CHAPTER 18: 'Fess up, Sista

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The next morning, the Sevilles were seated at the Treehouse dining table, where they devoured Theodore and Eleanor's famous Wacky Winner's Waffles.

"Mmm mmm mmm!" Alvin said, as he licked his sticky fingers. "Simply marvellous! Splendid! A delight!"

"Wow, Alvin! I never knew you could speak so formally, with those big words!" said the astounded Simon.

"Well... there's a lot ya don't know about me," he winked.

"Get your waffles! Nice and hot! Good and fresh!" Theodore announced.

"Anybody up for seconds? Get 'em while they're hot," Eleanor followed on, like a waitress.

"Heyyy... where's Jeanette?" asked Simon. "Shouldn't she be here by now?"

"She was coming," Brittany replied. "She said she just needed to like, brush her teeth, or something.... I-I-I'll go check on her..."

Brittany ascended the Treehouse staircase, while the rest continued to eat.

"Jeanette!" she called out, peering into their bedroom.

She found her purple sister seated on her bed, with her back towards her. Her posture was slightly hunched, as if she was worried, or looking secretly over something.

Brittany silently tiptoed over to her, but carelessly stepped on a creaky floorboard, causing Jeanette to flinch.

"Oh, uh, Britt!" she said, while hurriedly stuffing something underneath her bed. "W-w-what, uh, what are you, uh, ahem, doing here?"

She awkwardly cleared her throat multiple times.

"Uh, I LIVE here, sweetie?" Brittany responded, with an air of sass. "Anyways, enough about me. What are YOU doing here? You should be downstairs, like the rest of us. And what was that you put under your bed?"

"Nothing... nothing! Just, don't worry about it, Britt."

"Come on," Jeanette forced Brittany down the stairs. "Let's go have breakfast. Just, don't worry about that, alright?"

"But I -"

"Promise me you won't worry about that letter?"

"LETTER?" Now she was intrigued. "It was -"

"PROMISE me, Britt," she firmly repeated.

"Ughhh! Sure... yeah... whatever... fine..."

"Good. Now, let's eat."

Phew! That was close, thought Jeanette.

"Oh! Well if it isn't the girl late AGAIN! Thank you for making our breakfast cold and hard," Jeanette Alvin grunted.

"Good morning to YOU TOO, Alvin," Jeanette calmly replied, with an air of complete sarcasm.

"Where were YOU all morning, huh?" Alvin grilled her, raising his eyebrows.

"Uh... you know... just... brushing my teeth... the usual..."

"LIES," Brittany interrupted. "I caught her looking over some sheet of paper. She ain't gonna spill nuffin else."

Theodore and Eleanor left their pancakes on the stove in sudden interest of Brittany's conspiracy.

"Oooh wooh! Spill the beans, Jean," Eleanor demanded. "What's up with YOU? What's with this paper thing her royal highness tells us about?"

"Royal highness?!!!" Brittany exclaimed in fury.

"Some paper?" Simon intervened. "What... what was it, Jeanette?"

"Guys... it's nothing... really! C-c-can we just eat?"

"Well," Alvin began, with a stuffed mouth, "I was TRYING to eat, but YOU brought this whole secretive business. Now that you've sabotaged my breakfast, you gonna tell us the matter, or what?"

The guys were engrossed in a new horror movie Eleanor had picked out for the afternoon. Jeanette asked to be excused for a moment. He climbed upstairs, and grabbed the letter from under her bed. She re-read it, nervously playing around with the page in her hand.

We would love to see you jump at this chance. Please give your consent at least 12 hours beforehand.

Yours truly,

Taylor Baker
Chipmunks' Manager,

"Jeanette?" a voice came from behind her.

She was startled to see Simon in the bedroom, casting a worried glance upon her.

"Everything... OK? You seem a little bothered by something lately."

He walked towards her, as she pushed the letter back underneath her bed and stood up.

"Oh, hey, Simon! How's, uh, how's the movie coming along? Is it as scary as Ellie said it -"

"Don't change the subject, sis! What's wrong? And... was THAT the same paper Brittany was going on about?"

Jeanette gave in.

"Here. Just read it." She sighed and handed over the letter.

Simon adjusted his glasses.

Dear Jeanette,

I hope this letter finds you well.

I am writing to you today to inform you about a new exciting opportunity for the upcoming concert.

Let me hand it to you straight: Brittany's always been the lead. The spotlight. The centre of attention. Yes?

That can all change at this concert. We have heard your singing, and it sounds wonderful. Therefore, my colleagues and I have discussed and agreed that you should be the lead singer at the next concert.

If you wish, you may choose one other lead singer to join you together in this performance.

This is a great opportunity for you to shine, instead of standing in the shadow of your sister's spotlight.

We would love to see you jump and this chance.
Please let me know 12 hours beforehand.

Yours truly,

Taylor Baker
Chipmunks' Manager

Simon was astonished, and actually really supportive.

"Wow, Jeanette! That's... that's amazing! Finally... you get the recognition you deserve. THIS is what you've been fretting about all this time? That's awesome! Congratulations, Jeanette... you must be thrilled about this opportunity."

"Hehe, thanks." She nervously shuffled her feet about. 

"Hmm." Simon rested his fingers on his chin. "You don't SEEM so thrilled by the sound of it. I sense worry and hesitation in your voice."

"Well... it's mainly worry about what's Brittany gonna s -"

"Don't even think about HER. This is about YOU. YOUR chance to sing. Not HERS. However she chooses to react is HER problem. For once, Jeanette, forget about the others: think about yourself!"

"What's going on?" a confused Brittany - followed by a retinue of Alvin, Theodore and Eleanor - stormed in. "Little mothers' meeting over here, I see?"

"Oh, please, Brittany," Simon calmly responded, "don't act like you don't have those all the time."

"Hush, Simon, dear."

Simon rolled his eyes.

"What's going- Ooh! There's that letter again. How bout you do us both a favour, and hand it over, sista. Yeah?"

Simon elbowed Jeanette. "Remember: just be FIRM."

"N-n-no... why should I g -"

"Excuse me? Did you just use that attitude on yours truly?"

Jeanette kept quiet, so Simon answered for her. "YES. Yes, she did. Have a problem with that?"


"Aw... sounds like a YOU problem," Simon sarcastically sympathised with her.

When Jeanette looked away for a brief moment to thank Simon for standing up for her, Brittany seized the chance of grabbing the letter.

"If YOU won't give me this little letter of yours, I'll take it MYSELF. Let's have a little read, shall we?"

Jeanette was just waiting for that moment. The moment for Brittany to explode. In fury. In rage. In anger.

She was the spotlight. She was the lead. She was the heart and soul of the Chipmunk party. There was no way she would react calmly to this.

But this was Jeanette's chance to shine. And Simon made sure of it. Jeanette was yet to prepare her song, and find a duet partner.

Because this was it.

Jeanette was going to be the star of the show.

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