Chapter 11

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Goldensky's pov

"Rainwhisper... I'm sorry." Goldensky spoke to his mate.

But she just looked at him with regret.
"Why! Why did I trust you! You hurt me!" She screeched.

"I'm sorry!"
"Sorry isn't enough!"
"Please come back-" He started.

"It's your fault that your sister and brother are dead." She suddenly whispered.

Goldensky's eyes shot open.

That . . . That was a dream.

He looked over at Rainwhisper, who was sleeping next to him. Her chest slowly rising and falling with each passing breath.

I need to take a walk.

He got out of the moss bed and slowly left the warriors den. He sat down in the middle of camp and sat for a few minutes, breathing in the cool night air.

The air smelled of the forest, ForestClan, prey, and . . . something else.
He closed his eyes, focusing on the scent.

That wasn't right. It smelled like the junkyard that was a little ways away from their territory.

He got up and padded out of the camp, following the scent.

He walked a little ways, making sure that he was silent.

"-what fox dunged cat would be walking around this late? I'm sure you're imagining things."

Goldensky crept forward until he could see the two cats. They were both young adults.

One was a fluffy tortie female. She had purple eyes and a moth wing behind her ear. The other was a white male with cream markings and a green bandana. He had a green eye and an orange eye. His ears were shredded. In fact both of them had many scars.

What are they doing?

He let out a soft growl.

"Claw Blood, would you stop it?!" The tortie yelled. "There's no one there!"

Suddenly, Goldensky froze.

A voice behind him started speaking. "Actually, Feather Blood, Claw Blood was right."
A big cat dragged him out into the clearing with the other two cats.

"White Blood! Where have you been? Who is this?" The tortie, Feather Blood yelped.

"That's a ForestClan cat." Said Claw Blood, who glanced at him before looking at White Blood, who was a big white cat.

"White Blood, that's exactly what Scar Blood was looking for."
"I know. That's why were taking him."

A moment later, everything went black.

Rainwhisper stirred in the moss nest.

"Goldensky?" She murmured.

No reply.
She sat up, looking around for her mate. Usually, he slept in later than she did.

He must've gotten up already and was in the camp.

She got up and looked around the camp, checking in with a few cats.

No one knew where he was.

"He's probably on the dawn patrol." Several cats had reassured her. But Goldensky hated working in the morning.

When the dawn patrol returned, she went up to them immediately. He wasn't there.

"But it's interesting," Smokingwind said. "We got a whiff of his scent while passing Stargazing clearing."
"Yeah, like it was recent. Like last-night recent."

"Oh." Rainwhisper was feeling a little light headed.

She decided to walk to Dawnsteps den, to ask for some herbs that could help.

"Hey...Dawnstep?" She asked as she walked in.

Dawnstep looked up from Rabbittail, a fluffy cream she-cat who had a bad case of coughs.

"Ah. Rainwhisper. I'm sorry to hear about Goldensky."
Rainwhispers ears drooped. She was very nervous.


Dawnstep tapped Rabbittail. "Go back to your den, I'll check on you later."

Rabbittail got up and left the medicine den, but not after a coughing fit.

Dawnstep sighed. She had been a medicine cat for many, many moons, and hadn't taken on an apprentice yet.

"Yes?" Rainwhisper tilted her head.

"I'm deeply sorry about Goldensky, but you need to focus on more important things."

Well that sounded quite rude? What's more important than finding my mate?

"Excuse me?" She asked.

"They're relying on you, you know."
"Whose they? Our clan? If so, I don't think they are."
"Silly." Dawnstep muttered under her breath as she padded over to the herb stores and started sorting them. "Anyway, what brings you here?"
"I have a headache."

"Ahh ok. Feverfew."

Dawnstep started rummaging around the herb stores; she had to stand on her hind legs to reach the top cracks.
A small plant that looked like a daisy fell down on the ground, followed by a few more herbs.

"Here, let me help." Rainwhisper padded forward and bent down to pick up the herbs, but Dawnstep was already shooing her away.

"No no no. Don't help me. I've got it. Besides, it's not good for you! You need rest."

"Oh, um, ok?" Rainwhisper walked back a little.

"Here. This one. Eat it."
Dawnstep handed her the daisy looking plant and Rainwhisper chewed it up, ignoring the annoying tangy smell.

"Thanks, Dawnstep. I'll go back to the warrior's den now."
"Mmmm... nope." Dawnstep said, getting up next to her again.

"Why not?" Rainwhisper was really getting annoyed by all of Dawnsteps weirdness. "Oh sweetie. You must not know yet! Sorry about being weird." "What do I not know?" "You're expecting kits."

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