The Time Puck Got A Wattpad Account

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"Hey, Buttface, come here!" Puck shouted at the top of his lungs.

The said fifteen year old blonde came into the room with a look of agitation written all over her face. "What is it this time, Fartbrain?"

Sabrina knew it was a bad idea to get Puck a laptop for Christmas. But did Granny listen? Well, if she would have then they wouldn't have been in this predicament with Puck calling for people left and right to show them what interesting things he'd discovered like "copy and paste".

"Apparently you can by games on this thing!" he exclaimed turning the screen to face Sabrina so she could see all the apps he'd bought.

"Puck that's—wait—how much money exactly did you spend?" Sabrina shrieked staring, mortified at the screen full of tiny squares of the different things he'd bought.

"These things cost money?" Puck asked. "Oh, that's makes so much sense. I was wondering what those little things that kept popping up were..."

Sabrina didn't know whether to strangle him or throw the laptop out the window. She looked around and remembered that they were only in the living room on the first floor so she supposed the first suggestion would have to do. Right as she neared the fairy who was lounging lazily on the couch with his back turned to her, he turned around with a Cheshire smile.

"Look, Grimm!"

She put her hands behind her back, acting innocent and leaned in to see what exactly he had done that time.

"Puck what is this?" she asked, scared to ask but too confused not to.

"There's this website that you can publish books on!" He laughed. "Forget that stupid author and his publisher who refused to give me my own book, now I can do it all on my own!" Puck's laugh was boyish with a diabolical charm to it. His tongue was slightly sticking out as he typed away on the computer with only his pointer fingers.

Sabrina rolled her eyes, hoping that whatever website he was talking about would keep him occupied for a while.

* * *

It had been almost two hours before Sabrina heard Puck calling for her while using one of her many nicknames he'd come up with. She groaned, setting down her cup of coffee and paused the movie playing on the tv in her room. Sabrina bounded down the stairs and into the living room where she saw Puck in the same position as earlier.

"What?" she asked simply, crossing her arms over her chest and jutting out her hip.

"Someone voted on my story!" he exclaimed, showing her the screen to show all sorts of notifications about "votes" and comments" piling up in his notification box. "I'M FAMOUS!" Puck crowed and jumped up and down. "By the end of the night, I'll be so filthy rich that you'll be kissing my feet." Puck whooped and hollered.

Sabrina knew by this point, her family was hiding from Puck because there was no way they could've not heard him. She rolled her eyes. "Puck, why will you be rich?"

"Because I'm an author!" he proclaimed, sticking his chest out proudly. "And people keep clicking a star button on my book and stars are rich so therefore I'm rich!"

Sabrina snorted, bending over and clutching her knees for support.

"What? What's so funny?" Puck questioned, sounding furious.

Sabrina wiped away the tears from her eyes and got ahold of her breathing. "You're not rich, Puck. It's just a website to write for fun. You don't get payed."

Puck's face turned red which slowly rose to his ears. Sabrina couldn't tell if he was embarrassed or angry or both. "Whatever." He slammed the laptop closed and marched upstairs.

Sabrina giggled to herself.

Puck because of his humiliation didn't use the computer for a very long time which was fine to the entire Grimm household.

Sabrina later stumbled across the website Puck talked about called Wattpad and found his story. After all, it wasn't hard. There was a picture of him on the front with the title "The Daily Life Of Puck The Great And Awesome" with the user name "KrakenTheDeceiver".

Sabrina laughed with an evil grin, knowing it would probably be very useful one day.


||AN|| So, I haven't written in this in a while and I have excuse after excuse but I won't bore you with them. Hopefully people still read this and will enjoy! :)

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