Chapter Three

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Aparna's POV

I sit at my desk, zoning out. God, I hate history. So boring. When the bell rings, I step out of the classroom. I feel a hand grab my arm. I turn and see Amy.

"Hey. You're one of Ainsley's friends, right?" Amy asks. I nod.

"Yes. You're not one of her friends, right?" I say cooly.

"Look, I was hoping you would talk to her for me. I want her back as my friend again," Amy says.

I shake my arm free and walk away. I can't believe she thinks Ainsley will forgive her. I go to my locker and put my history notebook away. I grab my science supplies and head to my classroom. We do a lab that is really boring. I mostly zone out while my partner does the work.

Amanda's POV

In math class, I have a Twiz. That is a cross between a test and a quiz. My teacher gives everyone who gets a hundred percent a large pack of Twizzlers. After the Twiz, we take some notes. Then, my awesome teacher lets us go to our lockers and hang out for the last twenty minutes of class.

At my locker, I organize all my stuff, then hang out with Ainsley and Aparna, who are both in my class. Amy looks over and smiles. Ainsley regards her coldly and turna back to us.

Ainsley's POV

I see that annoying girl, Amy, looking at us. Smiling. The nerve! Amanda french braids Aparna's hair. It looks fabulous. The bell rings, and Amanda waits by Addie's locker so they can go to tech ed.

Addie's POV

As we walk to tech ed., we pass the art classroom. Ryan, Amanda's sixth-grade brother, waves at us. We wave back. We walk in to the tech ed. room and go to the computers.

I feel so bad for Amanda. Her module partner is Zach. The one person nobody wants to be with. He is really annoying. I am in the electricity module. At least my partner lets me do most of the work. Assembling circuits is actually rather fun. At thw end of class, we go to lunch. As we sit down, Amanda says loudly:

"Bow to the queen, by royal subjects!"

I roll my eyes.

"Not going to happen, sistahh!" I say.

We burst in to giggles.

We begin to eat. Everyone is immersed in their own conversations. Raegan and Aparna are talking about an annoying kid in their PE class. Ainsley and Paryana are talking about music. Lexi and Trisha are talking about random stuff. Alyssa and Alyssa are talking about their brothers. The weird part about their brothers is that they are both named Parker. Amanda and I are talking about Harry Potter. She is asking me questions about the books, and I am answering them for her.

"Why does Harry always go to the Dursleys' house?" She asks.

I gasp. This question would spoil the answer if I answered honestly.

"Okay, I am just going to lie and say rhat Voldemort would expect him to be anywhere except there," I say.

Alyssa 1 catches my eye and we share a knowing smile, really knowing that it is because ----- -----ed for -----, so ----- can only go there. Lunch ends, and we go to our next classes.

Alyssa 1's POV

-time lapse-

I look out the window. We are almost at our stop. (A/N @swim4life9358 and attajenna this was before Alyssa moved. She actually never moved!)

"Come on," I say to Addie.

We hop out and go to my house. We go upstairs and drop our stuff in her room. We do our homework, then go outside. We invite Parker, Stella, and our neighbors, Melissa and Daniel to go on a walk with us. We walk down to the playground. Stella and Parker dash to the swings. I roll my eyes. They are three years apart, but they get along so well.

"So, did you do the science homework?" I ask Daniel and Addie, who both had science yesterday.

They reply at the same time.

"Of course," Addie says.

"Ha, that's a good one. I don't do my homework!" Daniel says.

It's Melissa's turn to roll her eyes. Afyer a while, we go back home.

Author's Note:
Don't forget to comment and vote, and I will follow you back!

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