A' at the top. Red giggled from the hallway.

Pinocchio, like always, was sprawled our like a starfish on the couch but sat up straighter and smiled at the sight of her enthusiasm. He soon stood up and walked over to her and sincerely said, "I'm very proud of you, Daphne."

She blushed and tightly hugged him around his torso, making him tense instinctively out of shock. "Thank you," she whispered before planting a light kiss on his cheek. It was so gentle, Pinocchio wondered for a moment if he had imagined it.

Daphne, after pulling away, squealed again like a toddler and ran upstairs to her dad's office, excited to share her grade with him for once.

Pinocchio was happy too, but for other purposes as he touched the place where the ghost of Daphne's lips still lingered. He smiled to himself and turned to find Puck lying on the couch in his previous spot, Dorito's in hand, and with a smirk plastered on his face.

"So, when's the wedding?"

Pinocchio rolled his eyes, smile never faltering. "Shut up."

i really wanted to make an imagine focused on Daphne and Pinocchio because they don't get enough love and I really enjoyed writing it <3.

Thank you so much for 270 reads! You're all amazing! Xx
Please remember to request. Maybe if I had more ideas to work with I could update more...

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