I'm Overcoming Fears?! 🤔😱

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As I was fighting Devilmond, I saw another Speaker Helicopter. It went flying to Devilmond. Out of joy, he ripped the present only to find a piece of candy, he threw it to the ground, disappointed. "What is this?! I don't like this gift! She has a sword and I have a piece of candy? 🍬. Not fair!" He said in disappoinment. I picked up the piece of candy he threw on the ground. Thankfully, the wrapper was still on the candy. I opened it up to find out it's peppermint! My favorite flavor of candy! I put it in my mouth, sucking on it. As I sucked on it, I felt a sharp pain in my arm. I was electricity. "Ow!" I exclaimed. I felt another one in my leg. Why is electricity hitting me so much? Did I do something wrong? Then, a million electric sparks hit me in different parts of the body. Then, I felt that I was going to pass out. I saw multiple Skibidi Toilets heading my way, but instead of human heads, it was animals! I was hallucinating! Then I felt lots of energy, I felt I could do a million backflips in one minute. Literally. "Hey loser, do you feel like a tortoise? Cause I feel like a hare!" I said to Devilmond. "What?" He said, confused. But then I ran around him so fast, teasing him. "Mr. Devilmond is weak! He has smelly feet and I have feet that smell like fresh flowers! He isn't flexible enough to do back handsprings and walkovers! But I can!" I teased him. "H-hey! Stop it!" He said, embarrassed. I then fell down and passed out all of a sudden, but not for long! I stood back but fell again. For real. I passed for 20-30 minutes. Then, I started to open my eyes. It was so blurry that I thought I was blind! Then, my vision cleared up only to find that I was in the Nursing Base! A Scientist Cameraman walked up to me, writing someting on a Post-it note. He then said, "You are now free to go miss." I replied, "Thanks for the support!" I walked out of the base, sprinting until I heard a robot-like voice. "Hello. Christina. I am your robot 🤖 for the next two months." "Who are you?!" I asked the robot, confused why I'm hearing this. "I. Am. Your. AI. For. The. Next. Two. Months." It replied. "So why are here talking to ME?!" I asked the AI. "You will be overcoming phobias that people have for the next two months. Please tell me your biggest fear." It said, creepily. "I-i have a-a fear of clowns. They're so scary with face paint and they laugh and stuff." I said, breathing heavily. "Well, that is called coulrophobia, the fear of clowns. Well, after completing the A-Z phobias, well face your fear of clowns. We're doing this because you were the chosen one. If you complete all of this phobias without exiting the dirty door, you willl get a load of superpowers!" The AI excitedly said. "T-that's not fun at all, that's creepy and-" I tried to speak but the AI interrupted, "Teleporting you to your first phobia: Ablutophobia."

Words: 551

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