CHAPTER 19: Prep For The Step

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The Chipmunks moved back to their house after a pretty chaotic sleepover, and made plans with the Chipettes to go on fun outings from tomorrow.

Jeanette the Star was ready to shine.

She had already placed her permission slip on the concert hall front desk to confirm her duet performance with Simon.

Dear Taylor,

I hope you are also well.

I am honoured that you have recognised me for this incredible role.

I will be more than happy to occupy this position, and would like my brother Simon Seville to be my co-star.

I have my song and music ready for the concert, and look forward to being the lead performer for the first times.

Thanks again.

Yours truly,
Jeanette Seville

After being hard at work all day, she had finally finished her song, and her newly composed music to go with it.

She was going to play her prestigious guitar.

All she needed was SOMEONE... a duet partner... a co-star for the show... and she knew exactly who she wanted for the role...

Jeanette knocked on the Chipmunks' bedroom door.

"Oh, uh, come in!" beckoned a voice from inside.

The three Chipmunks each lay lying on their beds, doing their favourite activities: Theodore was munching away at his cookies; Alvin was busy finishing Level 17 of his Monster Madness Video Game; and Simon was hard at work finishing his Science homework.

"Hey, Jeanette!" they all greeted in a smile.

"Hey, guys... Uhhhh, Simon?"


"Could... could I talk to you for a sec?"

"Oh... uh, sure, Jeanette."

Alvin pressed his ear against Dave's bedroom door, dying to know what they were speaking about. All he could hear were two Chipmunks' muffled voices.

"Darn it!" said Alvin as he kicked the floor in disappointment.

"Why do you want to know what their talking about so much, Alvin?" asked the oblivious Theodore.

"BECAUSE, Theodore..."

"Because what?"

"I dunno! Just wanted to see what they were up to, I guess. I dunno... I'm bored, OKAY? There. Are you HAPPY I answered your little question?"

"Yeesh, Alvin. I was only asking why..."

Alvin could only make out one sentence.

"So... so you'll do it?"

"Oh, Jeanette, it would be an honour! I... I can't believe you wanted ME!"

"Do what?" Alvin asked himself - and Theodore indirectly. "What's Simon doing for Jeanette?

Without warning, the door opened.

"Sooo, Mr. I'm-So-Sneaky-Keeping-A-Secret," Alvin started, "we gonna do this the easy way... or the hard way?"

"I really have NO idea what you're waffling on about, Alvin."

And with that, Simon continued to walk over to his bedroom with a smile on his face and his hands leisurely behind his back.

Alvin chased after him. "S-S-Simon? You gonna spill the tea, or what?"

"What TEA?"

"Don't play dumb with me, mister. You're supposed to be the SMART one, anyway."

"Ahhh... it was about Jeanette being lead singer, wasn't it?"

"Oh my golly gosh! How did you know?" Alvin rolled his eyes.

"Well if you MUST know, Jeanette has asked me to be her co-star at the concert," he said, still grinning.

"WHAT?" Alvin was in disbelief. "YOU? S-s-she asked... YOU?"

"Aaaand... here it comes."

"She should have picked ME! I am the obvious choice! I am incredibly talented, an awesome singer, an all-round excellent person, and - this is the main bit - I actually have experience of being a lead, unlike YOU lot. I could have shown her all there is to being the star of the concert, right?!"

"Yeeeeah, but she DIDN'T pick you. Cry about it," Simon said coldly, as he walked off.

Alvin ran after him.

"Alright, f-forget about me," he stuttered.

"THAT'S something I had never expected YOU to say," he mumbled back.

"Yeah. Forget about me for a moment. Just think of Brittany. Think of her reaction when she found out Jeanette chose YOU over Britt. She's gonna freak -"

"So she'll freak. That's a 'her' problem, i'm afraid. Besides, Alvin, Jeanette wanted ME... and I'm so honoured she chose me!"

Simon finally walked off from the fuming Alvin, and went over to Jeanette's place to get practising. They had a tricky task to accomplish: the show was in TWO days, after all. They didn't have much time to perfect their performance. But they were smart enough to figure it out.

"I-I-I don't know if I CAN do this after all, Simon! I... I've never been the lead singer before. And I'm already shy and clumsy as it is. How am I supp -"

"It all comes with practice, Jeanette. Besides, you may not know this, but I've heard you practice singing our other concert songs by the tree... your voice is amazing! I can't believe they had never recognised you sooner!"

Jeanette blushed in embarrassment. Simon heard her singing solo?

"You... you heard me s-s-singing?"

"I was passing by the tree of your Treehouse, when I heard that beautiful voice. I knew it from somewhere, but I was astonished to find out it was YOU. And I couldn't stop listening! THAT'S how good of a singer you are!"

"Wow! Th-th-thanks..."

"Anyways, from the top."

Simon plugged in the cord of his brilliant blue guitar, while Jeanette plugged in her perfect purple one. They both stood side by side next to the microphone held on a stand, and began singing together.

Their voices paired so well together that they undoubtedly were both naturals. Simon knew - and convinced Jeanette - that they would annihilate the performance with their incredible show, leaving an awed audience in anticipation for encores galore.

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