I Just Wanted To Feel Needed - Part Two

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*Continue after the first Epilogue...*

Sabrina couldn't help but smile as the winged man landed, still looking into her eyes with an emotion she couldn't recognize. 

"Did you miss me?" he asked and chuckled.

"Puck, I'm so-"

"Sorry? Yeah, I know," Puck interrupted her.

"You!" Bradley pointed his finger at Puck and stepped in front of Sabrina. "You're that fairy guy who Sabrina told me egged my car!"

"Guilty as charged," Puck said smirking.

"And you're the one who gave her that scar from gluing the basketball to her head!"

"Yeah... That was a mistake." Puck rubbed the back of his neck. "But her hair covers it now!" he pointed out.

Bradley was about to say something else but Sabrina stopped him.

"Guys, can we please deal with this after we erase Bradley's folks' memories?" Sabrina asked.

The Grimms took care of Bradley's family as Sabrina walked the two men outside to talk.

Now you might've been thinking that they had a thorough, adult-like conversation. But you thought wrong. Instead, Sabrina slapped Puck and told him, "How dare you show up after five years on my wedding day - during my wedding!"

Puck rubbed his cheek and Bradley chuckled, earning a glare from Puck.

"Sabrina, darling, let's just forget about this thing and continue on with the service and talk about this later," Bradley said, eyeing Puck up and down with a look of complete hate.

Puck stepped in. "No one is getting married to Grimm but me!"

Sabrina glowered. "Puck, you can't just leave for five years without any communication, crash my wedding, and just expect me to drop everything to marry you."

"But in the future-"

"That was a future. Not the future." Sabrina sighed and turned to Bradley. "I think we should reschedule the wedding. I'll tell my family to erase all your family's memories and make them think that I got sick with influenza."

She turned to Puck and pointed a finger at him. "Don't think for a second that this conversation is over."

Sabrina apologized to Bradley and ran back inside the chapel.

Bradley let out a low growl. "You're such an idiot to believe that that girl would fall for a guy like you. She's smart, funny, and can kick butt. She deserves better," Bradley stated.

"Well I must be a pretty big idiot then," Puck snared. "And you're right she does deserve better. But that doesn't mean I won't stop fighting for her."

Puck unfurled his wings and flew off to calm down.

* * *

Sabrina picked at her food and stared at Puck from across the table.

"It's good to see you again, Puck," Jake said sheepishly and took a sip of his wine.

"You too, Jake," Puck replied and looked at Sabrina. "It's good to see you as well, Grimm."

"I wish I could say the same thing for you," Sabrina told him and took a bite of steak.

Puck tightened his lips into a straight line and looked down at his food.

"So... Puck, what have you been doing these past five years?" Daphne asked, trying to start up some light conversation.

"Traveling, doing king business, the usual," he answered.

"Really? Because I went to visit Titania and she said that she hadn't seen you in years either," Sabrina said.

"My mother isn't the queen anymore. She doesn't need to know everything."

They stared at each other as if daring one another to say something.

Basil, now a teenager, looked between the two and slowly cut his steak. "Awkward," he coughed under his breath.

Veronica gave him a look and lightly hit him across the shoulder as if to say 'knock it off.'

"I'm going to bed," Sabrina announced, stood up, and left the table.

"But Sabrina, it's only seven thirty!" Veronica said.

"I know," was her reply.

"This is going to be a long week," Basil grumbled.

"Week? I would've guessed months," Mr. Canis stated and rolled his eyes.


Puck, suddenly not hungry, stood up and said, "I should probably go talk to her." Puck walked up the stairs and knocked on Sabrina's door.

When no reply came, he put his ear to the door and heard muffled crying.

He barged in and was surprised to see Sabrina with her head in her pillow balling her eyes out. He'd only seen her like that once and that memory felt so long ago.

"Go away," she croaked.

Puck ignored her and sat next to her. She didn't even acknowledge him and kept wailing into her pillow.

"I'm so sorry, Sabrina," Puck said in a loud whisper and rubbed soothing circles on her back. "So, so, so, sorry."

Sabrina looked up at him and sniffled. Her eyes were red and puffy and her nose was running. Puck hated seeing her like that.

"Why?" she asked.

"What do you mean?"

"Why did you leave? Why didn't you call, send letters, or anything for five years? And why did you decide to show up now—on my wedding day?!" she cried.

Puck looked down. "I just wanted to feel needed," he told her, ashamed of himself and his past selfishness. "I felt like you didn't need me anymore and that I was just nothing. I didn't feel like I had a purpose so I decided that I should become King and help people around the world. It helped a little bit. But there was always something that seemed out of place. I wanted to come back and see you and Marshmallow but it never seemed like the right time until it was too late. Somehow Mustardseed found me in a bar in London and told me the big news 'Sabrina Grimm is getting married to Buffy-"

"It's Bradley."

"Same thing. Anyway... So I finally decided to find the courage to come back," Puck continued. "When I heard you were getting married and saw you in that alter I knew what I was missing. It was you, Sabrina. And I know how cheesy that sounds, believe me I'm barfing in my mouth too, but it's true. The reason I left, never called, and et cetera is because I was scared as Hades. I was scared that you would reject me and I wasn't good enough. I mean, why would you leave me for a guy you've been with for over five years? But if being your husband or whatever is my purpose, then I think I would be the happiest fairy in this realm. And before you punch me or scratch my eyes out, I'd like to point out-"

Sabrina cut him off with a kiss, her hands pulling him down by his shoulders. Puck was taken aback at first but eventually deepened the kiss after a few heartbeats. Their lips moved in sync and they were both lost in the moment until...

"Sabrina, I was wondering—I wish I never saw that!" Henry slammed the door behind him while rubbing his temples.

"Dad it's not-" Sabrina started but couldn't find the right words.

"Yikes. I think I saw a new grey hair," Puck pointed out and laughed.

"Ugh. You're so immature," Sabrina said, but her face betrayed her and gave away her pure look of happiness.

"But you love me!"

Sabrina giggled and couldn't deny it until a thought occurred. "Oh, Geez. What am I going to tell Bradley?"


I hope you enjoyed it. That is the end of this story. If you want more just leave a comment and I do take request as long as they're age appropriate. So please...

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