CHAPTER 12: I Want Justice!

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Alvin smoothed out the wrinkles of his jet-black tuxedo, lovingly caressing it as if it were a baby.

Theodore was busy frantically wiping off the orange juice stain on the sleeve of HIS outfit. Poor Theodore: he never knew his limits when it came to party food at the school discos.

Simon carefully picked up a bottle of his finest perfume, Parfum D'Homme, and sprayed a whole bunch over his neatly ironed suit.

- - - - -

Jeanette looked at her reflection in the mirror. She wasn't the same Chipmunk the Seville's knew and loved.

Her appearance had completely changed.

Jeanette's hair was no longer pulled back into a messy bun; she had straightened the lot, and left it to fall back onto her shoulders and back. She had carefully applied lavender shades of the finest make-up.

And her outfit... it wasn't a typical formal dress. For tonight, she chose to wear a silky, dark-purple velvet long-sleeved top, with black denim skinny jeans. And her comfortable slide-in slippers were replaced with bedazzled high heels, in which she impressively managed to travel a few feet without tripping over something. Again, they were a dashing purple colour.

However, she debated with herself whether to keep her glasses on...


"Come on, Jeanette," said the carefree Alvin, as he placed his arm over her shoulder. "Ditch those glasses. You KNOW you look prettier without them, right?"

Simon strutted into the room. "Don't listen to him, Jeanette," he said, as he placed both his arms on her shoulders. "You NEED your glasses. You can't SEE without them!"


Simon's advice was victorious. She COULDN'T see a thing without her specs. All that was in her view were outlines of ambiguous objects, and that wasn't a particularly joyful sight to see.

- - - - -

Simon was applying the last bit of hair gel, and Brittany was combing through her thick blonde classic ponytail, when they both felt the sudden need to head upstairs to grab a certain something.

As they both ascended up the stairs, they were in awe of the sight they observed.

Both bore similar reactions, but for different reasons.

Simon's eyes widened as he viewed her transformed sister. She was beautiful. She was different. She was... Jeanette?

Brittany's eyes widened as she viewed her transformed sister. She was beautiful. More than her. How was that possible? Was that even legal in the Seville by-laws?

Simon floated over to Jeanette, standing behind her in front of the mirror. She looked over in surprise.

"Simon! I, uh... You ready? You're suit looks -"

"Jeanette? Is... is that really you?"

Brittany loped over to her as fast as she could in those 3 inch heels.

"JEANETTE? What... what have you done to- is that you- I- how-"

Brittany was absorbed by her sister's beauty. And she became even MORE absorbed by the fact that THAT beauty wasn't hers...

The rest of the Chipmunks slowly made their way upstairs, also taken aback by her transformation.

The first Chipmunk Jeanette calmly approached was her Princess sister, Brittany.

"You, uh, thought I couldn't... be fashionable?"

The others could still sense hesitation in her voice. Sure she was standing up for herself - that goes without saying. But was she REALLY? She lacked confidence in her voice. Was this REALLY the end of Brittany's sister tyranny?

"Ya?" she answered, trying to show the least bit of interest, when really, she was captivated. "What's your point?"

"Do you... have something to say about, maybe, I don't know, your statement now?"

Simon felt the urge to cheer Jeanette on, against Brittany, but resisted, fearing that he may break Jeanette's confidence streak and/or concentration. Still, one question persisted in his mind:


"Not really, no." She twirled her hair, looking extremely bored. "Why? What... what makes ya say that, sista?"

"Really, Britt? I mean... judging by your reaction earlier on when you first -"

"WHAT are ya tryina say, hon? Whatever it is, for cryin out loud... spit it out!"

She sighed, looking at the floor. "Never mind."

Simon couldn't take it anymore. He couldn't bear to see her being pushed around like that. He HAD to answer on her behalf.

"Alright, Brittany," he said, inching closer towards her. "What she's TRYING to say, is that she's tired of you constantly judging her. Can you, for once, accept that she is EXTREMELY beautiful, and prettier than YOU?"

Bad choice of words, Simon. Would this sit well with melodramatic Brittany? Was this going to end well for the gallant Simon? Was Jeanette to blame for the drama that was to arise?

Better yet, was any drama even going to HAPPEN?

Forgive and forget, Brittany... Please?! Simon was just standing up for Jeanette. He meant no harm. You ARE pretty, Brittany. Just, sometimes, you've got to accept that you don't ALWAYS have the spotlight. It's hard to accept that, but you've got to.

Brittany turned to face Simon.

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