Dance With Me - Part #1

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I drew the picture. I based it off an image that I found online so all rights go to the original artist. I just decided to re-draw it, add color, change a few things, and add a few details and a quick, little background. I hope you like it tho. (This isn't based off this one shot. It's a picture from the 9th book during the wedding scene. I mean can you seriously picture Sabrina wearing that dress of her own free will without a little bit of Daphne's magic's help? I didn't think so.)

Enjoy. :-)


Sabrina so far hated her first homecoming more than any event she'd ever been forced to go to.

The only reason she was there was because her mom practically forced her into a blue dress and told her (more like ordered) that she 'had' to go because it was her first school dance. She then reasoned that Sabrina would regret if she didn't go. Finally her mom, with the gained support from the rest of the adults in the house, had Sabrina outnumbered and the fourteen year old had no choice but to accept defeat.

Feeling betrayed, Sabrina rolled her eyes at the memory and slouched even further in her seat. Even Mr. Canis had encouraged her to go.

Her blue eyes lazily scanned the crowded gym. She didn't know where Puck, the smelly fairy boy that tagged along, had gone off to.

He's probably stuffing his face with junk or flirting with Lucy, Sabrina thought sarcastically and crossed her arms over her chest.

Lucy was the prettiest and most popular girl in her grade. Everyone wanted to be her, be her friend, or date her. All the boys liked her and literally no one else. They were like her little lost puppies that did everything she asked and followed her everywhere she went. It annoyed and disgusted Sabrina to the core just thinking about it.

Sabrina got up and got a cup of juice punch. She looked down at her wrist watch. She groaned when she saw that only twenty minutes had passed. That meant her mother would be picking her up in exactly one hour and forty minutes and to Sabrina that seemed like a life time.

She sat back down and drank all her punch and threw the plastic cup away. She had no phone and her friends (because they were like her) hadn't come because they disliked dances. The only difference between she and them was that they didn't have pushy parents who made them go.

Sabrina tried to pass the time by going over her algebra and science notes in her head. Bu the loud music almost made it impossible to keep count of her numbers correctly.

"Hey, Stinky, stop being such a downer."

Sabrina rolled her eyes and gave Puck, dressed in dress pants and a nice button down shirt, a look.

"I'm not being a downer," she protested calmly. "I just don't like dances."

"First off: You are being a downer. And second off: How do you know you don't like dances? You've only been to one dance and that was at Morgan Le Fay and Mr. Seven's wedding. And that was barely a dance. More like a shot-gun-get-together," Puck said. "C'mon, Grimm, you haven't given this a chance."

"Shouldn't you be flirting with Lucy like the rest of the boys," Sabrina snapped, suddenly annoyed. She didn't need anyone else to be against her choices tonight. Especially Puck of all people.

Puck pursed his lips and scrunched his eyebrows in confusion, cocking his head sideways. "Why would I flirt with her? Her face basically screams 'clown' and her voice sounds like one of those rats from Alvin and the whatever-they're-called," Puck replied. This caused Sabrina to snort. "I was in the kitchen in the back eating all the fresh baked cookies until somebody caught me and shooed me out like I was a rodent." Puck's look of confusion turned into one of cockiness and smirked. "Was wittle Grimm jealous?" he coped in a baby voice, batting his eyelashes.

"No!" Sabrina said, her face heating up. Thankfully the multicolored lights of the disco ball and the dim lighting hid her reddening cheeks.

"It's ok, Grimm. Who wouldn't want all this." He gestured to himself up and down. "I mean, I am gorgeous."

"You're annoying. That's what you are," Sabrina stated.

"Let's just get this over with already," Puck said and seemed to fake mentally prepare himself for something. "So... Grimm, do you want to dance?"

Sabrina looked at him weirdly and looked down at his outstretched hand.

Sabrina thought about what she should do.

Puck was smelly, rude, and obnoxious. He pranked her and poured continents in her hair made of disgusting ingredients such as pickles, eggs, glue, and sometimes manure that he found in the woods. He acted like a jerk and humiliated her in front of everyone in school.

But then again he also saved her life countless of times even though it meant he could lose his life in the process. He was her first kiss, first crush, a friend, and even sometimes (though she hated to admit it) her hero.

Sabrina sighed, gave up the mental debate she had going on, and took his hand.

Puck pulled her up and onto the dance floor. He put his hand on her waist and intertwined their hands together, away from their bodies and led them in the same dance from Morgan Le Fay and Mr. Seven's wedding. It brought back so many heartfelt and happy memories from that day that Sabrina couldn't help but smile as she moved through the familiar dance.

Puck lifted her and spun her around, making her giggle and squeal like a little school girl. The sounds made Puck chuckle.

They laughed and danced the night away. The action of them dancing together seemed to bring back good memories for Puck too as he flashed a genuine smile at her, his eyes distant yet wide with understanding.

Sabrina caught a sight of her watch and stopped her movements, bringing them both to a screeching halt.

"What's wrong?" Puck asked, looking worried, afraid he'd made some type of mistake. Had he stepped on her toes? Gone too fast? Did his breath smell funny?

"I can't believe it," Sabrina said in a whisper so quiet that his fairy ears barely caught it. "We've been dancing for almost an hour. My mom should be here to pick us up any second. Come on." She grabbed his calloused hand and rushed to get out the gym doors.

Sure enough Veronica Grimm was waiting in her car in the parking lot just outside the doors.

Sabrina got in the front seat while Puck crawled in the back, trying to hide his growing disappointment.

"Hey, you two. I was just about to come in and get you myself. Did you guys have fun?" Veronica asked and then drove off.

They looked at each other through the fear view mirror and shared knowing glances.

