I Killed Aquamarine...(Lilliana's POV)

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While Christina and Devilmond were fighting, I thought to get some fresh air at the base. I walked back to the base. Only to see Aquamarine updated; she had headphones to protect herself from loud noises such as Titan TVman's THX sound; big glasses, or whatever you call that stuff; had a U-U face, a scar on the side of her head; big, magical wings; a hoodie, a big lollipop for defense and can also lick if she's hungry; a shield; a gun, also for defense; long sweatpants: and finally, boots with the fur. Seeing all the attention she got made me jealous and I wanted to steal her upgrades, but I couldn't or else I would get kicked out. I walked up to Aquamarine, smirking. "Hey, Lilliana!" She cheered as she hugged me. "I missed you so much, Aquamarine!" I pretended to be happy and forced myself to make an exciting tone! "Aquamarine please visit the Upgrading Base for instructions on how to use your weapons." A Scientist Cameraman said over the intercom. "See ya later Lilliana!" Aquamarine said before she left. "She needs to die...She's the worst human being on the planet!" I mentally said to myself, "I HATE HER!!" I said out loud, "Hate who?" A Speakerman asked me. "Oh...well...there's this girl in high school that bullies people...and bragged...and I saw a vision of her" I lied. The speakerman looked at me suspiciously, then shrugged. "Guys! Lunch is ready!" Plunger Cameraman announced. We had chicken nuggets with fruit punch. Chicken nuggets?! That's my least favorite food, along with fruit punch! "Can I eat something else?" I said in a disgusted tone. "Nope. This is our only option to eat or you'll starve all day." A Large Speakerman told me. I took one bite and one sip of the food and I wanted to vomit, "Can I go to the bathroom?" I asked. "Nope." Someone told me. I had no choice but to throw up in front of everyone. I took one last gulp and threw up. They all looked at me like crazy. "Lilliana, you can be excused," Camerawoman told me, covering her lens. I walked out of the cafeteria and saw Aquamarine standing in the middle of the Hanging Room. "It's nice to see you again, Aquamarine," I said as I gave her a big hug. I couldn't kill her here. It's in front of the Cafeteria. "Hey, follow me!" I said to Aquamarine as I walked to the storage. "Lilliana, this place seems a bit sketchy." She said as I turned on the lights. I dragged her into the storage room and locked the door behind her. "Ahh!" Aquamarine freaked out as I pulled out the knife. "Be quiet or this will be more painful than ever," I said as I kicked her. She didn't have weapons, so she couldn't defend herself. 'Trigger Warning!: Blood/gore. She screamed as I stabbed her with the knife; blood leaked everywhere as she fell to the ground. I smirked evilly as I stole her upgrades...

Words: 507

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