Chapter 12

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Star Blood's pov

Star Blood grabbed another herb off the herb shelf. Half Blood was sitting next to Clear Blood, who was laying down in a moss nest.

"S-Star Blood? Is there anything I can do?" Half Blood asked, nervously. It was his first time experiencing a death in the medicine den. They usually sent him home when it happened.

But this time, Star Blood decided to have him see it. Now or never.

"No. Just stay out of the way."

She tossed a herb over to Half Blood.
"Nevermind. Make him eat that. It will help him relax and feel less pain."
Clear Blood was dying of old age. He had gotten old very fast if he wasn't already.

"Star B-Blood?"
"Yes?" She said quickly rummaging through herb stores.

Maybe this could help. Oh wait no-

"He's dead."
Star Blood stopped rummaging and turned to face Half Blood.
Then she walked over to Clear Blood, felt his heart rate, his breath, and concluded that Half Blood was right.
Clear Blood was dead.

Star Blood hung her head. Her mentor, Her friend, The best healer, was dead. She would miss him. But he lived a good life. He loved healing and had found many methods of surviving.

"Come, Half Blood. We must tell Scar Blood."

Scar Blood lived in a big white truck that had been tipped over.
Star Blood banged on the door of it.
"Scar Blood?" She asked.
"Coming." Said a voice from inside. A moment later, the dark tabby emerged.

"What do you need?" He said, lazily.

"Clear thoughts has died. I wanted to inform you."

"Hmm. Ok." He looked at her. "Is that all?"
"Oh, um, we'd like to go out and bury him." She tilted her head.

"Ok, go do that." Scar stood there and furrowed his brow at Half Blood.

"Hey..." He started. "Your Half Blood, right? Training to be a healer?"
"Y-yes. I'm trying my best!" Half Blood stuttered. Star Blood wanted to tell him that Scar Blood wasn't scary. Well maybe a little.

"That's it!" Scar Blood pushed past them and into the open air. He took his claw and started drawing a map on the ground.

"Scar Blood?" Star Blood walked up next to him.

"Alright. So! Here's our territory." He pointed to the junkyard drawn on the map. Then he pointed out each of the clans.

"ForestClan. I sent three cats to get someone from there. I'm going to ask him what he knows."
"We can't get into BrightClan right now." Scar Blood added. "But MountainClan, they're having an issue right now. A murder mystery. So, we're going to attack them. I know someone who we can help and she can help us."

"And we're sending this kit to spy on SeaClan as a medicine cat apprentice. He will be respected, and have a chance of getting any information we need. We'll meet with him every half moon."
"What?" Half Blood said, shocked.
"Yes. And what was your name before?" Scar Blood asked.

"Half Wing."
"So tell them that your mother abandoned you and you need a home. Also tell them that you know a little bit about healing."
"Y-yes. But d-do I need to do this?"
"Yes. For the Night Bloods."

Half Blood's pov

He trudged through the muck and water as they approached the SeaClan camp. It was the middle of the night and the moon shone overhead.

"Scar Blood?"
He stayed silent after that, remembering what he had rehearsed. Rain poured on his pelt.

Star Blood hadn't come with them. Scar Blood had said that he didn't want a blind cat messing up and alerting SeaClan.

"Here we are." Scar Blood whispered to him as they looked over the edge of a hill that went over the camp. There were trees everywhere and vines hung down from many of the trees.
It was an icky place.

If he wasn't dirty enough already, Scar Blood picked up some mud and plopped it on his pelt, spreading it into his fur.

"You need to look like you've been traveling for days."
"Good. Now, see those cats?" Scar Blood pointed to two cats who were standing in the entrance of the camp. "Go up to them."
Half Blood crept away from Scar Blood, and slowly slowed to a tired limp. He was acting.

" me." He tried to yelp.
The two cats were alerted.
"Sunstrike! It's a kit!" The gray tom said.

"Yes, Coldleaf. I can see that." The yellow tabby she-cat responded. Then she walked up to Half Blood.

"Who are you?"

"Please... please help me..." He strained, falling on his side and panting heavily. "My name is Half Wing. My mother abandoned me, and I've been traveling for days."
"Well, come on in. We'll have you talk to our medicine cat." Coldleaf said.

Sunstrike looked a little bit more suspicious, but she didn't say anything.

"Pinepelt?" Coldleaf called into a den on the left side of camp.

A yawn came from inside the den. "Coldleaf? Is something wrong?" A brown tom with a lighter brown face and tail came out of the den. He looked very sleepy.
"We found a kit. He says he's been traveling for days after his mother abandoned him."
"Well, you two can go back to your night shift. I'll take care of the kit."
"Thank you." He whispered again.

Pinepelt guided him to a nest in the den. "Here. Lie down."
Pinepelt sat next to him, and started asking him questions.

"So, Half Wing, right?"
"Well Half Wing, You've been traveling for days, you must either know how to hunt."
Fox dung! Scar Blood didn't tell me what to do for that question!
"I...didn't really hunt. My mother always did that. But she taught me a little bit on how to heal myself. She told me about different types of herbs."
"Ahhh. I'll need to talk to StarClan then."
"Our ancestors. Each star in the sky is a warrior's spirit. Or medicine cat."

"Why are you going to talk to them?" "Because I need to ask them if you could be my apprentice. I'll need to also ask Salmonstar first, but in advance, welcome to the clan, Halfpaw."

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