Chapter 6. Healing

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Vader grabbed another blanket, the pilots had given Luke a new one, but the boy kept shivering in a horrible fever, his body desperately fighting the infection.

The Sith gently tucked the blanket around his son, ire filling him briefly. Keeping Luke warm would have been more easy if the slavers had allowed him his clothes, but no. They would have rathered he die disgraced and in a shameful state. Vader almost wished he could go back and kill them all again. But his attention had to be soully on Luke.

There were no clothes on the shuttle, otherwise dressing Luke would have been a mandatory thing to get done. At least he was modestly covered for now.

Traveling to Naboo would take a while, so Vader looked to his son, wanting to take every feature of his face in, burn that beautiful face into his mind's eye. Luke, still asleep, would never know as Vader knelt on a knee to look more closely at the peaceful face.

Despite looking much like his father, Luke seemed to retain a certain gentleness to the set in his jaw, the smooth calm in his features, much like his mother. His hair, long and golden framed his tan face and his eyes twitched beneath his lids in a peaceful dream.

This boy was his, his own. Vader kept thinking it in awe. The reality, it was so hard to grasp, and yet so easy to accept even if the boy's existence arose many questions in Vader's mind. How had Padme given birth if he had killed her? A baby could only survive so long in a dead womb, if Obi-Wan had been able to get help he would have never made it in time either ways.

These questions then brought up a new question Vader had never considered. What if Sidious lied to him? What if Padme had indeed been alive, and premature labor had killed her instead? In which case, Vader had only ensured her death in childbirth as he had foreseen.

A small sob escaped the Sith's mouth. The new truth hurt as much as his old reality. He had caused Padme's death, and the only reason anger did not take him over was because of the proof sleeping infront of him. Padme may have died, but at least she had been able to give life, one more time.

Vader continued to stroke the blonde head, weeping silently as he did so. His own fear and possessiveness had killed Padme, he would not allow his son to be taken either, never. Together they could destroy the Emperor, rule as father and son, and live happily. First things first though, Luke had to get better, and then Vader had to undo all the damage that had been done to Luke's mental state, he would no doubt act as a slave even after being healed by some of the best doctors in the galaxy.

Finally the shuttle came out of hyperspace, Naboo in the distance. By now Luke had begun to shiver again and Vader quietly dried his tears and picked up his son gently, cradling the near swaddled teen. Luke might as well have been a pile of blankets with a head sticking out.

The medical facility was open and waiting, one of Vader's pilots having alerted them to the Sith Lord's arrival. When they finally came in, Vader was loath to set Luke on the stretcher prepared for him, but did so so that the doctors could do their work.

A young, dark haired woman moved to the Sith Lord, bowing her head in respect before speaking in a soft, yet firm voice. "We need you to wait here, Milord, until the doctors can decide what to do and how best to do it for the boy." She explained, relief washing over her when Vader gave a curt nod.

"So be it, tell me when I can see him." Vader decided before moving to stand in the waiting area, while the woman nodded again and went to see what could be done for Luke and give Vader a report.


A near two days passed with the woman, Janny, giving Vader continuous updates. Luke was receiving medicine, fluids and nutrients during Janny's last update and told Vader he could see the boy, though it was doubtful he would be awake, the boy had been given a sedative to help with avoiding feeling the pain of his shredded back. The wounds had been cleaned, the infection taken care of, dressing done and all was right. The doctors seemed rather enthusiastic towards a full recovery for Luke, which made Vader both relieved and overjoyed. His son was going to be alright.

Luke looked so much more peaceful now, sleeping in a bed, dressed in a white hospital gown and covered up with blankets. Oh he looked so small and weak though, it made Vader cringe at how easily almost anything could take such a tiny thing and just, snap!

Vader took up a position beside the bed, watching little rises and falls of Luke's far too skinny chest, eyeing his arms where fluids and medication were being pumped in, along with the nutrients. Poor boy... Vader absently wondered what Luke had eaten over the years of his life as a slave. Most likely meager scraps from his master's table. Oh Vader wanted to torture Jabba all over again! But he refrained from that dark train of thought and took a calming breath, allowing the little picture of his son to drive away any other vile thoughts he might have.

And yet they came back soon after. How had his son gotten into slavery? Obi-Wan may have taken him but Vader had enough regard of the Jedi to know Obi-Wan would never do such a thing to Luke. And besides, if Obi-Wan was the one to have taken Luke to Tatooine wouldn't he have taken the baby and trained him as a Jedi? Something horrible must have happened for Luke to have become a slave like that. Yet, Vader had not sensed Obi-Wan's death, so surely the old Jedi was still alive.

Vader would just have to ask Luke, when the boy was strong enough. The new found father placed his hand on Luke's head ever so gently, as if afraid to crush the little blonde. "Sleep on Young One, you need not wake for as long as it takes to heal." Vader murmured, as soft as the vocoder would allow. His touch sensors gave Vader the feel of soft hair against his fingers as he stood there, patiently awaiting his son's waking moment, and the answers it might bring.

Author's Note.
Well this is late, sorry. I've been busy and distracted so updates are bound to get a little erratic. But I won't abandon the story, it seems people really like it and I very much appreciate the sweet and encouraging comments I've been getting from you all. Thank you so much for reading, dont forget to comment your thoughts and vote, and as always may the Force be with you!

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