Prologue: Hades

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Third Person POV 

The kingdom of Vale. One of the four kingdoms of Remnant. One of the four. Atlas. Vacuo. Mistral. Then there's Vale, a peaceful kingdom with faunas and human alike. Faunas, a species with animal like features such as tails or ears. However...

What if there was another species? 

A species that is hated by both. 

While these species were hated by both the humans and the faunas, many have tried to live along side them. 

However what happens when a family was taken by them? 

In the outskirts of Vale, there was a small village. A small village that was burning to the ground as the screams of children and women ringed throughout the area. As the screams ringed throughout the area, white fang members flooded into the village as a man in blue robes held two swords in his hands. The man walked down the streets and killed the white fang members left and right as he saw many dead children on the ground.

???: Why. 
He said to himself. 

???: Why must they must be slaughtered like animals. 
He said as he looked at the innocent children on the ground. 

???: HADES! 
He heard someone call his name. 

The man now known as Hades turned to a see man with grey hair holding a sword in hand. 

Hades: Why are you here? You're suppose to be at the house. Godzilla. 
He said. 

Godzilla: Go to Marie, I'll take care of the humans. 
He said with anger in his voice. 

Not wanting to waste anymore time, Hades rushed to the house as he slashed more white fang members. 

Hades's POV 

I ran through the burning village as I heard the screams of the innocent villagers. Seeing how they killed us with no mercy. None of the humans helping us but leaving us for dead. 

"Such despicable creatures." 

I continued to run to the house and I saw the front door burst down. 

I said, hoping for the best. 

I yelled as I ran into the house. 

I ran into the house and searched the kitchen to only see a trail of blood. 

"Oh dear god." 
I said as I followed the blood. 

I yelled as I followed the blood. 


I suddenly felt the area shake and looked outside to see more fire but him standing in the village. I ignored it as I ran through the house to search for Marie. 

I followed the trail of blood and went up the stairs until I saw the horror in front of me. I saw her laying against the wall as a white fang member pointed his gun at her.


The white fang member fell to the ground as I saw Marie looking at me. 

Marie: H-Hades. 
She said weakly. 

"Shh. Just rest." 
I said as I pulled a pack of bandages to wrap her up. 

I wrapped up her wounds as I felt her blood running down my arms.

Marie: H-H-h

"Don't talk. You rest." 
I told her once again. 

Third Person POV 

Hades tried his best to help Marie but it wasn't working as Marie lost more blood. 

Marie: H-Hades....
She said weakly. 

Hades doesn't listen as he continues to try and try again until he hears footsteps running up the stairs. 

Godzilla: Marie!? 
He gasped as he runs to her. 

Marie: D-Dear. 
She weakly said as he took her hand into his. 

Godzilla: Just hold on. 
He said as Hades continues to attempt to heal her. 

Marie: D-D-Dear. 
She said as she held his hand. 

Godzilla: M-M-Marie. 
He said with tears rolling down his cheeks. 

Marie: P-P-P-P-Please. T-T-T-Take C-C-C-C-Care of them. Chloe............A...........ya. 
She said before closing her eyes. 

Hades closed his eyes and looked away in sorrow, seeing his friend die in front of him. 

Hades: I'm sorry. 
He said to her and her husband. 

???: D-D-Dad? 

Godzilla slowly turns around and sees his daughters. 

Godzilla doesn't say anything as he hugs his daughters. 

???: W-W-Where's mom? 
One of them ask. 

Godzilla: M-M-M-Mommy is going to be gone for a while. 
He said, trying to hold his tears in. 

???: W-Where did she go? 

Godzilla: M-M-Mommy w-will be back. 
He lied before taking them out of the house while Hades stood there in front of her body. 

Hades: I'm sorry Marie. 
He said with sorrow. 

Hades: I should have been there. 
He said as he uses his power and absorbs her soul into his body before leaving the house. 

???: Daddy. Where are we going to go? 
One of them asked. 

Godzilla: Somewhere far away from here Aya. 
He answered as he looked at Hades. 

Hades raised his arm and a portal formed in front of them while a group of the remaining monsters in the village stood in front of them. 

Godzilla: Everyone of you go through. We're leaving this place! 
He told them. 

The others nodded and walked through as he held his daughters close. Godzilla slowly turned to Hades and looks at him. 

Godzilla: Come with us. 
He said. 

Godzilla: Come with us. Let's leave this place together. 
He said to him. 

Hades: I can't old friend. 
He said. 

Godzilla: Why not? 
He asked. 

Hades: I can't leave those behind that wish to come as well. 
He answered. 

Godzilla: I understand. 
He said as he walks towards the portal. 

Godzilla: Let's go to our new home Chloe. Aya. 
He said before walking through the portal as Hades closed the portal, staying there. 

Hades: I hope for the best old friend. 
He said as he turned his head and raised his hand in the air, trying to find something. 

Hades: Where are you. 
He said as he started using his semblance. 

As he used his hand to scan the area, a blue aura came off of his arm. 

Hades: Got you. 
He said as he starts walking towards the direction as the blue aura takes him. 

Hades: I'm coming to end you all. 
He said as he thought of one group. 

The white fang. 

Here is the prologue of The Soldier's Renegades! Hope you all enjoyed this chapter! What do you all think so far? 

What do you all think should happen next? 

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