Valentines Day • Part Two

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Announcement at the end x
Requested By: @GamerGirlHal

Sabrina had never been happier to be back at the Grimm house, which younger Daphne had once called 'Dollhouse' since it uncannily resembled one. It truly did.

Being trapped between a teenage fairy, who appeared to have grown another foot in his absence, and her sister in a car nicknamed the 'death machine' was just as much torture as any of Puck's pranks. Her legs and feet thanked her when she finally stood in the driveway, grateful to be able to finally move again.

It took a while for Jake and Puck to unpack their things from my their long trip in Russia. Granny Relda was cooking in the kitchen with the help of a giddy Daphne. Sabrina's parents had called and said that they wouldn't make it until the next day, deciding they would like to spend Valentines Day alone together while Basil was at a friends house in New York. Red and Mr. Canis were upstairs meditating before dinner and that left Sabrina and Elvis, the family dog, together in the living room. Sabrina's feet were propped up on his side as he snoozed away on the couch next to her, still in that god awful Valentines Day sweater that Daphne had forced on him.

Sabrina was watching Harry Potter until a large body suddenly blocked the screen.

"Hey!" she cried at the fairy with a mouthful of chips.

Puck just smirked as he loomed over her, surprising Sabrina more with his large increase in height. He has to be six foot now. "This is just pitiful."

She narrowed her eyes at him and continued to munch on her chips slowly.

"Shouldn't you be dressed in pink and skipping around the house?"

"No, that's Daphne's job," Sabrina replied.

Puck snorted. "Aren't girls supposed to love Valentines Day?" he asked, staring at her like she's grown two heads.

"Well this 'girl'," she said while making air quotes with her fingers, "is not like most girls. So go away."

"I can see that."

"Can you please just move so I can get this day over with?" Sabrina grumbled, trying to peer around him and at the screen. It didn't work.

Puck pursed his lips but finally moved and started heading up the stairs and to his room, a plan forming in that devious mind of his.

* * *

Dinner was served at around seven and Granny had decided to make her famous spaghetti with purple sauce and green mashed 'potatoes'.

It was full of laughs and chatter and the occasional conversation about how much Jake and Granny wished Sabrina's parents and Basil were there. Daphne, of course, missed them too but she was too busy gushing over how cute Elvis looked, giggling with Red, and at times elbowing her sister in the side when she saw Puck staring at Sabrina to care for long.

But mostly dinner was full of Jake and Puck talking about their adventures in Russia.

All Sabrina really heard was them talk about a fool named Ivan and a magical sea monster on their quest to find a feather. Yes, a feather.

"–but not just any feather," Jake said in a voice like the ones seen in advertisements on TV. "A firebird feather."

Granny gasped in shock and disbelief. "Jakob, you didn't."

"He did," Puck said, chuckling. "And I helped by distracting the beast. That was one unfriendly bird." He then began talking about how he fought of the massive creature and nearly got his wings torn off again.

Jake then reached into his large trench coat and pulled out the feather of the legendary firebird, looking like liquid gold with its magical glow lighting the entire room. It was almost as long as Jake's arms and reminded Sabrina of a shimmering yellow peacock tail feather.

Daphne and Red stared at the feather with amazement and shock. Canis looked bored as ever (surprise). Granny looked amazed. Puck looked smug and Sabrina's eyebrows were shot up in surprise from how it emitted so much light. A few seconds passed before Jake slipped the feather back under his coat and the room was back to its usual brightness.

"That's so cool!" Daphne squealed and Red nodded silently beside her while smiling.

"Thanks, Munchkin," Jake said. "And I've got presents for all of you from more stuff we've found. But you'll just have to wait until Christmas..." he trailed off, quirking a brow.

"But that's so far away!"

"Please, Uncle Jake!"

The two tween girls complained about how long they'd have to wait and Sabrina rolled her eyes. Some things would never change.

Dinner went on like that for an hour. Puck was the first to excuse himself because he said he was tired from jet lag and then Jake did the same with the exact same excuse.

Sabrina helped rinse off the dishes and put them in the dishwasher.

"Happy Valentines Day, liebling," Granny said and then kissed her cheek as Sabrina headed off to bed.

"Happy Valentines Day," she responded, trying her best to sound at least a little cheerful. It didn't work but to Sabrina's relief her granny didn't anything else.

Sabrina quietly shut her bedroom door closed and went to plop down on her bed when she saw a note on it.

In the most scribbled handwriting she had ever seen it read—

I need to show you something.


Sabrina rolled her eyes. What does the fairyboy want now? She was about to toss the note aside when a thought occurred in her mind: What if something was wrong?

Her curiosity got the best of her and she walked down the hall to his room and carefully opened the door. She waited for one of Puck's pranks to hit her in the face but thankfully nothing happened. The door closed softly behind her and she made her way through the endless, magical room which wasn't really a room.

It was a grassy field surrounded by a forest with an ice cream truck, a wrestling ring with a kangaroo in it, and a large trampoline that Puck slept on instead of a bed.

"Puck?" the blonde called out wearily.

It was quiet. Too quiet.


Sabrina screamed and jumped in the air. How she hadn't heard his bug-like wings, she didn't know.

"What the heck!" she exclaimed and clutched the area over her heart. "You scared me."

"I noticed," Puck replied smoothly in amusement. "I see you got my note."

"No shi–"

"Language, Grimm," he tsked. "C'mon." He held out his hand and she took it with a roll of her eyes.

The fairy then continued to pull her towards him until she was in his arms bridal style. It was weird feeling how much broader and muscular he was underneath her since the last time he had flown her anywhere he was just a scrawny, awkward teenage boy.

The wind blew in her hair as his wings thundered above them until they came to a part of his room which was in the middle of the thick forest. He set her down carefully and then used his two fingers to sound a loud and high pitched whistle through the area.

"What are you–"

But before she could say anything else pixies and monkeys with helmets came out of the trees. For a moment, Sabrina thought they would attack her until she noticed that they all were holding something. The monkeys swung from limb to limb of the trees and tied rope together, creating a large projector screen and the pixies each came up to her with a rose and the rest illuminated the area.

"Puck...?" Sabrina asked in disbelief, blinking rapidly to make sure she wasn't hallucinating. "What is this?"

"Happy Valentines Day, Grimm," he announced and spread his arms out, gesturing to the area.

She then noticed the projector in one of the trees.

"I thought we could watch Harry Potter and talk about how much we hate Valentines Day together," Puck said, sounding slightly sheepish, afraid that she would reject him.

Sabrina gave him a smile smile, blushing in the pixie lit forest air and said, "Sure, Fairyboy."

And that became their tradition: watching Harry Potter on Valentines Day as they gave reasons why they hated the holiday of pink and chocolates. But in reality, the two cherished the holiday more than any other and that fact stayed their secret forever.

*   *   *

Thank you so much to the person who asked for me to continue this one shot! This was quickly written so I'm sorry for any mistakes!


To keep it short and sweet: The announcement is (and I can't believe I'm saying this) that I will no longer be writing in this book. I will always love the series and the characters and will always be grateful for the joy that they brought me in my childhood. But it is time to close this chapter of my life and start working on my own works. I love you all soooo much and thank you so much for reading! <3

~ El Fin ~

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