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Voices rang out as Earth slowly came to. At first they were muffled and inaudible but eventually the terrestrial planet cat could hear clearly. Figures, everyone was saying her name, trying to get her attention. Blinking her eyes slowly, Earth mustered a weak smile and meowed, "Hey guys."

"Earth! Oh thank Celestial!" the Sun exclaimed, pulling his oldest daughter into a warm embrace. Venus and the Moon joined in, forming a group hug. Hanging onto Earth's paw for dear life, Mars cried, "Earth, I'm so sorry! I swear I didn't mean it!" Feeling warm and fuzzy inside, the terrestrial planet cat murmured, "It's okay Mars, I'm still here."

"Hey Mars, if you threw that asteroid ball hard enough, would it kill somebody?" Neptune questioned, sniffing said object curiously. Jupiter shoved the ice giant, silencing him. It was at this moment Earth felt something rubbing up against her leg. Looking down, she found the Moon. Meeting her gaze, the moon kitten squeaked. Nuzzling the young cat lovingly, the terrestrial planet cat purred, "It's okay Luna, I'm alright."

"You sure sis, that was a pretty nasty hit," Venus murmured, gently licking a small bruise on Earth's forehead. Playfully head butting her sister, Earth insisted, "Guys, I'm fine. I promise." Suddenly feeling a warm presence beside her, she looked up to see the Sun. Concern written all over his face, the celebrity star cat rasped, "Are you absolutely sure?" Nodding her head quietly, Earth looked around confused before asking, "What happened?"

"Oh good grief her short term memory loss is kicking in," Mercury grumbled, rolling his eyes. Arriving at the scene with ice cream cones in their paws, Uranus and Saturn stopped in their tracks. "Did we miss something?" Uranus asked, looking around. Huffing, Jupiter growled, "Nothing, just shove your face into more food you bottomless pit."

"Okay!" Uranus exclaimed. He then promptly shoved his face into his ice cream. Jupiter facepawed when he saw that. Trotting up with a bag full of astronaut ice cream sandwiches, Pluto mumbled through clenched teeth, "I got us all treats!" Chuckling softly as he padded over, the Sun meowed, "Thank you Pluto. Here, I'll carry those for you. Kids, let's head home."

"Yeah, we can take a better look at you when we get home," Venus remarked, offering Earth a helping paw. Waving it away, Earth stated, "I don't know what you're talking about but I'm perfectly fine, honest." As she stood up to prove her point, the terrestrial planet cat stumbled, almost falling over. Steading herself, she glanced around. She knew the others saw that. Straightening up her posture, the planet cat said nothing as she followed the rest of her family. She was trying very hard to prove she was alright. But the truth was...

...she wasn't.

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