CHAPTER 11: Tuxedos and Dresses

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Jeanette went on her tiptoes to match Simon's tall height, then rested her chin on his shoulder.

She whispered into his ear: "Simon, you know the whole... blowing off steam thing about Brittany... and the whole confidence thing... C-could we keep it a s-s-secret? You know, between you and me?"

She sighed. "If the others found out about this, they might... judge me. Especially Britt. She'd be fuming if she knew all those terrible things I said about her..."

She kicked the patio in disappointment of her behaviour.

"You're upset about it?" asked Simon. "I... I think it was great that you FINALLY spoke your mind out -"

"Please, Simon? You're the only one who would look at it this way. The others... they'd think I have a grudge against Brittany."

Simon gave a weak smile. "As you wish, Jeanette. For you."


"Jeanette! Don't fret! I won't -"

"But, you do PROMISE, right...?"

He sighed. "Jeanette, I don't know if you know this, but, I'm not the best at keeping promises. I do keep my word, but if it's a promise, I could -"

"Alright, no problem. Just... just don't tell anyone?"


- - - -

Theodore's stomach roared.

"Guys, can we get something to eat? I'm STARVING."

"HUNGRY, Theodore. Not starving," Simon said in response. "Besides, Theo, since when were you NOT hungry?" He laughed.

"WELL," Brittany butted in. "I WAS trying to get your thoughts on Le Café, but you guys weren't liste -"

"Sounds great!" agreed Theodore.

"Of course YOU'D agree," Brittany giggled. "You'd eat pretty much anything so long as it's edible -"

"Nuh-uh! Not true. There's tonnes of things I don't eat."

"Really?" Brittany rolled her eyes, clearly unconvinced.

"Like, for example... I don't eat brussel sprouts!"

"Anyways, guys. I need your opinions on this. Simon? Jeanette?"

She turned around to look at the rest of the bunch, with a serious face. She wasn't joking around.

"I must say, I am rather fond of French food," Simon mentioned.

"I concur, Simon," Jeanette followed. "So original... so luxurious..."

"Great! So it's settled then."

Eleanor stood with her arms crossed, alongside an annoyed Alvin.

"Oh, so do OUR opinions NOT matter then?"

"Woah, chill, Ellie," Brittany replied. "I, uh, didn't realise."

"Typical Brittany," she scoffed.

"What do YOU guys think?"

"Britt, Britt, Britt," Alvin began, placing his arm around Brittany, who hastily shook it off. "Le Café... umm, don't you think it's too formal, you know? Like, uh, sophisticated... posh... Why can't we just order pizza?"

"No, Alvin," she remarked bluntly. "We are going out to Le Café, as like a, you know, little night trip."

"In our... pyjamas?" Jeanette innocently asked.

"Oh, good point, Jeanette!" Simon swiftly replied "I don't think Alvin, Theodore and I packed our -"

"... ravishing tuxedos?" Alvin finished for him, rolling his tongue as he spoke the word 'ravishing'.

He whipped out a trio of suits from his suitcase

"What the -" Theodore spat out.

"How- where- you- what?" Simon spluttered.

The Chipmunks and Chipettes were stunned by Alvin's unlikely organisational skills.

"What?" he asked innocently. "Gotta be prepared, right? You never know something like this might turn up. Someone's gotta put in the extra effort, no?"

"Wow, Alvin! I'm impressed. If only you put in the same amount of effort in school," Simon muttered, shaking his head.

"So... Le Café it is then!" Brittany exclaimed, grabbing her sisters arms and dragging them to their wardrobe.

Brittany was determined to pick the best outfit for her and her sisters.

"Alright, ladies," the Princess of the Sevilles announced. "Which one? Stripes, or polka dots? Should I wear a dress... or shirt and jeans... a jumpsuit, maybe?"

"Britt. Whatever you wear, I'm sure it'll look beautiful on you," said Jeanette.

"Oh my goodness, Jean," Brittany shook her head and sighed. "You really don't know a thing about fashion."

"Oh really?" Jeanette remarked. "You think I can't be fashionable?"

Brittany was taken back by surprise: Jeanette standing up for herself? Usually she was just a straight up pushover. But now... THIS? All these thoughts rushed around Brittany's confused mind.

"Oh, uh... C'mon, Jeanette. You and Ellie BOTH know who the most fashionable is out of the three of us. Yours truly, right?!"

"Hmph, well, we'll just see about that, won't we?" was Jeanette's cold reply as she stormed over to her wardrobe with her game face on.

"She'll see JUST how fashionable I can be." Her gentle whisper pushed against the air.

Brittany, eyes still widened, walked over to Eleanor, who was ransacking through her make-up case for the perfect shade of lipstick.

"Um, Eleanor?"

"Yeeeahh... just a sec... ugh... ugh... where is it?"

"Have you, uh, noticed something different about Jeanette lately?" she inquired.

"Kinda. I saw the whole 'fashion' episode between you and Jean back there about how fashionable she can be when -"

"Yeah, exactly! And did you see how she spoke to me? The tone she used? The audacity she -"

"Yeahhhh..." she replied, still searching through the bag.

"Don't you find it... I dunno... sort of, weird, maybe?"

"Nah, not really. Personally, I think it's great she's finally standing up to you."

"What? You're WITH Jean on this?"

"99% plus 1. You do the math," she laughed.

"That's SIMON'S line," she rolled her bored eyes.

"I know. But, anyways, Britt. You can't push her around like this. Her fashion? Great! Clothes? Awesome? Personality? The best part! Every sweet aspect of her is-"

"I can't believe this." Brittany stormed off to her wardrobe in fury.

Eleanor briefly shrugged her shoulders.

"Oh... There it is!" Eleanor waved her hands in the air and celebrated, doing a little dance as she did so.

"Oh yeah! Oh yeah! My lipstick! I found you! Oh yeah!"

She twirled and paraded in her bedroom, until she bumped into a confused Theodore.

"Uhh... Eleanor?" he asked.

As soon as she laid her eyes on Theodore, she felt a pang of embarrassment in her.

"Ohh... uh... hehe. Hey, Theo! Didn't, uh, didn't see ya there... I was just -"

She mentally facepalmed herself.

"I think your dance was great!" Theodore beamed as he tried to impersonate her dance moves, while busting out some of his own.

"Mmm... oh yeah... oh, woah... yeah heh!" Theodore waltzed along the bedroom floor, until he bumped into a confused blue clad.

"Oh, hehe... hey, Simon!" Theodore shuffled his feet nervously, with his hands behind his back. "I-I, uh..."

"I'm gonna stop you right there. I don't even want to KNOW what you were doing, Theodore," he bluntly remarked, as his footsteps receded back downstairs.

Theodore, AND Eleanor - who was blushing madly out of embarrassment - were relieved by his wish.

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