11 - Ride Home*

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The weather had gotten a little chilly while they sat inside the restaurant and talked.  Walking to the car, Gideon wrapped her arms around herself to keep her warmth close.  Sanada noticed and placed his suit jacket around her before she could say anything.  

"Oh no, I'm fine Mr. Sanada!"  She went to take it off, but he stopped her.  Again she knew there was no point in arguing so she just kept it on. "Thank you sir."  

"You know Gideon, you don't have to be so formal all the time."   She didn't respond to him.  

Arriving at the car the driver again held the door for them as she entered first.  She carefully removed his suit jacket and handed it to him.  The driver got in and and turned for directions, Gideon provided them and off they went.  The ride to her place was fairly quiet and they arrived rather quickly.  The car pulled up to the outside of the building as Mr. Sanada exited for her to get out.   She bowed and thanked him for taking her home. 

"Oh, Ms. Okada?"

"Yes, Sir?"

"Wear jeans tomorrow, I'm taking you on a motorcycle ride to the various properties."

"Understood, thank you again.  Have a good evening Sir."  Gideon bowed again and walked inside her building. Gideon couldn't reach her apartment fast enough.  She had to talk to Kenji, stat!  Once inside, she called him.


"Kenji? are you at home?"

"No, I'm just leaving work, where are you?"

"Home, you have got to stop by here!"

"Ohhhh, I'm on my way!"

Gideon changed out of her dress and into her pj's and went to the kitchen to make popcorn.  She tidied up and set clothes out for tomorrow.  With the popcorn finished, she placed it into a large bowl just as Kenji knocked on the door.  She dashed over to it swinging it open and startling her friend in the process.

"Get in here!"  Gideon grabbed his hand and pulled him into the apartment so fast he stumbled and almost fell against her.  She dragged him into the bedroom where they both plopped onto the bed.  Setting the bowl of popcorn in between them, she couldn't help but munch on it.

"What the hell happened today?  Everyone is talking about you two!"

"What?  Talking about us?  There is no us to talk about."

"What happened to you, you never came back from lunch!"  

"Well, oh God Kenji...I'm really trying to not to fall for Sanada but he's making it sooo hard!"

"Shit Gi!  What happened?"

"Ok, what I tell you does not leave this apartment, understand?"

"Promise.  But first, what the fuck was up with the press conference?  That was total bullshit, Aya shouldn't have done that to you!  Everyone was watching it on their computers."

"Oh god, I don't even want to talk about that.  I don't think Sanada was happy about it."

"Well, you owned it like a boss so..."

"So remember when he called me into his office?"

"Yeah, we all thought you were getting fired!"

"No, he called me out on the date thing!"

"No shit!!"

"I know!  When I called you, I had just walked in the door!"

"You were gone that long?!"

"Yes!  So he asked me where I was taking him so I said Irezumi House, we get there and are walking down the alleyway and guess who's sitting outside?"

"Oh... please don't say it."

"Tomo and Sinichi!  But get this.  Tomo walks towards me and Sanada moved in front of me, like he was blocking Tomo from getting to me."

"What?  You're not his Mate!" 

"I know!  Then stupid, loud mouth Tomo was like "Oh is this your Mate?"  Gideon fell backwards on the bed in pretend shock.

"Oh my God!!"  Kenji couldn't help but scream like a girl.

"I about died Kenji!  Died right there in the alley. Not only did Tomo ask that, but uncle Sabe did too!!"

"I knew it!! I knew it!!  Gigi, baby girl.  I think Mr. Sanada has the hots for you!"

"Oh please!  Don't start with that crap!"

"I'm serious Gigi!!  He's never acted the way he is around anyone but you!  Today was the first day any of us have heard him laugh.  Ever!"

"Are you serious?"


"There's more Kenji..."

"Well Shit! Spill it bitch!"

"So we sat and talked for like hours.  He asked me if I meant to flirt with him that day at my dad's office and I told him yes.  I don't know why, I just got so comfortable around him."


"What?"  Gideon was whinny.

"What if Sanada is your Mate?"

"Oh please, not you to Kenji!"

"Hey, I'm serious Gi.."

"So am I!"

"Maybe you should unmask your scent so he can tell."

"No!  That my friend is NOT happening."

"Why not?"

"Because I don't want him to know I'm an Omega!  Hell, he thinks I'm an Alpha."

"Alpha?  Who told him that?" 

"Uh... I kinda cursed out the Americans today in the meeting."


"Well, they tried that intimidating Alpha crap and I wasn't putting up with it.  You know how I am with that!"

"But if he's your Mate Gi..."

"He's also my boss Kenji.  I just don't want him to know I'm an Omega, at least not right now."  

"Fine, I understand Gigi, but I think he really, really likes you.  Maybe there's a reason you two kept running into each other that day."

"I don't know."

"So what is he having you do tomorrow?"  

Gideon started to blush and grabbed a pillow.  "We're going riding, he's going to show me the other properties."  Gideon hide her face into the pillow.

"Ohhhh, Gigi baby!  He has the hots for you!"

"Great...You know, it would be funny if we were Mates.  Aya would die!"

They both laughed.  The two talked for another hour and hugged as Kenji left.   She heard her phone ringing in the bedroom and rushed to answer it.  It was her dad.

"Hi dad."

"Hey Gigi,  I saw your press conference, how'd the day go?"

"What?  Has everyone in Tokyo seen that stupid conference!?  Dad, today was crazy.  Bananas crazy!"

"Well before you explain, Sabe wants to have dinner tomorrow."

"Oh God...Did he tell you we stopped by there for lunch?"

"Oh yeah!"

"Ugghh..."  Gideon's dad was too busy laughing to feel sorry for her.  "Talk about embarrassing, I don't embarrass easily but today took the cake dad."

"Well, how did the meeting go?"

"Even worse.  Two of the guys had the nerve to Alpha out on me in the meeting!"

"What did Sanada do."

"Oh don't get me started on that!  He let me conduct the meeting.  So I did.  Same with the press conference.  It was one of those 'sink or swim' type days."

"I see, well you kicked ass at the press conference."

"Thanks.  He apologized later for that.  I told him not let it happen again."

"Oh really?"

"Yeah.  Hey dad?"

"Yeah Gi?"

"Sanada did something weird today."

"Weird like what?"

"So I was leading him to the restaurant and Tomo and Sinichi were sitting outside of it, Tomo walk towards me and Sanada moved in front of me, blocking him."


"Really Really."

"Hmm, that is weird.  Did you ask him about it?"

"Yeah, he said it was instinct."

"He said what?"

"He said it was instinct."

"Does he know you're a Wolf?"

"Yeah, thanks to Tomo and uncle Sabe!"

"What did they do?"

"I thought you said you talked to uncle Sabe?"

"I did about getting together for dinner tomorrow!  He just said you two had lunch there."

"Oh geeze.  They both asked if Sanada was my Mate!"

Mr. Okada burst out laughing.

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