14 - Hump Day*

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Gideon was up at the crack of dawn, as usual. Today, she would fix breakfast for herself to take to work. Opening the fridge, she noticed that some of the raw vegetables were getting ripe. Not wanting to let the food go to waste, she would cook all of it for breakfast.  She texted her friends in a group text.

Rat Pack: Hey! I'm fixing breakfast for all of us! Get to work early and meet in the break room.

Rat Pack: YAY!!

Breakfast was quick, simple, but delicious. She realized she'd made way too much for just the 4 of them. Rei and Keiko were human, so they wouldn't eat that much. Kenji, being an Alpha, would eat as much as all of them, so he had his own large container. Not wanting to waste any of it, she made a bento box for Sanada; it had 3 levels, all packed full. Noticing the time, she went to get ready for work. Coming out of the bathroom, her phone was vibrating on the kitchen island next to the tote bag. It was Kenji.

"Hey Kenji."

"You didn't call me last night, darling!"

"Sorry hon, I got home late."

"Oh, I'm picking you up today, be there in 5." *click*

Gideon quickly made sure she had everything along with napkins and chopsticks. She packed the breakfast containers in a tote bag and made her way to the entry doors to wait for Kenji. She dressed a little relaxed today.   A denim button-up shirt with beige twill skirt and boots.

Kenji was already waiting when she got to the doors.   Entering the car, the questions started.


"Oh my God Kenji! He ended up having dinner with the fam."

"No Shit!! How'd that happen?"

"So we rode most of the day. He took me to Hideki tower and then to this beautiful park, oh God it was so lovely!"



"Did you tell him what you are?"

"No, why do you keep asking me that? He did ask why he couldn't detect my scent at breakfast."

"Breakfast? He took you to breakfast also?  What did you tell him about your scent?"

"I told him I didn't want him to. He let it go. Why do you keep bringing it up Kenji? And yes, he took me to breakfast first."

"Because I seriously think he could be your Mate!"

Gideon didn't respond. Masking her scent also masked her ability to detect a mate. It was part of the tradeoff to keeping herself safe. "You know it's not safe for me to release my scent Kenji."

"I know Gi, I know. It's just... you two are so fucking perfect for each other!  He's never warmed up to anyone like he has with you. The entire office has noticed.  For Christ's sake Gigi... he spent the entire day with you, pretty much alone." 

Gideon looked at him and smiled.  "I know.  I am getting way to comfortable with him. I think I need to be careful around him."

"Comfortable how?"

"Last night, I accidentally laid my head on his shoulder while everyone was sitting around talking. Earlier he also asked me about my mom."

"Really? What did you tell him?"

"Pretty much everything, till I caught myself."

"Wow. Wait, you laid your head on his shoulder!? You two are Mates Gigi!"

"Fuck...things would be so much easier if I were an Alpha."

"Eh, but your way better than an Alpha Gigi-kins."

"Thanks Kenji-kun. I love you."

"Love you to Gideon. Now! Lets get to work and eat! I'm starving!" The two friends laughed as they made it to work.  Swiping badges to get into the lobby and taking the elevator up to the their floor,  Rei and Keiko were already in the break room, waiting.  Kenji and Gideon wasted no time in getting back there where the food boxes were handed out; Kenji getting the biggest. She set hers down and pulled out the one for Sanada.

"Who's that for?" Rei was quick to notice.

"Mr. Sanada."


Keiko and Rei broke into a million pieces of excitement and screams as they were the first ones in the office to ship Gideon with the boss.  It was finally happening.

"Ohh knock it off! I made too much and don't want to waste it."

"Yeah right..." Kenji was being his awesomely sarcastic self.

"I'll be right back. Goofballs!"

Gideon made her way to Sanada's office. His door was opened but he was talking to a senior member. She quietly waited outside the office, the large bento box hidden behind her back. As the senior member exited, Gideon bowed to him and knocked on the door. Sanada saw her and smiled. She entered as he started to stand but she stopped him.

"No, don't. I made you breakfast, you need to eat something." She placed the large bento box on his desk. He was pleasantly shocked and happy.

"You're spoiling me, Ms. Okada."

"Or just feeding you, Mr. Sanada." Gideon smiled and turned to leave his office.

"Ms. Okada?"

"Yes sir?"

"Stop by my office at 9."

Gideon smiled and returned to the break room, joining her friends. The four enjoyed their breakfast as others stopped by, curious to what they were eating.

"Who fixed you guys breakfast?" One of the male employees asked as he looked at the four of them with envy all over his face.

