CHAPTER 22: I Will Never Forgive You

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"I-I-I can explain!" Brittany stammered.

"Britt!" Eleanor gasped. "How could you?"

"Jeanette was right after all?" Alvin asked, clearly irritated.

"You owe us an explanation, missy," said Simon. "But right now, I've got to find Jeanette, and tell her what REALLY happened. I can't believe it... she WAS telling the truth after all! You little liar, Brittany!!!"

Simon angrily stomped away from the stage, before turning back to Brittany and whispering a little something in her ear.

"I hope you're happy. 'Cause Jeanette and the rest of us sure aren't."

"Guys," the manager, Taylor Baker, interrupted. "Could y'all finish your lil' family reunion later on? I dunno if you forgot, but y'all have a show to put on! The audience is waiting!"

"B-but... We can't do it without Simon and Jeanette!" Theodore exclaimed.

"Ah, who needs them?" she replied. "We have four of you, and that's enough."

"I don't have the heart to perform with HER right now," Alvin said coldly, as he pushed Brittany to the side with a frown, and left the performance set-up.

"Pffft... wow... I never knew Alvin could be so sensitive," Eleanor remarked, before shifting her livid eyes towards the criminal herself. "Spit out your explanation."

Brittany closed her eyes, and took a deep breath.

"Jealousy. I was jealous, alright?! I couldn't STAND Jeanette being chosen instead of me. So I figured I could write her letter myself, saying that I could be the star instead. And I switched letters at night, with no one knowing, so nobody would know about it. Of course SIMON was there. He caught me."

"You insensitive, selfish brat," Eleanor hissed, as she left the room in a huff.

Taylor Baker, clearly vexed, opened the curtains and poked her head through them; she spoke with the groaning audience.

"Apologises, folks. We have a slight delay. Please bear with us, while Alvin and the Chipmunks prepares themselves for the concert. In the meantime, please feel free to head over to the bar and grab yourselves a few sodas and snacks. Believe me, you're gonna need 'em."

And then there were TWO... Theodore and Brittany. Would Theodore have the heart to support his pink sister?

"Theodore, YOU can see where I'm coming from. Right?

"I've... always been tricked into believing things my older siblings say. I need to make my own decisions for once," the childish Chipmunk spoke like a true adolescent slash young adult. "I can't forgive you for being so selfish."

- - - - -

"Jeanette? JEANETTE!" Simon called out as he searched the vicinity outside the Concert Hall. "Jeanette! Where are you? Great."

Simon pulled out his blue phone, and tried his luck at texting. And after a few minutes, he finally got a response.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Simon S's iPhone 13 Pro

Jeanette the Brunette 💜
If you love what you have, you have what you love!

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

The Smart Guy Simon 💙:
Jeanette, we need to talk. Where r u?

Jeanette the Brunette 💜:
If ur here to tell me I'm a bad person , u can save ur breath. That's all I've been hearing all day 😞

The Smart Guy Simon 💙:
Oh jeanette thank goodness you responded! And no that's not what I was gonna say at all

Jeanette the Brunette 💜:
Let me guess... u were going to say something like ...we worked so hard together and I threw that all away by saying no to taylor blah blah 😑

The Smart Guy Simon 💙:
Jeanette, before u make assumptions, just please hear me out

Jeanette the Brunette 💜:
Okay...... hearing you out.

The Smart Guy Simon 💙:
Jeanette, we are so so sorry. I'M so so sorry,
We've discovered the truth. It was Brittany who snuck in those letters 😔😞 i should've known u were incapable of pulling of something as stupid and selfish as this

Jeanette the Brunette 💜:
Wait - wut is the truth ??

The Smart Guy Simon 💙:
It was Brittany - she switched the letters in secret at night . I saw her with my own two eyes 👀 and she admitted it herself too ...

Jeanette the Brunette 💜:
🤭 no... wut?!?!? It was britt?

The Smart Guy Simon 💙:
You better believe it girl ... I regret not believing you jeanette- I know you're always so caring and have a heart so big. you always say true to yourself and true to those around you . ☺️☺️

Jeanette the Brunette 💜:
Aw Really ? You mean it?

The Smart Guy Simon 💙:
Absolutely. From here on I will always believe you - no matter what 😊

Jeanette the Brunette 💜:
Woah thx simon! 💕 ur amazing

The Smart Guy Simon 💙:
Anytime. 😉

The Smart Guy Simon 💙:
Just - please , Jeanette. where are you ?

Jeanette the Brunette 💜 started sharing her location.


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