Chapter 1: The Hunt

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Third Person POV 

It's been mere days since the attack on the village. The day he lost his beloved friend. The day he decided that he would be the one that ends the white fang. Members will die at his hands. His name, Hades. 

In Vale 

In a warehouse, there was a group of white fang members loading loads of dust into a bullhead. While each and every one of the white fang members was finsihing up the job, a wolf faunas was loading the last box of dust into the bullhead. The wolf faunas clapped his hands together, dusting his hands off. 

Wolf Faunas: Finally, we're done here. 
He said to his fellow white fang members. 

Faunas 2: Yeah. Now let's get some sleep. 


Suddenly a white fang member was slashed across the stomach. The wolf faunas pulled out his gun as he looked around while many of the other white fang members grabbed their weapons and started to shoot whoever the intruder was. 

Wolf Faunas: W-W-What the hell's happening! 
He yelled in fear. 

White Fang Member: FIND THE INTRUDER

However before the white fang member could do anything, he was suddenly slashed in half. 

Wolf Faunas: W-W-W-What the hell? 
He said in fear. 

The wolf faunas turned around and saw a man in blue robes with blue eyes. 

Hades: Die. 


Before the wolf faunas could do anything, Hades slashed at him with his sword. The wolf faunas fell to the ground as he held his bleeding chest in hand. 

White Fang Member 2: NO! 
He yelled as he shot at Hades. 

Hades blocked all the gunshots with his swords as the white fang member ran out of ammo. 

White Fang Member 2: WHY! 
He yelled as he shot at Hades. 

Hades quickly dodged the gunshot as he stabbed the man in the chest with no hesitation. 

Hades: Because you humans killed a mother. 
He said as he ripped out his swords. 

The white fang member fell to the ground.

White Fang Member 3: NO! 
She yelled as she threw her spear at him. 

However Hades caught the spear and threw it at back at her. The white fang member grabbed her spear and charged at Hades. She thrusted her spear at Hades but he grabs it and breaks it in half. The white fang member growled as she grabbed a pair of twin daggers and swings them at him. However Hades kicked her leg, making her go to a knee but thrusting her broken spear into her chest. The white fang member gasped as she falls onto the ground, blood pouring out of her body as Hades stood there. 

Hades: How pathetic. 
He said as he turned around, walking out of the area. 

However before he walked out of the area, he heard a small whimper. 

Hades: What the? 
He asked, alarm as he walks to the source of the voice. 

Hades walks into a dark room with blood splattered all over the walls. He continues walking until he sees two young girls tied. Their clothes all raggedy and dirty. He kneels in front of them as they all looked at him. 

Girls: H-H-help us.
They weakly told me. 

Hades cuts the chains holding them up. Hades grabs the girls before walking out of the warehouse. Walking back to his home. It doesn't take long for him to get back to his house as he placed the two on the couch and pulling a blanket over them. Hades pulls up a chair and sits in it, awaiting the two young girls to recover. 

Time-skip ??? POV 

I felt my body numb as I slowly opened my eyes. To only see a bright light. I shielded my eyes as I waited to adjust to the area. I opened my eyes again and then I saw the same man earlier. 

I backed up in fear as I saw his eyes on me. 

???: Don't worry, I'm not going to hurt you.
He told me. 

"W-W-Who are you?" 

???: My name is Hades. Who are you two little girl? 
He asked. 

"M-My names Amanda." 

Hades: What about her? 
He asked pointing to the girl near me. 

???: My name is Amelia. 

Hades: Why were you all in the white fang base? 

"I-I-I don' t know. All I remember was being chained up in a dark room while being tortured." 
I said as I struggled to prevent tears from forming. 

Hades: No need to cry little one. You're safe here. 
He told us. 

"W-What are you going to do with us?" 

Hades: I'm going to train you both. 

Somewhere Else 

In a different land, there was a monster that ruled the land in peace. This monster was on top of a castle looking at his kingdom as he smiled. Seeing all of his people living like they were supposed to. None of them being beaten, no screams of torture, and no innocent monsters being killed by the humans they once lived with. However this monster had plans for them. This was no other than Demon Godzilla, the king of the monsters. 

???: papa? 

Behind the monster was little girl, she had pink hair and her eyes were red, on top of her head were two white cat ears but weren't actual cat ears. 

Demon Godzilla: Aya. What did I tell you about you waking up this late. 
He said to his first born. 

Aya: I'm sorry papa but I didn't see you inside so I was looking for you. 
She answered. 

Demon Godzilla: Aya. I never left. I was just outside looking at my kingdom. 

Aya joins him outside as she looks down and sees their kingdom. 

Aya: Wow. It's so huge! 

Demon Godzilla: Indeed it is my child. This is our home, where every monster can live peacefully. 

Aya: Papa. Can I ask you something? 

Demon Godzilla: What is it dear? 

Aya: Why don't I look like you or the other monsters? 
She asked. 

Her father smiled hearing the question from her. 

Demon Godzilla: Aya. You're a special monster. 

Aya: I am? 

Demon Godzilla: Indeed. You may know that I'm king. 

Aya nods her head as she looks at him. 

Demon Godzilla: Well, when you grow older. It will be your turn to reign over our kingdom as queen. 

Aya's eyes widne as she looks at him. 

Aya: R-Really? 

Demon Godzilla: Yes. 

Aya: I can't wait! I can't wait! I can't wait! 
She yells as she jumps in excitement. 

Demon Godzilla chuckles at his daughter as she jumps in excitement. 

Demon Godzilla: Now. Now. You have to be patient my child but right now it's time for you to sleep. 
He said to her. 

Aya: Okay. Good night papa. 
She said before going back inside the castle, leaving her father as he looks over his kingdom. 

Demon Godzilla: I'm hope you're better where you're at Maria. 

Here is chapter 2 of The Soldier's Renegades! Hope you all enjoyed this chapter! What do you all think so far? 

What do you all think so should happen next? 

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