CHAPTER 17: Slices, Soap & Songs

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The night so far was pretty rough, but after the Chipmunks reconciled, things seemed to go pretty smoothly...

The plan to eat out was cancelled, so they got changed back into their pyjamas, and decided to listen to Alvin all along. They ordered pizza from Papa Pete's Pizzeria.

"But if we DO go to Amber's pool party," said Brittany, "then Annie would get pretty mad. Besides, she DID invite us first."

She soon fell into a strop. "UGH! It's SO annoying going to parties when we're SO popular!"

"Yes, yes. It's annoying we're SO popular," Eleanor remarked sarcastically. "Who would wanna be popular...? Blah blah blah..."

"Whose party's gonna be cooler, Britt?" asked Jeanette.

"Amber's, obviously. She's even hired a poolside DJ, and a music station! I mean, who does that? It's gonna be awesome!"

"So, it's settled then. We'll say no to Annie, and go to Amber's. Annie'll probably cancel her own party anyways, after finding out no one's gonna go to hers."

The Treehouse doorbell rang.

Alvin charged from downstairs into the living room, where the three Chipettes were seated on the couch. Theodore followed at a similar speed, while Simon strolled down at a slow pace behind them, his nose typically stuck in a book.

"Pizza's here!" Alvin and Theodore exclaimed in unison. They jumped up and down impatiently.

"Gimme the cash!" Alvin said. "I'll go get it."

"Well. Who's paying?" asked Brittany, with a raised eyebrow.

"Oh, right! Teddy boy, quick like a bunny, go get that little wallet of yours and we'll -"

"Hey!" he groaned. "Why does it have to be MY wallet?"

"Well, because... b-b-because... uh, ahem!
Because... b-b-because I said so!"

"In other words, Alvin's broke," Simon translated.

"Thanks for that, Si."


"FINE," Theodore agreed eventually.

"Help me carry the boxes too, Ted."

Theodore trudged up the stairs reluctantly, and came back with a £20 note. And with that, the two starving lions left the Treehouse to retrieve the takeout.

"How did the delivery man reach the doorbell?" inquired Simon. "He can't get up here to ring the minuscule Treehouse door... can he?"

"Oh! I almost forgot to tell you! I installed a doorbell on the tree below, which connects to a speaker inside the Treehouse. That's how we know who's outside - like Amber, Annie, schoolmates, postmen..." said Jeanette.

"Wow. That's ingenious!"

Jeanette smiled.

"Alrighty... who's hungry?"The two boys came back with irresistible treats.

"One Margarita Mayhem... one Vegetable Volcano... and one Meat Street... right?"

Without further ado, the Chipmunks plated up, and ate hungrily.

The manly, meaty boys claimed the manly, meaty Meat Street. Alvin, of course, didn't let the girls get a slice of theirs, so they feasted on the Vegetable Volcano and Margarita Mayhem instead.

"Huhhh?" gasped Brittany. "Is... is that the local skateboard instructor Tim Cooper? You know, the one you wanted lessons from?"

"What? Really?! Where?" Alvin swivelled round, only to see nothing at all.

"Ha! You're so stupid, Alvin," laughed Brittany as she swiftly stole three slices of the Meat Street pizza for each of the girls.

She high-fived the two, as they feasted on the meal they had 'hunted'.

"You know you could've just asked us for some,"
Simon reasoned, shaking his head disapprovingly.

"As if Alvin would agree to that," Jeanette coldly replied, siding with her sister.

"You're so gonna pay for that, Britt, you know?" Alvin hissed.

"Yeah... I know. I can never get away with anything with you without a little revenge in return, can I?"

"Nope on a rope."

Brittany inhaled the delicious aroma of the meaty meal, and daintily consumed her slice. Without her knowing, Alvin stealthily picked up a slice of the cheese pizza, and got ready to aim it at the pink Princess's face.

After perfect timing, he took his chance, and catapulted the pizza at her.

