CHAPTER 14: "Are We Cool?"

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Jeanette dashed upstairs into her bedroom, tears rolling down her hurt cheeks. She was the reason this whole argument blew up in the first place. If she had just stuck to looking like her normal self, she would have never angered Brittany in the first place...

While Simon battled with Brittany, he saw from the corner of his eye an upset Chipmunk run away. He gazed at her running up the stairs, completely forgetting about the beef with Brittany.

"Uh, hello! Simon?! Earth to Simon! Who- what- what are you looking at?" Brittany also turned around to face her sister.

The group had a sudden realisation.

"Oh boy." Brittany rubbed the back of her head in shame.

"'Oh boy' indeed," Simon nodded.

"What have we done?" questioned Theodore.

"This ain't good," Alvin remarked.

"Gee, thanks... Captain OBVIOUS!" Eleanor retorted in his face.

She grabbed his attention. "I'm SORRY! I was just trying to -"

"... make the situation WORSE? Yeah. As usual. It's kinda what you're known for."

"Oh brother," Theodore mumbled, facepalming himself, "here we go again."

"Not if I can help it," said the determined Simon as he pushed Theodore aside and marched in between the two, and stretched his arms out.

"GUYS!" he exclaimed. "STOP! What are we DOING?"

The Chipmunks paused for thought.

"Whaddaya mean, Si?" Alvin asked.

"YOU tell ME. What have we been doing for the past hour?"

No one answered.

"How did we manage to turn one small thing into a massive argument as THIS?" he philosophically continued.

"Ask JEANETTE!" Brittany yelled.

"Now hold on a second, guys. Can we take a second to digest what just happened? Because of US, because of our FIGHTING, because of Brittany's comments, criticisms, and remarks Jeanette is now upset. This argument wasn't because of HER, but because of -"

"... Brittany," Alvin finished. "Yes, guys. Because of Brittany. She's the one who said those bad things about Jeanette, and she's jealo -"

"Oh! You think it's MY fault?" she inquired. "Well. I could say the exact same about YOU, Seville."

"What? How's it MY fault?"

"For starters -"

"Uh, FOR STARTERS, how about the both of you quit the bickering?!" Simon interrupted.

Brittany sighed. "Well, I guess it kinda IS... m-m-my f-f-fau -"

"Y-y-yessss?" Alvin encouraged. "Go on, say it. Say it's YOUR fault."

That was going to be a tough one for Brittany to have to admit.

"You're loving this, aren't you?" she cried.

"Oh yeah! Princess over here NEVER admits she's wrong. EVER." Alvin patted her on the shoulder, "Well, today's the day, champ."

"Hmph! It's m-m-my f-f-f-f-f-faaaaaauuu -"

"Leave the opera singing for the concert, Britt!" Alvin pleaded, referring to her way of saying 'fault'.

"Cut the drama!" Eleanor groaned.

"I was getting to it! I was just, you know, getting ready... mentally preparing myself... setting the mood -"

"Well, set it FASTER, then!"

"Okay, alright!" She raised her hands in defeat. "It. Is. My. M-m-my..."

"Oh brother." Simon facepalmed himself.

"I think ya mean, 'oh SISTER!' Haha!" Alvin, and ONLY Alvin, laughed.

"NOT funny."

"My fault! My fault! MY FAULT! It's MY FAULT! There. I said it. Happy now?"

"Say it like you MEAN it," Eleanor hissed.

She sighed once more. "It really IS my fault. Why WAS I so jealous? And all those mean things I said about my own sis... What was I thinking?"

"I think you owe us an apology, Brittany," said Simon.

She walked closer towards the group with a genuine sorrowful face.

"I'm... sorry."

"Furthermore, we all owe each other an apology."

After forgiving, forgetting, and hugging, Brittany asked a final question.

"Are we... done here? Can we just forget about everything now? Can we just go ahead and have a GOOD time? Go out for dinner? End of discussion? Are we done now?"

She took a deep breath.

"Are we cool?"

"Nope," replied Simon, shaking his head. "At least, not YET."

"WHAT? What ELSE is there for us to do, might I ask?"

Simon pointed to the Chipettes' bedroom.

"I think you owe HER an apology, too." Simon looked down at the floor in embarrassment. "We ALL do."

- - - - -

Alvin, Simon, Theodore, Brittany and Eleanor climbed the stairs to approach the sobbing Chipette.

Except... there WAS no sobbing Chipette. In fact, there was NO Chipette AT ALL.

"Uhhh... guys? Where is she?" asked Eleanor.

"Hmm. Jeanette? Jeanette?!" Simon called out to her.

"JEANETTE!" called Alvin and Theodore in unison.

"Oh, Jeanette!!!" Brittany bellowed.

They ransacked the entire treehouse. No response. No Jeanette.

"Do... do you think she..." began Theodore.

"No, Theo," said Alvin. "She would never.... Or, w-would she?"

"Preposterous!" Simon interrupted the two Chipmunks' train of thoughts. "Why on earth would she?"

"That's exactly what we are to find out!" Eleanor mentioned.

What were they all talking about? Do you know?

Brittany looked out to her bedroom window. She whispered to her window, her breath causing a bit of mist forming on the glass.

"Jeanette... No, sweetie. Why? You didn't, do you? Why DID you? WHERE, oh, where are you...?"

- - - - -

A/N: Hello, guys! Thanks to all of you reading - and VOTING - on my story.

Any guesses of what their all talking about? I'd LOVE some responses before I write the next chapter!

Let me know in the comments! I will reply to them all! 😊

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