CHAPTER 20: Backstabber!

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It was 00:55... late at night.

Who was that figure creeping around in the inky darkness?

Dressed in black from head to toe, the masked silhouette advanced towards the concert front desk, where all the paperwork was kept. They used a skeleton key to unlock the door - it worked like a charm. And they went inside the glass box room.

They ransacked all items on the desk, leaving no paper unturned. After a good few minutes, they finally found the ONE letter they were searching for.

Carefully opening the envelope, she removed the original forms from inside, and switched them with a fresh new set of their own. The old switcheroo, right?

Tidying the desk to its initial state, they locked up the front desk room, and sneaked out.

Mission accomplished... For WHO? THAT was unknown.

- - - - -

Brittany was brushing out the last of the knots and tangles in Jeanette's beautiful brunette hair.

"Aaah! Oooh, oww! Britt! That... OW! That hurts!"

"Just hold still, will ya?"

"Can't... OW! You... ah, oooh, ouch!"

"There, done!"

Brittany dropped the brush on the dressing table inside the concert changing room, and looked at her sister with a grin.

"You look WONDERFUL, Jeanette." Brittany placed her hands on her shoulders.

"Y-you... you're not... you're not mad, are you?"

"Mad? Why? At who?"

"M-me... I, uh, I'm the lead tonight... instead of you... I replaced you... I -"

"Oh, Jeanette. Don't fret about that. You... you deserve it," she forced out with a deep breath. "I'm... I'm h-h-happy for you..."

"I don't buy it, Britt," said Simon as he stormed into the room. "Are you REALLY happy for J -"

He stopped in his tracks as soon as he laid eyes upon his sister. Her purple glittery dress complemented her matching flat heels. Her brushed hair fell down her shoulders so elegantly. Her lavender eye-shadow matched her lipstick, which gleamed beneath the dressing table's lights.

"J-Jeanette... pffft... wow."

Alvin stormed into the room, presumably to shout at the others to hurry up and get ready.

"Come ON, guys, you -" And, like Simon, he paused. "Woaaaaah... Jeanette? Have... have you and Britt like, swapped places, or summin? 'Cause, last time I checked, Britt was always the beauty queen thing... Oh, that's a compliment by the way, Jean. I mean to say you look awesome!"

Brittany blew her hair out the way, itching her arm with envy. Her sister was piled with pretty compliments, and it etched on the pink princess. Had they really swapped places?

Her train of thoughts was interrupted by the Chipmunks' manager, Taylor Baker.

She crashed the Chipmunks' party, clapping her hands in demand. "Alright, everybody, come on! Britt? Your lead singer's mic is ready... come along, kids. Let's get this -"

"Uh, excuse me," Simon said. "Forgive me for interrupting you, Taylor, but, um... y-you... did you say Brittany?"

"That's right, Zak, you ain't hearing things, honey ."

"It's, um, Simon."

"Zak... Simon... Oliver... whatever. Anyways, Britt, get into pos -"

"Lead? Brittany in lead position?"

"Stuart, your ears ain't failing ya, if that's what you're worried about, darling. Now PLEASE cut the questions and just get over her, guys?"

"S-surely you mean Jeanette in lead, right? Oh, and by the way, it's Si- "

"Why would I mean HER?"

"'Cause she's the lead tonight, no?"

"No, sweetie pie. Britt's lead - didn't Jeanette tell you?"

Simon's eyes shifted to Jeanette, who was confused herself. He then looked at the others, who were just as baffled as HE was.

"Why d'you all look so surprised?"

"Um, excuse me, Miss Baker," Jeanette spoke up. "I... I said I would agree to being lead singer. Not Britt... right?"

Taylor sighed and tapped her foot in impatience and annoyance.

"Just read the letter, Jennifer sweetie."

"It's... Jeanette..." she corrected.

Jeanette read the unusual paper in front of her.

Hi Taylor, I'm too much of a scaredy-cat to be the lead singer. I think my sister Brittany should take this role instead. She's a much better choice for this position. Thank you, Jeanette Seville.

"See? You didn't want to do it, so I prepared the stage for Britt instead - just like you said in your letter," Taylor explained.

"WHAT?" Jeanette cried in disgust. "MY letter? What... what is this? Is this some kind of joke, or something?"

"Come again, Jemmy?"

"I-I-I didn't write this. And, in case you forgot AGAIN, it's JEANETTE!"

Simon looked over her shoulder and read the letter for himself.

"Jeanette?" he gasped. "H-how could you? After all the effort and practice we put in, you... you go behind my ba- You agreed to be co-stars!"

"Simon, you HAVE to believe me! I didn't write this!"

"It has your signature and name and and everything," Brittany piped up.

"Look, guys, I didn't write this. First of all, it's such informal language. 'Scaredy-cat'? WHO uses that in a letter?

"YOU, clearly," Brittany mumbled.

"AND, all the lines are in the same paragraph. You have to separate those! 'Dear Taylor' and 'Yours truly' have to be on their own lines! I don't write like this! It... it wasn't m -"

"Then how could this letter have ended up in YOUR envelope?"

Simon, for the very first time in front of Jeanette, crossed his arms.

"Guys!!!" Taylor rubbed her face in agony. "PLEASE just come here! Beatrice, you're lead - come on!"

"Who's Beat -"

"And where's Emily and Theodore, the two chubby ones?"

"That's ONE name she's got right," Alvin mumbled.

Jeanette pleaded her case. She tried to explain that letter wasn't written by her, but the others - including Simon - failed to believe her.

Had she really backstabbed Simon, or was this someone else's doing.

Brittany shuffled her feet nervously. "C-come on, guys. Let's go to the stage. It's nearly show time."

Jeanette walked over to Brittany with a serious look on her face.

"Brittany. Do YOU know anything about who wrote the letter?"

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