Chapter Four

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Addie's POV

I sit on the couch. Stella comes over with a book.

"Will you read to me?" Stella asks, holding out the book.

I check it out. It is the first GoddessGirls book.

"Okay. I will read the first chapter and then you have to let me do your hair!" I say.

"Okay!" Stella exclaims.

She sits next to me and I start to read. The chapter is twenty-four pages long.

At the end, I say to Stella,"Okay! Go get me a hairbrush, three ponytail holders, and four bobby pins."

She runs off to get them. She returns five minutes later. She sits down in front of me, and I begin to brush through her long, red hair. When it is brushed out, I do her hair in a cute heart braid in honor of Valentine's Day. I am going to the Valentine's Day dance tomorrow night at school. (The hairstyle is in a pic above. My mom did it to me and my sis)

I hear the doorbell ring. I stand up and answer the door. It is Amanda.

"Come on in," I say.

She walks in and we go to the living room. She sees Stella's hair.

"Wow! Can you do that to mine?" She asks.

"Yeah. Tomorrow, for the dance," I say.

We go upstairs and hang out in my room. Eventually, it starts to snow.

"I had better go. I don't want to walk in heavy snow," Amanda says.

She puts on her coat and walks home.

Amanda's POV

When I get home, Ryan and Mitchell are bickering.

"You're wrong!" Mitchell yells.

"No, I'm not!" Ryan shouts.

"Mitchell, Ryan is right," I say as I walk past.

I walk upstairs and feed my guinea pigs. Woodstock seems to fight Vannilly to get more food. I sit on my bed and play on my iPad.

I get a text: Tell her I am sorry

I ignore it. It is from a number I don't recognize. I walk downstairs and start watching Once Upon a Time with Ryan and Raegan. I sigh. Raegan is basically a sister now. Well, she is my biological sister, but...yeah.

Ainsley's POV

I finish up my math homework and sigh. It is finally done. I look at the dress I picked out for the dance tomorrow. I go downstairs and look out the window. It is snowing, but not enough to get us off school. I look in the kitchen. Mom is making meatloaf for dinner. It smells delicious.

"How long till dinner?" I ask.

"Twenty minutes," she replies. I groan. I am starving.

I go upstairs and study the science terms to learn. After a while, Mom calls up.

"Dinner!" She calls.

I run downstairs and start eating.

Alyssa 1's POV

I sit in my room, bored. There is nothing to do. I already finished my homework, and I am in between books right now. My phone is dead. My brother is annoying me out of my mind. I go downstairs and eat dessert, then watch TV.

Aparna's POV

I play with my guinea pigs. After a while, I go downstairs. Amanda texts.

Whats up?

I text back: Not much. U?

She replies: Just watching TV

I hear my dad call up that it is time to eat dinner. I text Amanda: Gotta go. Bye!

I put my phone down and run to go eat.

Alyssa 2's POV:

I finish up my Spanish homework. I walk in to the guest bedroom and turn on the TV. I change it to a movie. I watch the movie. My phone buzzes. It is from Addie.

Need a ride 2 school tomorrow?

I like getting to school early, so I text back, Yes plz.

I put my phone down and watch the rest of the movie. Afterwards, I go downstairs and scoop myself a bowl of ice cream. I eat it, then go up to bed.

Anusha's POV

I look put the window. The snow is sticking a lot on the grass, but not on the road or sidewalk. We already have six inches on the yard. I yawn, change in to my fuzzy pajamas, and go to bed.

Author's Note:
Was this a good chapter length? Don't forget to comment and vote, and I will follow you back! Book of the day is Triple Threat, by swim4life9358. in thrle picture of the hair, the redhead is stella. I am the other one

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