☺Chapter 12☺

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((Taking a break from The Heads past POV
(( Cause now they're Clans!! Yay! :) ))

Time for the Kittypets and rouges! This is in present POV. But the Newbies, excuse me , APPRENTICES, don't have 'paw names yet. 


No warrior names, either.

EXCEPT FOR Healers, HEALER APPRENTICES, Deputies (( If any at the moment )) and

But more on that later.

Enjoy the chapter!


P.S : Should I keep the name of Trainers?

Instead of Mentors?

I kinda miss it .-.



I sit on my fence, overlooking the looming forest before me.

"Hey, Paige! You daydreaming again?!" hissed my friend Owen, the annoying kitten who lives next to me.

I lick a white paw, and narrow my eyes.

"So if I am? That's none of your business."

His eyes go big.

"You know that there wild cats in those woods, right? I heard your mother tell my mother that your father's one of them, but she won't tell you anything about him until you're older. That means you have wild blood too! Well half."

My ears twitch, annoyed that once again,  he "knew" something that I didn't.


"So?! That means that you'll be curious about him and want to find him! I mean, you're already climbing the big oak tree and hissing at your Housefolk and going for walks in those ugh,woods. You're just as crazy as that Mel kitten. Just yesterday,I saw her catch a mouse and eat it. I think she has wild blood too."

I growl and glare at him.

"You leave my friend alone! And you're just too scared to come with me! All you care about is playing with your Twolegs and eating their disgusting kittypet slop!"

He frowns, turning away.

"Fine! When you die out there, don't say I didn't warn you!"

I hiss.

Stupid kittypetWhat does he know except  mindless gossip!

"Hey! You ok?"

I spin around to face my oldest friend, her dark green eyes worried as she sits perched on her fence closest to the forest, which I envy.

"It's Owen. He's always at my throat about my Father and now, he thinks that you're one of them too."

The dark ginger and black kitten sighs.

"He can go eat fox-dung, Paige. Maybe we should just leave while we can. Go somewhere far away from that flea-pelt. Our Housefolk will find other kittens to spoil." She flicked her tail as she waits for me to speak.

I feel a flick of hope in my belly.

"We can leave tomorrow. At sunhigh. I'll have to tell my mother though."

Mel nods in understanding.

"See you tomorrow at sunhigh!" She calls as her Twoleg calls her in.

I sigh and pad through the cat flap and my mother smiles then frowns at my pensive look.

"Let me guess. Owen was eavesdropping again?"

I nod, curling up against her in our bed.

"Yes, Mother. He was. And I've come to a decision."

Her yellow eyes soften as I tell her mine and Mel's plan.

"I knew this day would come and I want you to follow your heart and respect the Clan you and Mel chose."

I dip my head.

"Yes, Mother."

A feather flickers in the air, held by the Twoleg kit and I paw at it.

I stop suddenly, looking at her.

"Are you going to tell me about my father now?"

She froze in her grooming.

"I'll tell you in the morning."

"Yes, Mother."

I fall asleep to dream of racing after my new Clanmates in a hunt or helping the leader give orders or even sharing dreams with my warrior ancestors....

Everything will be okay.


"Paige?" Mother's soft voice mews in my ear.

"Get up, love. We have much to talk about."

I spring to my paws and race through the cat flap after her.

Mel sits, eyes bright.

Mother looks at me with pride.

"Now. Do you remember when I told you the story of the six Clans that live around here?"

I nod.

Her gaze grows distant.

"Well, my mother's mother is wildborn, but a terrible illness came over her and her family and so, she left my mother with some Housefolk, and as I was growing up, like you, my mother warned me  about the dangers of going into the woods, but then, I met your father while on a walk and fell instantly in love with him. We would visit each other at night and sometimes, he would visit me during the evening. But I can not tell you his name....It's too painful."

"And then... He stopped coming and I found out that I was expecting you and your littermates, so I went to look for him, but I was driven away by a patrol and was kept away from going outside until I had you and your siblings, but I was so fortune to keep you, and yet I never stopped thinking about him every time I looked into your eyes. So, I trust you to know where your heart lays, but try to visit once and a while."

I nod.

"Yes, Mother. I will."

"And Mel?"

Her ears twitch.


Mother smiles.

"Take care of my kit. She's too much like her father."

We all purr then me and Mel set off through the gap in the fence and head into the woods, ripping our collars in half.


We pad through the forest, our ears pricked.

"So,which Clan do you want to join?" Mel asks, looking up from our shared meal of a mouse.

I'm about to answer when I hear a yowl.

"Hey, Paige!  Mel! Wait for us!"

I look to see Tawny and Ebony racing after us, their collars also half ripped.

Ebony smiled.

"We want to go with you."

Tawny's eyes glow with happiness as she nodded.

"Yeah. That Owen goes on and on about how dangerous the woods are, but we've been sneaking out of our nests for some time now and we've never seen anything dangerous as a scared mouse."

"Hardly!" Ebony scoffs, licking her white paw.

Mel purrs, bouncing up and down.

"The more, the merrier! And I hear that Lilac and Sketch are thinking about coming too!"

My eyes go wide at the news as I look around to see if we are being followed as we continue through the trees, Sketch and Lilac at the rear.

Six cats, six KITTYPETS, no less, hoping to find their true place among six feral Clans.

🐾 💖 🐾 💖 🐾 💖 🐾 💖 🐾

Suddenly, as we pad through the thickest part of the forest, a she-cat's yowl splits the air.

"Stop right there, Zane! You're on HazelClan territory!"

"Quick! Hide!" Mel hisses, ducking under some bushes.

I hold my breath as I wait to hear more.

The tom rolls his eyes, but his voice is pleading.

"Ava. My dear, sweet, Ava. Please let me have this one, little mouse. As the oldest apprentice Miststar has for now and with leaf-bare coming soon, I need my strength. So back off."

Ava snarls, baring her teeth.

"I'll give you one more chance to leave or I'll go get a patrol. Drop the mouse, Zane!"

Zane lets out a mrrow of laughter. 

"Not a chance! See ya, tree-cat!"

His crashing pawsteps retreat deeper into the forest and Ava takes off in the other direction, clearly furious.

Just as we creep back into the open to follow her, a deep voice freezes us in place.

"Hold it right there, Clan scum! Get'em, guys!"

The world goes black as the same voice whispers in my ear, "Nighty, night, kittypet."





I am :3


P.SI might do Clan names for everyone in maybe Chapter 14 or so

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