CHAPTER 9: Power's Out!

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Meanwhile, the two matching Chipmunks strolled over to the power circuit, to identify the issue with their lighting.

"Thanks for coming out with me, Jeanette. I, uh, found that really brave of you... and, s-sweet..." Simon gave a shy smile to his sister.

"Simon, it was the least I could do. After all, you do so much for ME, that... well, I felt compelled to return the favour!" Jeanette smiled back.

"Soooo... you girls are going to spend the next few days with us, since Dave's gone for a couple of days. Right?"

"Yeah! It's been AGES since we've done this. What... what did you have in mind for us to do?"

"Oh, LOTS of things! First, I thought we could, I don't know, go to the museum, perhaps? I heard they opened up a new exhibit... one on the galaxies. I know you love them, so, I thought I could maybe take you there... AND we could go see that new movie you were talking about. Oh, and I was hoping that, you know, I could maybe... take you out for ice-cream, or something. Just the two of us. You know, a vacation from our demanding siblings! Just two like-minded brothers and sisters spending the day together?"

Simon suddenly realised he had started to waffle so much about what HE wanted to do, that he worried he lost Jeanette halfway through his little 'monologue'.

"Oh... Jeanette... I-I-I didn't realise how long I talked for. I, uh, do that a lot. Waffling. Waffling on. In fact, I'm doing it now!"

He facepalmed himself in disappointment, and embarrassment.

"Did, ahem, did I... bore you?"

He cleared his throat, and cocked his head to look at her, only to find an interested face gazing back at him. She wasn't bored at all: she was ready for it all.

"Not at all! You could never bore me, bro. I could listen to you all day!" she said, winking at him.

Jeanette's phone made a sound. She had received a notification.

"Oh! I've got a message." She pulled out her purple phone, only to show a face of aggravation.

"It's ALVIN."

"WHAT?" he replied, outraged. "Give me tha- I-I-I mean... ahem. Can I s-see?"

Simon gently removed Jeanette's phone from her hands to read the notification.

- - - - -

Alvin S has created a new group chat "Emergency! Treehouse Mystery! 🔴 "

Alvin S added you.

- - - - -

"You've GOT to be kidding me. I'm definitely gonna message Alvin on your phone to tell him to stop.... I mean, if that's alright with you, of course...?"

Jeanette shrugged her shoulders as if to say 'if you say so.'

- - - - -

Alvin S: guys , we have a situation

Jeanette S: As always 🙄

Alvin S: mmm... very supportive 👏🏽

Jeanette S: ALVIN, did you not understand what I said before? WHY have you added us all to the group chat again???!!!

Alvin S: simon is that you?

Jeanette S: Uhhh, yeahhh... 🤷‍♂️ how'd you know?

Alvin S: I knew it. Jean would never type something as harsh as that.

Jeanette S: No, she wouldn't. That's how you know it's ME texting for her. Besides, Alvin, WHY have LEFT made a new group chat - RIGHT after we all left?!

Alvin S: wait wait wait! Listen before you get mad

Jeanette S: 😣 right...

Alvin S: the lights are like completely out now! No flickering, no nothing. Just gone. Poof! Like that.

Jeanette S: Power's out? Completely?

Alvin S: power's out. completely.

Jeanette S: Alvin, it's all just a problem with the circuit breaker. Jeanette and I are gonna check out what the issue is. Sit tight and just BE PATIENT. PLEASE? Is that too much to ask?

Alvin S: is that u jeanette or is it still simon ?

Jeanette S: Take a guess, Alvin.

Alvin S: 🤔

Alvin S: simon?

Jeanette S: Yeah. You know Jeanette wouldn't say all that.

Alvin S: yup! Definitely sounds like something u would say

Alvin S: anyways good luck to you and jeanette , see you in 20

Jeanette S: That is, if you'd actually let us go

Alvin S: what? Yeah course I would. Why wouldn't I?

Jeanette S: I think you can answer that question yourself, Alvin

Alvin S: well, see u 2 later, over and out ✌️

Jeanette S: right... 🙄

- - - - -

"What was that all about?" asked Jeanette, looking over at her phone in Simon's hands.

Simon was spooked; he was so absorbed into his brother conflict that he had completely forgotten Jeanette was there.

"Oh my!" He inhaled a deep breath. "Ohh... it's just you. Sorry, I uh-"

"No worries!"

He handed her phone back to her hands, and she scrolled through the messages he and Alvin were sending.

"Um... Simon?"

He turned around to face her. "Y-yeah?"

"You did tell Alvin that it was YOU sending those messages, not ME, right?"

"Of course. BUT, I'm pretty sure Alvin could have easily guessed that even if I didn't."

Jeanette stifled a giggle. "Good point, Simon!"

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