CHAPTER 8: The Group Chat?

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Alvin S has created a new group 'The Treehouse Mystery'.

Alvin S added you.

Alvin S: hey guys whats up 😉 😁

Simon S: What's*

Alvin S: 🙄 ugh rlly who cares

Simon S: Me, clearly.

Alvin S: u even use correct grammar for TEXTING ? are you okay????

Simon S: Terrible use of question marks, might I add. But, anyways, Alvin, what's this group even for?

Theodore S: oh my gosh a new group? Hello guys! 🍪

Eleanor S: hey Theodore! 😉

Brittany S: omg wut is this chat

Jeanette S: Hey... what's this group for? The treehouse case? What do you mean?

Brittany S: I LITERALLY just asked that, hon

Alvin S: uhhhh isn't it obvious? The whole lights thing DUH 😒 I thought the title said it all?

Simon S: No, Alvin, that's so unnecessary...

Theodore S: yeah Alvin, is this really needed? 🍦

Alvin S: speak for ur self guys I wanna get to the bottom of this

Jeanette S: 😑 which is EXACTLY what Simon and I are going to do right now

Simon S: Or, at least, TRYING to do.

Brittany S: well get on with it then, I ain't got got day u know 😠

Eleanor S: wow sis, you can talk. Ur not even the one helping, and ur telling them to hurry up? Ugh! Typical Britt.

Brittany S: uh wut did you say?

Eleanor S: 👑

Brittany S: um r u implying that I'm... a princess??????

Alvin S: haha 😂 nice one Ellie I agree 👍

Theodore S: woah guys, clam it down please 🥞

Simon S: Calm*, Theodore

Alvin S: 😡 😤

Eleanor S: do u rlly have to put a food emoji in every one of ur messages Theodore ??

Theodore S: yeah! It's great 🍎

Eleanor S: 😔 welp

Simon S: Well, at least it's a HEALTHY food eomji this time 🤭

Alvin S: EMOJI* ... SIMON now u knwo how it feels 😩

Simon S: That's funny, Alvin, because you spelt 'know' wrong. 😹

Alvin S: I can never beat u at this game, can I Si?

Simon S: If you want an honest answer, then no. You can't. Nice try though.

Jeanette S: @SimonS ... we should probably get going now, maybe we can work out what's causing the lights to flicker?

Brittany S: yeah so then I can leave this stupid group chat. U guys r spamming my messages when I already get so many... cuz I'm SO FAMOUS

Alvin S: 🙄 in ur head maybe

Simon S: You're right, Jeanette. And for concentration purposes, I think I should probably leave this group chat.

Brittany S: id be quiet if i were u

Alvin S: well your not me soooo... yeah

Simon S: You're*

Alvin S: would you stop it with the correcting bro?

Simon S left the group chat.

Alvin S added Simon S to the group chat.

Simon S: ALVINNN!!!

Simon S left the group chat.

Alvin S added Simon S to the group chat.

Simon S: Alvin, stop!

Simon S left the group chat.

Alvin S added Simon S to the group chat.

Alvin S: um wuts the magic word Si?

Simon S: 😩 PLEASE?

Alvin S: sorryyy to be annoying brother, but u gotta admit u r too, esp with the whole correct thingy 🤷‍♂️

Brittany S: ugh I don't care anyways im leavin; byeee 👋 see u

Brittany S left the group chat.

Jeanette S: I'm leaving, too

Simon S: I'm with you, Jean

Eleanor S: wait for me guys!

Theodore S: wut? Guys! 🥘

Jeanette S left the group chat.

Simon S: Well that was a complete waste of my storage, time AND effort.

Simon S left the group chat.

Eleanor S left the group chat.

Alvin S: u know wut? FINE. I'll leave too...

Alvin S left the group chat.

Theodore S is now admin.

Theodore S: 🎶 All... by... my... self 🎵

Theodore S: oh yeah! Can't forget my food emoji !!! 🧁

Theodore S: 🤦‍♀️ im talking to myself now, aren't I?

Theodore S: sooo embarrassing.

Theodore S: wait a minute... that's something Alvin would say!

Theodore S: well he does have a point I guess

Theodore S: ugh im leaving bye guys! 🍮

Theodore S: oh wait it's just me 😢

Theodore S left the group chat.

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