💗Chapter 11💗

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Would you guys like an Apprentice POV during the Voting and after? :3


Quickpaw glanced around the clearing as she sat in between Spottedfire and Finchpaw, eager to see what was going on this time.

The leaders stood on Tall Stone as they decided to call it, looking down at their Clans.

Kits wailed, the older ones raced through the crowd, oblivious to their mothers scolding them.

Apprentices tried to best each other in a play fight, but their mentors drew them back.

The older warriors glared at each other, muttering threats under their breath.

Finally, a yowl sounded and Winterstar flicked her tail for silence.

"Cats of all Clans! Tonight, you will choose where your heart belongs. If you want to stay in the Clan of your birth, stand to the left. If you wish to join another,  stand to the right."

Quickpaw raced toward her brother, Bug, to beg him to stay on with her and their mother in FeralClan, but he glared at her and hissed, his black fur bristling, "Have fun with your stupid old herbs. Feral and Cora are dead. FeralClan doesn't deserve my strength. I'm going to join a better Clan."

He shoved her away and padded over to chat excitedly with Cinder, smiling smugly back at Quickpaw, whose heart shattered as she watched her only brother pad out of her life.

Father would be ashamed.

Nina watched with tears in her eyes as her only son joined RainClan, a pack of prey-stealers, with Quickpaw staring longingly after him.

Indigo chose to stay with her Clan, which Quickpaw thought was strange, with all the weird looks that she got at Gatherings from Ace, a former Trainer,
also in RainClan, oddly enough.

Fin stayed quiet, looking around the clearing before, stranger still, padding over to join MistClan.

Although, some hollow part of Quickpaw howled that it wasn't fair that cats her age would leave their birth home so quickly.

The kits and Mika of course, stayed with their Clan.

Quickpaw and The Queen had gotten close since Reena's strange disappearance three nights ago so Quickpaw was glad she still had her friend.

Storm joined WinterClan.

Jasper and Shine joined
EarthClan ,tails twined.

"WinterClan, let's go home!"

"EarthClan! We journey home!"


"To me, FeralClan!"

"HazelClan! We're heading home!"

Quickpaw's ears twitched at Redfang's yowl, but her paws refused to obey.

"Bye, Quickpaw!" She vaguely heard Finchpaw and Spottedfire yowl, but their voices were lost in the wind.

Quickpaw padded next to her mother on the way home, trying to vainly comfort her.

"It's going to be ok, Mom. You'll see Bug again at Gatherings."

She flicked her tail and nodded, smiling sadly.

"Maybe you're right, my love. At least you're here with me. "


In the days following the Voting, as it was called among the warriors, Quickpaw noticed a lot of change among the other Clans.

HazelClan appointed the first deputy, a she-cat formerly known as Minnow, now called Minnowspot , and WinterClan announced little ones with the last name 'kit after their names, the first of many to come, Quickpaw hoped.

Redfang had recently done the same, but still, the feeling of hope and wonder filled the eyes of the gathering cats below Tall Stone.

Bugpaw acted as though she didn't exist, which stung worse than bees.

Quickpaw,later on that night, felt at peace in her feather and moss nest, the stars shining bright overhead through the hole in the roof of the den, yet her mind raced. 


My brother may be gone to swim like a wet rat in RainClan and left me alone for the first time in our lives, but I'm happy here with Redfang as his apprentice, sharing tongues with Mother and ForestClan  and looking after the kits for Mika

Redfang is a great mentor.

Maybe Cora, Bugpaw, Indigo and Fin were wrong about him.

But Quickpaw noticed with a bite of jealous that Feather was hanging around the medicine den more often than not, and she and Redfang were talking quite bit more than usual, sitting close together.

Pushing away from her jealousy, Quickpaw sighed and fell into a calm, deep sleep.


Zane padded through the  forest surrounding his mountain home, his mind wandering.

He had told Miststar that he was hunting by the Echoing Falls and then going to remark the borders with HazelClan and FeralClan, but really, he just wanted to see him again.

" Z-Zane?"

He heard a small, soft voice mew, beckoning him toward the WinterClan border.

Standing there, shivering like a lost kit, stood the most beautiful creature he had ever seen, his amber eyes gleaming happily, despite the cold.

Zane looked around, checking to sure no patrols were about.

The tom dared to move closer to press himself against Zane, purring loudly.

"I missed you." He whispered under Zane's chin.

Zane chuckled, nuzzling his shoulder.

"It's only been a moon, my love."

The tiny tom frowned, his eyes narrowed.

"Really? I didn't realize."

Zane purred, loving his mate's forgetful innocence.

Suddenly, his love backed away, his eyes wide.

"Oh, great ForestClan, I almost forgot! I'm suppose to be training with Tiger and Waverly! I'm sorry. I have to go."

Zane watched longingly as his mate raced away, kicking up snow in his haste and Zane hurriedly raced back over to the MistClan side of the border, tracking down an eagle and set off for camp...

Back to his cold nest in the apprentices den, longing for the warm amber eyed tabby tom.

The games they had played in the snow, hunting together and sharing stories...

Oh, ForestClan, how he loved him...

"Zane! You're going to be late for the dusk patrol!" called Ace sharply, snapping the white tom out of his daydreaming.

Lately, he noticed that the sharp tongued tabby tom was acting crankier than usual, exchanging longing looks with a she-cat from FeralClan at Gatherings, but Zane knew to keep his mouth shut.

"Coming." He grumbled, passing through the entrance of the den and joined the patrol, with Ace, not surprisingly as patrol leader.

Miststar dipped his head to Zane, who nodded back, padding over to the fresh-kill pile and grabbed a mouse before padding over to sit next to Stonestep and began chatting.

Zane followed his patrol through the snowy landscape that lead to the right of WinterClan, his fur fluffed out against the cold as he scaled the rocky terrain, racing down the slope leading to the forest below to remark the borders as promised  and inhaled the fresh air.

Are you out there, my love?

"Zane! Get your head out of the clouds and focus!"

Zane fought the urge to curl up his lip and demand to know what was going on in the old Trainer's mind, but he managed to nod and mumble, "Sorry, Ace. I'm just tired that's all."

Ace's eyes soften a bit, but his tone never skipped a beat.

"Alright. If you're so tired, let's see if you've mastered your climbing skills yet. To the top of Lookout Peak. Now."

Zane wanted to leap at the old tabby and snap his neck, then he saw his haunted eyes and ruffled fur and everything ached for Ace, realizing that the tom was madly in love and suffering greatly from it.

Zane nodded and mewed gently,  "Alright, Ace. I'll  be up and back down in two heartbeats. Just go ahead to camp. I'll even hunt in the southern part of the territory for you. "

Ace flicked an ear.

"Alright, but Fin stays with you. He's new and needs to get to know the territory better."

Zane looked once at Fin and grimaced.

He still reeks of FeralClan!

"You got it, Ace."

The white tom panted as he and Fin raced to the top of Lookout Point and overlooking the beautiful view, in Zane's heart, he wished he was with Finchpaw.

ForestClan, help him...


Well, that's all for now!!

Stay tuned for more :3


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