The three all pointed to Gideon, who gave a cheeky smile.

"I want breakfast too!"  More people were coming into the break room, whining for food. Another employee suddenly rushed into the break room. "Hey! Someone fixed Sa-". The employee stopped mid-sentence seeing the group eating the same thing. "Which one of you fixed Sanada-san breakfast?" Again they all pointed at Gideon.  Most gasped while others started to chatter about their possible relationship.

"Don't any of you cook?" Gideon was surprised at the chaos her food was causing. Everyone laughed.   After breakfast was over, Gideon quickly washed the containers and put them in her bag. It was almost 9, so she made her way back to her office to drop the tote bag off inside the door and headed to Sanada's office. His door was shut, so she knocked. 

"Come in."

As she entered, Aya hurried past her. Gideon didn't think much of it as she entered and stood in front of Sanada's desk. She could tell that whatever happened between him and Aya, didn't go well.

"I sent you an email that I need you to read." Sanada wasn't looking at her which she thought was odd. She waited for a few seconds and turned to leave.

"Your containers are on your chair. Thank you again."

"Yes Sir." Gideon left and closed the door behind her.  Getting to her office, she placed the containers in the bag and opened her email. Everyone had flooded her inbox again with more dessert requests and documents to translate. She quickly scanned for the email from Sanada. Finding it, she opened it.

He wanted her to coordinate first class travel arrangements to Seoul for the two of them. The trip would last for a week to look at various properties for potential purchase. He requested a private 2 bedroom hotel suite near local restaurants. Also on the list of requirements was a car and driver for the week that could be available on short notice. Knowing how things change, she found a rental agency that offered personal rentals. Him requesting a car with a driver surprised her as Sanada didn't seem the type to rely on someone else for getting around. With everything set and the confirmations printed out with airline tickets, she returned to Sanada's office. This time his door was open, but she still knocked.

"Come in and shut the door."

Closing the door, she approached his desk.

"Everything is in order Mr. Sanada." He still didn't look up from his desk as he studied a pile of documents.

"We're alone Gideon, you can call me Toru." He finally looked up. Her expression was cold while her eyes held his gaze. "What time does our flight leave?"

"This evening at 6pm."

"Do you have much to do today?"

"Translate docume-" They were interrupted by a knock at the door.

"Come in."

Gideon stepped to the side, out of the view to the door as it opened. It was Aya. The two ladies gave each other quick glances.

"Ms. Okada, Ms Kaiba has set up another press conference in the next hour. It seems you caused a bit of a stir during the last one. The press wants to get to know you better." Sanada leaned back in his chair, arms folding across his chest, he looked to Gideon for a reaction.  Gideon was no longer paying him any attention as she saw Aya look over at her. She could smell the contempt radiating from her.  Gideon looked her straight in the eyes.

"No." Gideon was abrupt with her answer.

"No? But we already set the conference!" Aya was looking towards Sanada to back her up on the last minute press conference.

"We? Or you? You should have asked me first and I could have saved you time by telling you 'No' then as well. You, Ms. Kaiba, will have to cancel it."

"But Mr. Sanada! She can'-" Gideon cut her off. She was over and done being patient with her. She moved towards the woman, who suddenly became uneasy but didn't move. Gideon stared her down.

"Ms. Kaiba this is the second time you've jumped the gun with a pointless press conference. Any future dealings with the press concerning me will not happen.  Am I clear?" Gideon was furious, not only with her, but with Sanada as well for allowing this to happen again.   Aya remained silent.

"I said, am I clear?"

"Y-y-yes Ms. Okada." Aya was fidgeting to leave, but Gideon wasn't done with her and wanted to make sure she got her point across.

"I'm not sure what issue you seem to have with me Ms. Kaiba, but it ends today!" Aya wasn't about to be embarrassed in front of Sanada. She tried to intimidate Gideon with her Alpha status by flashing her red eyes at her. Gideon was in her face now, Sanada finally took action by standing up, thinking that would stop things.

"And don't pull your Alpha rank with me either. I am not the one to try that with. Understand?"

"Aya, leave now." Mr. Sanada finally spoke as Gideon continued to glare at the woman. Aya hurried out of the office while Gideon turned her focus towards Sanada now.

"Now you say something? I don't know what's going on with you two, but leave me out of it. The next time I have to deal with her bullshit, I will not be professional about it." Gideon turned to leave when Sanada quickly moved around his desk and grabbed her arm.  She whipped around and glared at him, the brief flash of red from her eyes was enough to make him take notice.  Yanking her arm away from him, she stomped towards the door.


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