Dance With Me - Part #2

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Puck looked curiously over at Sabrina who was scribbling notes down in her book. They were in science class and Mr. McMillard was trying to explain something about cells but Puck wasn't listening. Instead, his gaze kept focus on the blonde sitting two seats away from him until he felt the uncanny sensation of being watched.

When it didn't go away, reluctantly he pried his gaze away from Sabrina and turned to his left to find that his instincts were correct as always.

Lucy sat next to him and did that weird thing that she did every time a guy looked at her: twirl her hair, smile, and do something that looked like she was silently giggling.

Puck mentally rolled his eyes. It was obvious that Lucy had a crush on him. Everyone knew it. But she was the complete opposite to the girl he'd fallen for: short, pale, loud, brunette, scared of everything, and had dark brown eyes. The worst thing about Lucy was how she threw herself at every cute guy that even looked at her, thinking she had a chance.

A piece of paper was quickly placed on his desk and he looked over at Lucy who looked too innocent, as if she hadn't just obviously slipped him a note—an action that would certainly give them both detention of they were caught.

He unfurled the paper and read the scribbled lettering quietly to himself.

Meet me at my locker. Xx

Puck ripped the paper into fours and stuffed it in his pocket. There was no way in hell he was going to meet her anywhere, not after the stunt she pulled last week.

He was hopeful Lucy would get the message that he wasn't interested when he didn't show up at break. He should've known better. All day she followed him and annoyed him with her high-pitched voice and all day he tried to avoid her.

After school, Puck heard the sound of high heels clicking behind him and started to walk faster to the exit. He cursed in his head repeatedly.

"Robbie-Poo," he heard Lucy whine.

"Don't call me that," Puck told her angrily over his shoulder. "And stop following me. I'm not interested!"

He slammed open the doors and stomped outside. Lucy followed him around the school campus. He couldn't go home with her following him like this. Especially since Grimm was going to be there. Everyday, he and Grimm would walk home together and usually exchanged insults, but if Lucy was there, then Grimm would probably never speak to him again.

"But you have to be interested," she insisted with a harrumph, pulling at his sleeve and making him turn and stop. "Just look at me. I'm hot!" She pushed out her unimpressive boobs.

Puck rolled his eyes and groaned. Modest much? he thought sarcastically.

"I'm way better than that Bri chick," Lucy spat. "And a better kisser too," she purred and touched his chest suggestively. She was so close now he could smell her sickly sweet perfume.

Puck gagged and pushed her hand away. "Again, not interested. Just go away! Haven't you seen the news recently? No means no!"

"I won't take no for an answer," Lucy said like a child and stomped her foot. "Give me a good reason as to why I should stop perusing you."

"Fine. Here's your answer. We are never-"

What Lucy did next was unforgivable and Puck felt highly violated and disgusted. She grabbed the collar of his shirt and forced his lips with hers. Puck was stiff with shock and finally after a few seconds he registered what was happening and pulled away with his face in pure disgust at the taste of her lipstick on his tongue.

Lucy was smirking like she knew something that he didn't and he followed her gaze to behind him.

Dread filled him to his very core.

Sabrina was standing just ten feet away with a blank face staring straight at him, her hands around her backpack straps on her shoulders.

His eyes widened. "Sabrina I-"

"Save it," she snapped, her countenance becoming one of anger. "I just came over to tell you I'm leaving and I'm going home with or without you."

Sabrina walked past him quietly and Puck, with slouched shoulders, walked slowly behind her in shame and guilt despite him not having done anything.

"See you tomorrow, Robbie-poo!" Lucy chirped from behind him and blew him a kiss even though he couldn't see it.

Puck rolled his eyes but didn't respond, silently he wiped his mouth with his sleeve. He was more focused on Sabrina than anything else.

Her figure was tense but he could still tell she was upset but how her nose was scrunched up as if she was holding something back.

Not wanting to upset her anymore, Puck decided to keep quiet the rest of the walk home which was only a few minutes.

As soon as they got home, Sabrina ran up the stairs and slammed her door shut as Puck just stood in the doorway feeling conflicted and not knowing at all what to do. He had never been good with dealing with his own feelings let alone someone else's.

Uncle Jake walked out from the kitchen just as Puck shut the front door quietly.

"What happened?" Jake asked, staring up at the stairs Sabrina had just ran up.

"Um... It's a long story," Puck said and rubbed the back of his neck.

"I've got time."

Puck took a deep breath and told Jake everything from the dance, the note in science class up, and all the way up to the kiss that Lucy forced upon him. Jake listened very closely and never said anything until he was finished.

"Dang," Jake whistled. "You've had an eventful day... Does Sabrina know that Lucy forced her crusty lips on yours?"

Puck sighed. "No."

"You haven't heard it from me," Jake stage whispered. "But I think 'Brina might have a tiny crush on you." He smiled and walked back into the kitchen to get more snacks.

Puck was surprised by the news, his pointed fairy ears burning red under his curly hair. After a few minutes of thinking, he slowly headed upstairs and hesitantly knocked on Sabrina's door. "Grimm, it's me. Open up."

There was no response and Puck put his ear to the door and faintly heard the sound of muffled sniffles.

He quietly opened the door and saw a sight that would haunt him forever.

Sabrina lay on her bed with her head in her pillow crying—because of him. Maybe at one point he guessed that she liked him too but never could've even dreamed that she liked him that much.

Puck slowly sat down next to her and out his hand on her shoulder.

"Go away," she croaked.

"Never," he said. "Sabrina, look at me."

Sabrina finally stopped crying and looked up at him with her red puffy eyes.

"I'm sorry," she said and wiped her face with her sleeve. "I don't even know why I'm crying. It's so stupid," Sabrina said and sat up, pulling her knees to her chest. "I probably look like an idiot."

"No, you don't," Puck told her. "But Sabrina, I didn't kiss Lucy. She kissed me."

"But you didn't pull away..." she argued softly and skeptically, not wanting to give in to his excuses so easily.

"I was shocked. I didn't know what to do. She did it so fast that I couldn't even think. I'm so sorry."

"You didn't do anything wrong," Sabrina said with another sniffle. "We're not even dating. You can flirt with whoever you like. I'm just a hormonal, teenage idiot who doesn't know how to-"

Puck interrupted her by leaning in for a kiss. When their lips locked on each other Puck remembered the first time they'd kissed. Even though it wasn't the last and only time they'd kissed it was still the most meaningful. Puck just prayed it wouldn't end the way the first one did.

When they pulled away Sabrina was still sniffling but she wasn't crying anymore and Puck felt proud and slightly relieved when Sabrina didn't punch him.

"Hey, Grimm."


"You love me, admit it."

"Way to ruin the moment, fairyboy. Way to ruin the moment." Sabrina sighed with a smile playing on her lips. "But sure."

Puck grinned.


||AN|| This is really cheesy so hopefully you're not lactose intolerant! :)

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