"Argh!" she squealed, standing up from the bar stool and looking at her vest and shorts in horror.

"Why you little..."

Impulsively, Brittany grabbed a slice of the vegetable pizza, and threw it back at Alvin. He responded with a manly scream of his own.

"Oh, NOW you're gonna get it!"

Alvin seized the bottle of Coca-Cola, and gave it a generous shake. Carefully twisting the lid, he aimed the mouth of the drink at the raging Chipette and opened the bottle. The entire drink poured over her.

Vengeful, she picked up two pizza slices, and threw them one by one at the red clad... at least, that's what she HOPED would happen. Instead, they both landed upon Theodore's shaggy hair.

"FOOOOOD FIIIIIIGHT!" Theodore boomed.

Just moments later, the entire group were armed with their own slices, and aimed them at their sibling enemies.

"My onesie!" cried Jeanette.

"My robot shirt is in a state!" Simon mentioned.

"You think my pyjama top's a plate?" Alvin asked.

"This flowery night suit set didn't come cheap, you know!" Eleanor remarked.

"Mmm! Pizza!" Theodore said as he licked off the tomato sauce and ate the olives on his stripy top.

Only just a couple of minutes later, the pizza boxes were empty. But their night shirts were not. They were caked in sauce, cheese, toppings and vegetables.

"Well... there goes our meal," Simon stated the obvious.

"We're missing pizza slices, not eyes," Alvin snapped.

"Good thing I wasn't SO hungry after Eleanor's pastries she made earlier," said Jeanette.

After an awkward while, Theodore spoke up.

"So, uhhh... what now, guys?"

Jeanette grabbed a handful of mops, sponges, soap bottles and water buckets.

"Tidy up!" she said. "This place ain't gonna clean itself, you know."

And finally, the great clean up had commenced. However, the group got easily bored.

"I'm BORED," Theodore moaned. "Why don't we... sing a song?

"That's a great idea, Theodore!" Brittany agreed.

"Which one do we sing?" asked Simon.

"How about 'Just Smile', from the ALVINNN!!! episode 'Dad Jokes'?

"Random... but sure!"

"Alright then." Theodore clapped his hands to start them off. "Three! *clap* Two! *clap* One! *clap* Go!"

"Just Smile" - Dad Jokes 🎶 🎼 🎤

🎵 Alvin & Brittany:

"Good evening, ladies and gentlemen,
Thanks for all your money,
Hope you think I'm funny,
Just smile (ooh)"

🎵 Simon & Jeanette:

"I should've crowded around because,
All I'm really after is a bit of laughter,
And a smile (and a smile, laughter and a smile)"

🎵 Theodore & Eleanor:

"If I could get a grin on your face (grin on your face),
I would be happy for the rest of my days (bom bom bom bom),
I got a song and a dance that will make your dark days sunny (dark days sunny),
Hope you think I'm funny, just smile"

🎵 The Chipmunks and Chipettes:

"Bom bom bom bom, bu-dum, bu-dum
Bom bom bom bom, bu-dum, bu-dum"

🎵 The Chipmunks:

"Behold the son of all comedy,
King of all things wacky,
Please don't call me tacky,
Just smile (ooh)"

🎵 The Chipettes:

"Us comics give what we got,
But we're working for potatoes,
Please don't throw tomatoes,
Just smile..."

"Wow, that was awesome, you guys!" Eleanor squealed.

"Who knew singing the randomest song from our album could actually turn around pretty g -"

"'Randomest' isn't a word, Alvin. It's supposed to be 'most random'."

"Ughhh! And YOU'RE the MOST annoying."

"Can't argue with that!" He helplessly shrugged his shoulders.

Theodore requested to sing another song, but the Chipmunks and Chipettes preferred to rest their voices. After all, they had a concert at the Musical Hall in just two days.

It was a sleepover filled with unexpected events, but the episodes to follow after were, no doubt, even more out of the blue...

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