Chapter 5. Red

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The night that followed saw Luke getting sorely ill despite Vader's efforts to keep his untreated wounds from getting infected. The boy was too small and malnourished to properly fight the infection, and when the medic said he needed an actual facility to heal the boy, it was decreed by the slave keeper to leave the boy to die. A slave like little Wormie could easily be replaced, and was not worth the money it would take to fully heal him.

When morning came, Vader was surprised to find a young, red haired man at his door.

"Where is the servant Jabba gave me." Vader immediately demanded to know, causing the short young man to flinch as the harshness of Vader's voice.

"M-Milord, he got sick..." the young man began softly. "The medic said they couldn't help him-" and that was all the slave said before Vader brushed passed him, storming away, cape billowing out like a black shadow of rage.

They were allowing Luke to suffer slowly at the cause of their own hands, with his condition the boy would surely die without medical attention! This was the last straw as Vader reached out to look for his son before heading to the dungeon levels, his son in one of the dark chambers, sick and alone, scared. Righteous anger took Vader over as the dungeon guards who tried to stop him fell with the sickening crack of snapped necks.

Wormie looked up towards the cell door when he heard the thumbing sounds of boots, by now recognizing Vader's heavy stride. The boy lay on his side in the corner while wrapped up in a thin and ripped blanket, his clothes had been taken since they could be of use, a dirty blanket was the only thing to keep what dignity the boy had left before death claimed him.

The cell door squeaked an awful sound, causing the boy to cover his ears as the door finally broke and flew into the hall, so as not to risk crushing Luke if Vader broke it inwardly. And then came in the angry cyborg.

Vader's rage was finally ignited, like a fire to a ship's fueling system as he came upon his son without hesitation, scooping him up bridal style with enough consideration to try and not aggravate Luke's back. The boy gave a small cry of surprise, but did not protest, keeping himself covered as Vader stormed out of the dungeons.

Vader now knew what he was going to do, but a small voice in his heart told him not to let Luke see this madness he was about to let off. So, reaching through the Force Vader goaded his son into a peaceful rest before killing any guard or hunter who came into his sight as he went to the ship outside.

Vader boarded the shuttle and shouted to his pilots. "Get the med kit and do what you must for the boy. If any harm comes to him I will kill you both." Vader warned as one pilot quickly set up a medical cot, the other grabbing the med kit without hesitation.

The Sith set his son on the cot before turning away, igniting his lightsaber as he stalked back to the palace, no reason nor logic in his mind. Only red, blinding red rage for what had been done to his child.

Jabba's palace soon was filled with the screams of the dying and the frightened. Vader allowed the slaves out, but no guard nor hunter save Fett was allowed out alive. And then Vader finally came upon Jabba.

The hutt roared in Huttese, his guards coming for Vader only to be killed with a slash of red.

Jabba cried out angrily and fearfully. "What is the meaning of this!" He exclaimed in confusion as Vader finally came close enough to raise the tip of his red saber to Jabba's neck.

"Before I kill you, you will know the cause of my deeds, and my intentions." Vader answered lowly. "Because of you and your people I suffered. And because if you, my SON HAS SUFFERED ATHOUSAND TIMES OVER!" Vader finished in a booming voice, vibrating his vocoder slightly as he lashed out with the Force, wrapping around Jabba's neck as the red saber sliced through fat with the intention to torture. "You will experience a mere fraction of what you have done to my son." The vengeful Sith then growled as the slug began to choke, roar and writhe in agony under Vader's hand, the Sith showing no mercy for what seemed like an eternity.

And when Vader was done, there was only what looked like a cut up blob of skin and fat, with a rancid odor already coming from it.

Small sniffles and whimpers then caught Vader's attention when he calmed somewhat, turning to see three very young slaves who must have hidden to stay away from their attacker.

Vader approached them slowly, remembering a time when he had dreamed of freeing the slaves. Seems he had finally done it, he had finally fulfilled a child's dream as he spoke to the slaves. "Go, you are free of him now." He said gently before turning and walking away, allowing those slaves a choice to follow him to freedom or not. They did.

Outside a large crowd of slaves were gathered, the ones Vader had found quickly joined their friends as Fett waited near the gathering and looked to Vader in question.

The Sith frowned but went to Fett, the only survivor of his revenge and spoke clearly so the other slaves would hear him. "There are many moisture farms out in the flatlands, they often hire hands and house helpers. Take the people and see that they get some form of job until they can make lives for themselves. You will be compensated greatly for this." Vader decided, earning a nod from Fett.

And with that, the newly freed slaves waved and called goodbyes and many thanks to Vader, who had given them freedom, something they could never repay.

But Vader needed no repayment as he watched them go for a mere moment, but he had more pressing concerns now than the freed slaves and quickly boarded his shuttle. The co-pilot was just finishing with Luke and startled when Vader came before standing at attention.

"How is he?" Vader asked as he stepped forward, brushing his hand over the boy's forehead. He had been laid on his chest, so as not to aggravate the wounds needlessly. He still slept under the influence of Vader's Force command, but it was better that way. He was not in pain and seemed to be sleeping peacefully.

The pilot gave a small account of what they did for Luke, giving the boy a pain killer so if he woke up he wouldn't be in agony. The pilot also stated they should get to a medical facility soon, otherwise the infection would get worse. There was literally no meat on the boy, he wouldn't last if the infection got worse.

Vader listened before nodding and waving the pilot away. Soon the shuttle lifted off, and left the forsaken planet of Tatooine, forever.

Vader stood beside his sleeping son, resting a hand on the golden head in light protectiveness. "Luke is safe now, he won't be hurt again. I swear it." Vader murmured, as if to a beloved and special someone, yet no one answered.

Author's Note.
And there went Vader, got what he always wanted! I hope you enjoyed this chapter, sorry I haven't updated sooner, I will try to be more diligent.
Thank you for reading! Vote, comment your thoughts if you'd like and as always, may the Force be with you.

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