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Waking up to the eerie ringing bell sounds of her alarm clock, Venus reached over and turned off the device. Yawning sleepily, the terrestrial planet cat sat up in her bed and stretched her limbs. Today was gonna be a good day, she could feel it in her bones. She got up and walked out of her bedroom only to head over to her sister's right next door. Opening the door to Earth's bedroom, she was about to greet her sister when the words got caught in her throat.

Earth was definitely not okay.

"Morning sis," Earth creaked, wiping her nose with the back of her paw. She was shivering under a mountain of blankets that she had acquired during the night. Her face was covered in sweat and her nose was runny. Her once beautiful fur was now matted, dull and different colors. Normally it was blue and green with streaks of white. Now it was ash gray and fiery orange with huge blobs of black. Worse, the terrestrial planet cat conveniently had a bald patch on her head right where the asteroid ball had hit her yesterday. Coughing weakly, Earth mumbled, "I don't feel so good."

"You don't look so good! Holy Celestial, you took a downward spiral last night!" Venus exclaimed. Her fur was fluffed up in horror and, quite honestly, she felt sick to her stomach just seeing her sister in this state. She was about to hyperventilate at any second. Lifting her head slowly, Earth sniffled, "It's not too bad, it's just a little cold-"

"You stay here! I'm getting Dad!" Venus ordered, leaving the room. By now, the Moon was sitting up in her crib. Looking over at her mother, she squeaked in a hushed and almost inaudible voice. Laying her head back down on the pillows, Earth meowed, "It's okay sweetheart, I'm okay." At that moment, she heard voices outside her door. Then Venus returned to the bedroom with the Sun.

"Oh dear sweet Celestial..." the Sun whispered, petrified. Venus stood off to the side, looking worried. Flicking her ear as she wiped her nose again, Earth purred, "Hi Dad." Approaching her bedside cautiously, the celebrity star cat placed his paw against her forehead. The terrestrial planet cat sighed in relief at the heat it provided and whined when it disappeared. Turning to Venus, the Sun declared, "You're in charge while we're gone. Make sure the boys behave."

"Where are we going?" Earth asked. Helping her out of bed and draping one of the lighter blankets over her shoulders for warmth, the Sun looked her in the eyes as he answered, "What I should have done yesterday. We're taking you to the hospital."

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