CHAPTER 13: The Fight!

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Simon expected a huge volcano of emotions to explode from the Princess. Brittany took a different approach.

"Huh. Sh-she IS prettier than me," she admitted. "I never knew... how beautiful Jeanette could REALLY be... I-I just..."

All of a sudden, Simon felt a feeling of guilt overcome him. He regretted shouting at her in that way; he should have just calmly expressed his point.

"Brittany... I, uh, I'm s-sorry. For shouting at you like that. It wasn't my finest moment, I'll admit, bu-"

"AND I'M JUST SUPPOSED TO ACCEPT THAT?" she shrieked at the very top of her lungs.

Simon's feelings quickly switched.

"I've ALWAYS been the PRETTY one. ALWAYS! Brittany, that's me; the pretty and fashionable one. Jeanette, the clumsy, shy one - with EMPHASIS on 'clumsy'! Eleanor, the chubby and sporty-"

"WHAT did you just say about me?" Eleanor retorted, before looking down at her weight in sadness. "Oh... I see what you mean."

Theodore felt terrible, and wanted to comfort her, but the tension began to build up.

"Just because you're SUPPOSED to be the pretty one," the infuriated Simon began, "it doesn't mean you ALWAYS have to be! Besides, how come you have the NERVE to call Jeanette SHY AND CLUMSY? And, WHY are you saying that like it's a problem? Her clumsiness and shyness is ADORABLE... Of course, a princess SO self-centred such as yourself wouldn't underst -"

"Oh, ho-ho! YOU think I have nerves? How you come YOU had the guts to call me SELF-CEN -"

"Because you ARE self-centred. So selfish. So absorbed with your own self. I'm sure the others can AGREE, RIGHT?"

Alvin calmly spoke up. "I'm sorry, Britt, but... Simon has a point. You kinda -"

"Oh! So you're DEFENDING him, now? Anyone else wanna team up with Simon against me? Huh? Eleanor? Theodore? JEANETTE?"

Eleanor firmly cleared her throat. "Do you have a problem with Jeanette's looks, Britt? You obviously seem disturbed that she looks prettier than -"

"Stay out of this, Eleanor!" she hissed.

"Heh. That's funny. 'Cause you LITERALLY just asked for my opinion, so, don't you 'stay of out this' me!"

Theodore's lips trembled. He HAD to help Eleanor with this battle. And finally, he found his weak courage. "Brittany! Why... why did you call Ellie... ch-ch-chubby -"

"'Cause... 'cause it's a FACT."

Brittany was speaking without thinking. She'd probably forget everything she'd said a couple minutes later. However, Eleanor's face transformed into a crimson-red tomato.

She was hurt. And angry. And vengeful.

She whispered into Brittany's ear: "Without your eye shadow, without your lipstick, without your eye liner, gloss, foundation, and what-not, YOU ARE NOTHING. Make-up is your LIFE. Without it, you've got NOTHING about you. No personality. No character. No beauty."

She clenched her tight fists.

"Your looks are all you've GOT."

"Now hold on a second!" Alvin held his hands up in the middle of this. He was caring enough to stand up for Brittany. "There's no need to all gang up on Brittany now, right, guys?"

They all gave him blank responses.

"Simon! You always tell me to solve arguments peacefully... Justice, right? And Theodore! You're too sweet to argue with ANYONE! Eleanor! Don't take things too personally. Your sister doesn't mean it!"

Alvin was acting so responsible and resolute, that he was almost playing Simon's role.

"Brittany." Simon walked towards her, to face his adversary. Brittany looked up at the tall Chipmunk.

He spoke more calmly. "You forgot to add a couple of bits in Jeanette's description of her."

"Oh. Oh, really? Right, I see. Well, uh... What would those be, Seville?" she quietly questioned.

"Intelligent, for starters. She is incredibly talented, and you can't help but take advantage of that! Also, sweet. Unlike the rest of us, she is so forgiving, so thoughtful; she would never hold a single grudge in her caring heart. As well as that... Adorable. She is so very lovable, you just CAN'T love her. I do have to admit... she CAN be slightly naive, gullible and innocent... but that's what makes her so... adorable! That's what makes her so amazing! That's what makes her so... Jeanette..."

Jeanette couldn't help but give a shy smile amidst all this growing tension. But the arguments just became all the more stronger.

"Don't... don't you have anything to say about ME, Simon?" Eleanor retorted. "Why... why are you partial towards JEANETTE?! You heard what she called me, Simon. CHUBBY! She made fun of... m-my weight... I..."

Simon was the eldest of the Seville's. It was his job to comfort his younger brothers and sisters. So, he wrapped his arms around the sniffling Eleanor, to console her.

"Shh... it's OK, Eleanor. It's OK! Britt's just being, you know, Britt -"

"And WHAT exactly do you mean by THAT?" Brittany butted in.

"YOU tell ME. What DO I mean by that? Well... What are you like? Criticising... mean... stuck-up... It's just in your nature -"

"THAT'S IT!" Brittany bellowed. "You made fun of ME, so I'LL return the favour. Let's see..."

She clicked her tongue, deep in thought. It didn't take her long to come up with negative things to say about Simon.

"A gigantic, scrawny NERD! You know every single thing in the ency -cyclo- podo- peda- whata- whatever that is. And you're so skinny, you're like a hopeless prey shivering in the cold! Except, no one would want to eat you, because you've got nothing on you! No muscle, no protein, no nothing! Just bones!"

Strange comeback? I think so. Do you think so?

Simon showed no emotion. He seemed barely hurt at all. "Well, first of all, Britt. The initial comment I'd gladly consider a compliment. I DO know most, if not all, information in the ENCYCLOPAEDIA - excuse your pronunciation, by the way. It's good to confirm my intelligence with others.

"Furthermore, for your second point. Hawks, owls, raccoons and coyotes... all common predators of chipmunks, right? And it doesn't really matter how much fat there is on me. They just want a nice meal. So if they really DID eat me, they wouldn't care about how much fat I have. Bones and skin are enough to fill them."

Theodore shuddered at his chilling proposition, and he was frightened to hear his brother talk about himself being eaten. He flung himself onto him.

"Ugh... aaah... ehh... Theodore... what..." He hugged him too tightly.

"I.. I don't want you to be eaten! I don't want to you die!" he wailed, sinking his tear-stained face onto the brunette teen's black tuxedo.

"Theo, don't worry! I'm fine! I was just giving a hypothetical example ab -"

Theodore turned to face Brittany, showing an enraged facial expression.


"Theodore! It's alright, it's OK!" Simon ruffled the green clad's shaggy mop of blonde hair. "Britt, you can hurt me all you want. But it doesn't affect me. People with a big ego might get hurt, but I'm pleased to say that I'm not one of them."

Simon continued. "I would like to ask you one simple question: what are you trying to get out of criticising... well, the sweetest girl I know?"

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