CHAPTER 21: Caught You Pink-Handed

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— Previously, At The Circuit Breaker —

Simon was slightly taken aback by her sudden outburst, but then felt relieved that Jeanette had FINALLY spoken her mind freely, without that voice inside her head stopping her like always.

"J-J-Jeanette... I can totally relate. The feeling's mutual, you know. With Alvin, mainly. But, we can't let this whole situation continue like this. W-we've got to, you know, team up. Team up against them. I mean, we ARE the oldest siblings, after all."

"They can't push us around like this!" she agreed.

Simon couldn't help but smile at her sudden surge of confidence.

"Who are you?" he joked. "And what have you done with Jeanette?!"

Jeanette returned the grin. "From now on, you'll see a new me."

— End Of Flashback

Simon walked up to her.

"You said that I'd see 'a new you' when we walked toward the power circuit breaker outside my house. But I... I never thought it meant... THIS. In other words, betrayal."

A tear rolled down Jeanette's rosy cheek, as she scampered out of the room.

"Excuse me, little guys. But, uh, if you guys are done with ya lil' family reunion, you've got a show to put on."

The Chipmunks made their way through to the stage, behind the crimson-red drawn curtains. Only Simon remained in the room, lost in a train of his thoughts. He cursed himself for being perhaps a little too hard on Jeanette, and wondered if she was indeed telling the truth after all... that the letter wasn't hers.

He went back to the letter, and read through it again.

— Previously, Night At The Front Desk —

It was 00:55... late at night.

Who was that figure creeping around in the inky darkness?

Dressed in black from head to toe, the masked silhouette advanced towards the concert front desk, where all the paperwork was kept. They used a skeleton key to unlock the door - it worked like a charm. And they went inside the glass box room.

They ransacked all items on the desk, leaving no paper unturned. After a good few minutes, they finally found the ONE letter they were searching for.

Carefully opening the envelope, she removed the original forms from inside, and switched them with a fresh new set of their own. The old switcheroo, right?

Tidying the desk to its initial state, they locked up the front desk room, and sneaked out.

Mission accomplished... For WHO? THAT was unknown.

— End Of Flashback

Who WAS that figure in the darkness, dear readers? Maybe we need to look at the situation from another perspective.

Previously, Through Another's Eyes

"So, here we are, doing a TWO MAN job, and one of us isn't here," the blue Chipmunk grumbled to himself. "'Hey, Simon, need any help?' 'Oh, no thank you, Alvin. I'm doing good at my end. How are you doing at yours?'"

Simon pushed the wheel of Alvin's "toy car" - as he called it - back into place.

"Alvin, you owe me big time... Oh wait, Alvin's not here! It's just Simon, doing what he does on a daily basis... no credit at all."

Simon was about to drag his brother's car back home from the Repairman Shop, when he saw a figure run away. Where were they running from? He deduced it was probably from the concert front desk.

"Uh, hey, excuse me!" Simon called out to them.

The black-clad shadow turned around for a brief second, before turning back, and sprinting off to the direction they were headed.

"You, uh, you dropped... this." No use. They were long gone.

Simon picked up the object, and examined it. It looked like a pink lipstick, or something; that sneak must have been a girl. He kept it in his pocket for safe-keeping.

End Of New Perspective Flashback

And that's when a realisation washed over Simon.

Of course, the front desk. I forgot to go check that!

Maybe that girl had something to do with this whole situation. Maybe it was indeed her who slipped the letter inside. Maybe Jeanette was right, and Simon was just stupid enough to dismiss her as a liar.

Simon had just a few minutes to investigate his conspiracy, before the concert was about to start. He looked over all the files, and found a small pink smear over the open envelope titled: "To, Taylor Baker; From, Jeanette Seville."

And that smear, by the looks of it, was pink nail polish.

Who was jealous about Jeanette's opportunity, that they wanted her to back down from the lead? Who wears pink lipstick from the Chipmunks? Who could have dropped the pink lipstick last night? Who would have recommended that BRITTANY be the lead instead?

Only one person matches that description. Brittany, the pink royal herself.

Simon seized the envelope evidence, and checked his jeans' back pocket. That pink gloss she dropped was still in there.

Now if you'll excuse him, he has someone to expose.

Simon chuckled.

"Caught you PINK-handed, Britt."

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