"It was fine," Sabrina answered with a shrug to hide her smile. "The punch was a little sour though."

* * *

That following week, Sabrina walked into her homeroom and everyone turned to look at her, falling silent. It unnerved her.

"What?" she questioned and gave them all a bewildered look. Where the hell was the teacher?

Her face turned into a frown though when Lucy stood, smirking. "We saw you and Robin at the dance," Lucy said in her usual high pitched, squeaky tone that made Sabrina cringe just at the sound of it.

'Robin' was Puck's cover name at school or whenever he was around humans to hide his true identity.

"Yeah. So?" Sabrina said and crossed her arms.

"Let me tell you something, Bri. Robin will never ever like you. He's mine," Lucy snarled. "I actually feel bad for you. It's pitiful how desperate you are."

Everyone 'oooed' and backed or leaned away, deciding to act as if they weren't listening. Some people were laughing.

"Let me tell you something, Lucy," Sabrina snapped, walked towards the said girl, and jabbed her finger into Lucy's left shoulder. "My name is Sabrina. Robin doesn't like you and he never will, and he isn't yours!"

"Oh really? That's funny. Then why'd he ask me out Saturday?" Lucy said, feigning innocence. "We were dancing until I noticed you slouching in the corner, sitting and acting like the loser you are. I felt sorry for you and so I sent Robin over and told him to come up with a cover story so you wouldn't feel bad. I thought I was being nice until you hogged him the rest of the night and dragged him away from me without letting him say goodbye. He even texted me later that night, apologizing for your rude behavior and saying how much of an embarrassment you are to him."

Ouch. Sabrina looked down and felt the back of her eyes sting and tried to swallow the lump in her throat.

"Wait. Did you actually think he liked you?" Lucy scoffed, lifting her brows until they disappeared under her bangs. "I can't believe you actually thought someone like you would have a chance with a guy like him. He's funny, has a great personality, and is super hot. How could you ever think a guy like him could like a person who looks like you? Grow up, Bri. He doesn't like you and never will. In fact, you annoy him. Don't believe me? Go ahead and ask everyone else what Robin's been saying about you behind your back." Nobody met Sabrina's blurry gaze. "You're just a loser who he feels sorry for. He acts like he cares for you only because you're his host family's daughter and he needs the free room and board. So, me being the nice person I am, I'm going to give you some advice: stay away from him." Lucy smirked at the end of her speech like she's won a Grammy award at seeing her opponent's crestfallen face.

Her chest aching, Sabrina ran out of the room and heard some people laugh as she did so. The ones that didn't were obviously talking about her and that fact just made her more upset.

Not looking where she was going, she ran into something—well, somebody—and looked up.

"Sabrina?" Puck exclaimed in surprise. "Are you alright?" Puck asked and tried to help steady her only to have his hands pushed away.

"Since when have you ever cared? You can stop acting like you do now, by the way. Have fun with Lucy. You two are perfect for each other," Sabrina spat and ran out the doors, not caring what the consequences would be. She could deal with those later.

Puck shook off his confusion and marched into his homeroom and straight up to Lucy. "What did you do?" he snarled and gave her a death glare.

Lucy gulped, trying to force a smile on her face and failing. Puck rolled his eyes, grabbed her arm, and pulled her into the hallway so that the other students wouldn't get the satisfaction of watching their conversation.

"Tell me!" Puck barked sternly, crossing his arms.

Lucy just stood there and quivered in fear when finally someone, a boy named Jared, peeped his head out and answered for her. He told him a brief explanation of what had happened but left out some choice details for Sabrina's sake.

Puck glared at Lucy once more and stomped out the door.

As soon as he was outside, he took off his backpack and put it on backwards so it was against his chest. He made sure the coast was clear before letting his wings unfurl and he flew up high to search for Sabrina.

After a few minutes, he saw blonde hair zoom down a sidewalk into the town's park.

Puck immediatelyswooped down and landed in the woods, just outside of the park she was in. His feet barely made a sound and he was quick to put his backpack on the correct right way.

He walked over slowly, like approaching a frightened animal, and sat by Sabrina on the bench who had her knees pulled up to her chest and her face buried between them. The wind gently blew through her hair.

"Listen, Sabrina, I know you don't want to talk to me right now," Puck said softly. "But everything that Lucy told you was a lie. I never asked her out. I do care about you and I have no interest in her whatsoever. I didn't even dance with her. Like I told you, I was filling my stomach with some of those amazing pastries. Why would I lie about that?" He bent his head down, trying to make eye contact so he assure himself that everything would be ok. That she would be ok.

After a few excruciating heartbeats of silence, Sabrina finally looked up with her eyes red and puffy and said, "I know. It wasn't that that upset me."

"Then what did?" Puck asked. Usually he hated feelings, but when it came to Sabrina Grimm, feeling was all he ever did anymore.

"It was the ideas that the lies suggested. Lucy told me that I was a nobody and a loser, that I'm an embarrassment. She said that... When she said it, she made me realize that maybe I'm not good enough. That maybe a guy won't ever like me. I don't know. Lucy just pushed the right buttons I guess and it drove me over the edge even though I've never considered my feelings for someone before..." Sabrina trailed off in a frustrated sigh. "And I think she made me realize that I like someone but I don't know what to do about it. I don't think he feels the same way."

"Oh," Puck said and felt a pang of jealousy swell in his chest. "Who's the lucky guy?"

Sabrina sighed for a second time, looking up at the sky. "Let's just say, you and him would get along perfectly."


if you want a part two or have a request just PM me. Thanks. So... what did you think? I know it wasn't very good. The idea just came to me as I was drawing the picture on top (or on the side. It depends on what device you're using) and I decided to write and post it. And if you enjoyed it please...
And Follow

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